New Resources Coming soon!
PFR resources have been designed to ensure good quality teaching is not compromised by printing restrictions or buffering videos. Lessons that include worksheets have been created for teachers to print at least two copies to an A4 sheet.
New Resources Coming soon!
PFR resources have been designed to ensure good quality teaching is not compromised by printing restrictions or buffering videos. Lessons that include worksheets have been created for teachers to print at least two copies to an A4 sheet.
To use a light microscope to observe, draw and label a selection of plant and animal cells.
AQA spec link:
Relevant chapter: B1 Cells and organisation. AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 4-5
In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the apparatus and techniques requirements.
Biology AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record length and area.
Biology AT 7 – use a microscope to make observations of biological specimens and produce labelled scientific drawings
Unit 2-Practical scientific procedures and techniques
Learning aim D: Review personal development of scientific skills for laboratory work.
How did i teach this?
This assignment allows students to review the skills they attained in this unit. It also reiterates the importance of H&S as well as professional practice. Before setting the assignment i first taught three lessons covering the content in Pearson BTEC national-Applied science-Student book 1.
Due to the complexity of this assignment i provided my students with a template which covered the P/M/D criteria (please see attached). This prevented students from going off on a tangent and also ensured they had mentioned the key skills for both assignment B and C. I’ve also attached a specification and the assignment brief to tie it altogether nicely. Hope it helps you with marking also!
Making the most of photosynthesis lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability class and HIGHER TIER ONLY students. You will require access to computers/tablets for this lesson as it is heavily research based.
You may decide to set this part of the spec as homework although my students thoroughly enjoyed designing the most affordable greenhouse. * NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. Enjoy this lesson for free as a token of appreciation for all the hard work you've done this term :)
AQA spec link:
Relevant chapter: B8 Photosynthesis. AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 128-129
Students are required to know the following;
Limiting factors are important in the economics of enhancing the conditions in greenhouses to gain the maximum rate of photosynthesis whilst still maintaining profit.
Six mark question on mitosis and meiosis. Compliments the B12.2 lesson on cell division in sexual reproduction. Please feel free to check out my other resources :)
Updated 13/7/20-This resource has been updated since the last review and now includes more questions as well as a separate MS
I’ve uploaded a set of past paper questions for the Hormones and menstrual cycle topic (B11.6). I’ve also included the mark scheme, which has been edited so.
Setting time for past paper questions every few lessons are an excellent AFL technique, can be used as a review task that students can self/peer assess. This is a complimentary resource, if you wish to purchase i have also designed a lesson for this topic simply search ’ AQA new specification-Hormones and the menstrual cycle-B11.6’
Measure the population size of a common species in a habitat. Use sampling techniques to investigate the effect of a factor on the distribution of this species. This lesson was conducted outdoors hence why a powerpoint was not created.
This investigation has two parts:
Investigating the population size of a plant species using random sampling
Investigating the effect of a factor on plant distribution using a transect line.
AQA spec link:
Relevant chapter: B16 Adaptations, interdependence and competition. AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 262-263
In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the apparatus and techniques requirements.
AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record length and area.
AT 3 – use transect lines and quadrats to measure distribution of a species.
AT 4 – safe and ethical use of organisms and response to a factor in the environment.
AT 6 – application of appropriate sampling techniques to investigate the distribution and abundance of
organisms in an ecosystem via direct use in the field.
AT 8 – use of appropriate techniques in more complex contexts including continuous sampling in an
Complete lesson on microscopes, suitable for a high ability KS3 class. Suitable to use as part of the ‘Activate’ schemes of work. Resources can be adjusted to meet the needs of your class. Enjoy this lesson for free!
For further enquiries please email
Also available via instagram: Paperfriendlyresourcesuk
If you have the opportunity this is an excellent practical to do with your KS4 separate sciences classes. It is not required but WS skills can be learnt from this activity.
I adapted this worksheet after stubbling across a version on the net, I have tried to make it as student friendly as possible and also shared with you an image of the complete dissection done by some of my talented Y11 students.
Credit to: if you’d like the original version.
This is one of my all time favourite lessons to teach, i’ve had great feedback from my students and would love to inspire more it’s free for that reason alone.
Heart dissection lesson in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, embedded video’s and mini review. NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. This is NOT a required practical lesson. This is well worth doing with a separate science group. You may decide to do this practical before theory i’ve taught the theory in a previous lesson.
AQA spec link:
Relevant chapter: B4 Organising animals and plants. AQA Biology combined edition textbook-Page 54-55
Students are required to know the following;
Students should know the structure and functioning of the human heart and lungs, including how lungs are adapted for gaseous exchange. The heart is an organ that pumps blood around the body in a double circulatory system. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs where gas exchange takes place. The left ventricle pumps blood around the rest of the body. Knowledge of the blood vessels associated with the heart is limited to the aorta, vena cava, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein and coronary arteries. Knowledge of the names of the heart valves is not required.
This resource has been uploaded for free to celebrate the two year anniversary of paperfriendlyresources. Thank you for your continuous support and positive feedback!
Air pollution lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability trilogy class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability.Please note this lesson requires computing devices as the main activity requires students to undertake research.
This lesson Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, peer-assessment, mark scheme, embedded video’s and mini review. It also provides students the opportunity to work in groups.
***Paper friendly tips: Print the marking sheets as one A4 page-double sided. Alternatively you can email the marking sheets to students to complete on laptops/desktops.
NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. *
AQA spec link:
Relevant chapter: B17 Biodiversity and ecosystems. AQA Biology combined science trilogy edition textbook-Page 236-237
Students are required to know the following;
Pollution can occur:
• in air, from smoke and gases such as sulfur dioxide, which contributes to acid rain.
This worksheet requires students to complete an unlabelled diagram using the AQA biology textbook (Page 188-189). This worksheet supports the lesson created on dialysis. *Top tip-to save printing print 2 of these pages to 1 A4 *
AQA spec link: 5.3.3 People who suffer from kidney failure may be treated by using kidney dialysis. Students should know the basic principles of the operation of a dialysis machine.
This resource has been uploaded for free to celebrate the two year anniversary of paperfriendlyresources. Thank you for your continuous support and positive feedback!
Land and water pollution lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability trilogy class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Students are expected to demonstrate their graph skills this lesson as well as interpret data.
This lesson Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, homeworks with mark scheme and embedded video’s and mini review.
***Paper friendly tips: Print two homework sheets to one page to save paper. It is not necessary to print slide 7, unless required.
NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. *
AQA spec link:
Relevant chapter: B17 Biodiversity and ecosystems. AQA Biology combined science Trilogy textbook-Page 234-235
Students are required to know the following;
Pollution can occur:
• in water, from sewage, fertiliser, or toxic chemicals
• on land, from landfill and from toxic chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides, which may be washed from land into water.
Pollution kills plants and animals which can reduce biodiversity.
Complete lesson on Muscles , suitable for a mixed ability KS3 class. Suitable to use as part of the ‘Activate’ schemes of work. Resources can be adjusted to meet the needs of your class.
Enjoy for FREE
For further enquiries please email
Also available via instagram: Paperfriendlyresourcesuk
This resource has been uploaded for free to celebrate the two year anniversary of paperfriendlyresources. Thank you for your continuous support and positive feedback!
Land and water pollution lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability. Students are expected to demonstrate their graph skills this lesson as well as interpret data.
This lesson Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, homeworks with mark scheme and embedded video’s and mini review.
***Paper friendly tips: Print two homework sheets to one page to save paper. It is not necessary to print slide 7, unless required.
NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. *
AQA spec link:
Relevant chapter: B18 Biodiversity and ecosystems. AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 288-289
Students are required to know the following;
Pollution can occur:
• in water, from sewage, fertiliser, or toxic chemicals
• on land, from landfill and from toxic chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides, which may be washed from land into water.
Pollution kills plants and animals which can reduce biodiversity.
To celebrate 100+ positive reviews I would like to share a great homework on the brain . This covers WS 1.5 in the AQA specification 'Evaluate the benefits and risks of procedures carried out on the brain and nervous system.
This resource has been uploaded for free to celebrate the two year anniversary of paperfriendlyresources. Thank you for your continuous support and positive feedback!
Air pollution lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1). Designed for a higher ability class, although content can be adjusted to suit any ability.Please note this lesson requires computing devices as the main activity requires students to undertake research.
This lesson Includes powerpoint timers, slide animations, peer-assessment, mark scheme, embedded video’s and mini review. It also provides students the opportunity to work in groups.
***Paper friendly tips: Print the marking sheets as one A4 page-double sided. Alternatively you can email the marking sheets to students to complete on laptops/desktops.
NB: If you are unable to play embedded videos please view slide notes for link. *
AQA spec link:
Relevant chapter: B18 Biodiversity and ecosystems. AQA Biology third edition textbook-Page 290-291
Students are required to know the following;
Pollution can occur:
• in air, from smoke and gases such as sulfur dioxide, which contributes to acid rain.
In this activity students will use an aseptic (sterile) technique and a small part of a cauliflower ‘flower’ to clone and create an entirely new plant.
Learning outcomes
After completing this practical, students should be able to:
• state why plant clones are genetically identical to each other
• explain how using tissue culture creates a clone of a plant
• explain why it is easier to clone a plant than an animal
• explain and carry out a practical accurately and safely in order to successfully clone a plant.
Specification references:
B1.1.4 Cell differentiation
B1.2.3 Stem cells
This worksheet requires students to complete unlabelled diagrams using the AQA Biology textbook (page 188-189). This resource has been created to support the lesson on dialysis (check it out).
*Top tip-print 2 copies to 1 A4 page to save printing*.
AQA spec link: 5.3.3 People who suffer from kidney failure may be treated by using kidney dialysis. Students should know the basic principles of the operation of a dialysis machine.