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ParlezVousFrancais - FRENCH resources

Average Rating4.75
(based on 438 reviews)

I'm a French native teacher who loves creating resources to boost students' progress. Most of my resources are ready to be used in your classroom. They also include answers to facilitate your life. Do not hesitate to have a look at the many free resources I have shared. In my shop, you can find reading and listening tasks that are scaffolded. Exam style questions. A variety of mats (knowledge organisers). Cultural references for A Level. Etc. J'espère pouvoir vous aider!




I'm a French native teacher who loves creating resources to boost students' progress. Most of my resources are ready to be used in your classroom. They also include answers to facilitate your life. Do not hesitate to have a look at the many free resources I have shared. In my shop, you can find reading and listening tasks that are scaffolded. Exam style questions. A variety of mats (knowledge organisers). Cultural references for A Level. Etc. J'espère pouvoir vous aider!
French A level Education (more than 12 lessons)

French A level Education (more than 12 lessons)

French A level – l’éducation – l’enseignement en France – le stress des examens – l’enseignement supérieur – de l’enseignement au boulot - French A level Edexcel lessons. This bundle is composed of more than twelve lessons with a variety of homework tasks. (l’école obligatoire dès 3 ans – les conseils de classe – Le brevet – le stress et le bac – le décrochage scolaire – les écoles publiques et privées – le port du voile à l’école – la suppression de l’ENA – les stages en 3ème). These lessons include listening and reading activities (authentic documents used). Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts (present subjunctive – conditional tense – prepositional verbs – demonstrative pronouns – adjectives – present participles). They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching. They come with answers and a PowerPoint to facilitate your life. Some of the reading/listening tasks used are also from this bundle as worksheets only : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12218287 Please note that the links for the listening activities can be found in the student’s booklet under the title of each lesson which includes a listening task. If you are using the PowerPoint, click on the “headphones” on the left handside and it will open the recording. If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (pvfrresources@gmail.com)
French A level Le monde du travail (more than 12 lessons)

French A level Le monde du travail (more than 12 lessons)

French A level – le monde du travail - L’équilibre travail-vie personnelle :  ça marche? - Les grèves et les Français, un droit national ? - L’égalité  homme-femme au travail : un mythe ou une réalité -   ?French A level Edexcel lessons. This bundle is composed of more than twelve lessons with a variety of homework tasks. (le télé-travail - les types de contrats - Pôle Emploi - Mai 68 - les gilets jaunes - les congés paternité - le handicap et le travail - Les CV) These lessons include listening and reading activities (authentic documents used). Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts, etc. They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching. They come with answers and a PowerPoint to facilitate your life. Some of the reading/listening tasks used are also from this bundle as worksheets only : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12270886 If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (pvfrresources@gmail.com)
festivals et traditions  French A level

festivals et traditions French A level

French A level resources which are aimed at French A level students working on the tradition and festival topic. Great worksheets for EDEXCEL for both reading and listening skills. La culture politique et artistique dans les pays francophones / Les festivals et les traditions / Les festivals, fêtes, coutumes et traditions. Authentic resources that have been scaffolded with pre-reading/listening tasks. Great for A04 and to help students get ready for the speaking exams (taking notes of cultural facts) They include exam style questions. Answers are provided to facilitate your life. They are ready-to-use resources which require minimum preparation. They include the following subtopics : la fête des voisins, les jours fériés, la fête de la musique, l’évolution de Noël, les crèches de Noël, le festival de Canne, la fête des mères, la fête des pères, le ramadan en France, Pâques, le premier mai, le festival d’hiver de Québec, la fête des citrons de Menton, etc. Do not hesitate to let me know what you think of them, I also have a Facebook page should you have any questions. Other themes are available in my shop.
La personne que j'admire French GCSE

La personne que j'admire French GCSE

La personne que j’admire - French GCSE / IGCSE worksheets - Module 1 Qui suis-je ? role models These 3 worksheets include a wide variety of activities to describe role models including exam style questions. Grammar : “opinion + le plus” Answers are provided. Key words: La personne que j’admire- French GCSE - French IGCSE - exam style questions - role models- Edexcel - AQA - Module 1 - qui suis-je? Please check this FREE resource to have a look at how the worksheets are built: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12783596
French IGCSE listening

French IGCSE listening

10 Resources
French GCSE/IGCSE listening questions. Practice. Listening revision. Excellent from independent learning. Home learning. Students have 8 different photos linked to a given topic. (10 topics available in this bundle) They will hear three different short recordings. (“question 1” - “question 2” - “question 3”). They need to tick boxes mentioning positive opinions. This is an exam style question - it will help students be more wary of “intruders” / “traps”. Audio - Transcript - Worksheet & ANSWERS are provided. Pictures are from royalty-free websites and therefore can be printed/photocopied. Key words: Me, my family and friends, Relationships with family and friends, Personal life and relationships, Identity and culture. Technology in everyday life, Identity and culture, The world around us, the media, television. Free-time activities, Identity and culture, Social activities, fitness and health, daily life, hobbies, interests, sports and exercise. food and drink / daily life / food and eating out / free time activities. Home, town, neighbourhood and region, Local area, Home and abroad. Life in the town and rural life. Town, region and country. Holidays preferences, destinations. what school is like / education and employment / school life / school routine / school activities.
French - iGCSE - gap fill activities - 11 texts (exam style questions)

French - iGCSE - gap fill activities - 11 texts (exam style questions)

Updated 03/05/2023 Free examplar here : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-igcse-gap-fill-exam-style-question-environnement-12104213 11 different activities to help iGCSE students practise the gap fill question (worth 10 marks) on a variety of topics. (most of them are from my READING BOOKLET + ANSWERS : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-gcse-reading-booklet-exam-style-questions-12102665) ANSWERS ARE PROVIDED with some important grammar rules that are reminded. I hope this helps.
French A Level - L'occupation et la résistance (+29 lessons)

French A Level - L'occupation et la résistance (+29 lessons)

3 Resources
French A level - L’Occupation et la Résistance (+29 lessons) Lessons on: La France Occupée La France sous l’Occupation et la collaboration L’antisémitisme et l’Occupation La vie sous l’Occupation et les représailles d’après-guerre Le régime de Vichy Le maréchal Pétain et le régime de Vichy La Révolution nationale La politique de Vichy et ses conséquences La Résistance La Résistance française L’importance de Jean-Moulin et des femmes dans la Résistance. Les Français libres et le général de Gaulle Free lesson (la rafle du Vel d’Hiv) to give you an idea of how I structure them : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12748946 These lessons include listening and reading activities (authentic documents used). Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts. They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching. They come with answers and a PowerPoint to facilitate your life. If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (pvfrresources@gmail.com)
French - A level - Festivals - mat (statistics - facts - questions) speaking exam

French - A level - Festivals - mat (statistics - facts - questions) speaking exam

I have made this mat for my Y12/Y13 classes which focuses on the “Festivals” topic. It includes the following sub topics : Les célébrations francophones Les festivals francophones Les coutumes et traditions en France Les coutumes du mondes francophone. A lot of facts, dates and statistics are provided for each sub-topic. (Facts highlighted in yellow => FRANCOPHONIE) Potential exam style questions are also available (speaking). Sources are provided. I hope this helps.
French GCSE listening revision booklet

French GCSE listening revision booklet

20 Resources
French GCSE listening worksheet. Listening revision. Listening practice. These worksheets focus on a variety of GCSE topics. Each worksheet includes a variety of activities that are all scaffolded to lead towards an exam style question. Matching-up activity :vocabulary extracted from the listening transcript. This should be done before playing the listening. This will help your students brainstorm vocabulary and focus on key words they need to be wary of, whilst working on the listening recording. True false activity: sentences include synonyms of words from the transcript to help students focus on the meaning of the whole sentences. Complete sentences : iGCSE exam style question. This activity usually uses synonyms instead of words extracted from the transcript. Fill in the gaps - transcript : This could be given to weaker students to do the matching-up activity or used as a plenary. Answers are provided to make your life easier These worksheets are made for IGCSE classes but can easily be tweaked for AQA and EDEXCEL GCSE classes. Key words: Me, my family and friends, Relationships with family and friends, Personal life and relationships, Identity and culture. Technology in everyday life, Identity and culture, The world around us, the media, television. Free-time activities, Identity and culture, Social activities, fitness and health, daily life, hobbies, interests, sports and exercise. food and drink / daily life / food and eating out / free time activities. Customs and festivals, Cultural life, Special occasions. Home, town, neighbourhood and region, Local area, Home and abroad. Life in the town and rural life. Town, region and country. global issues, environment, environmental issues, being green, international and global dimension. home and abroad, travel and tourism, holiday and travel. Holidays preferences, destinations. what school is like / education and employment / school life / school routine / school activities.
French - GCSE - writing - environment - environnement (150 word model answer - complex structures)

French - GCSE - writing - environment - environnement (150 word model answer - complex structures)

BUNDLE available here (+10 long writing model answers) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-gcse-igcse-long-writing-revision-grade-9-model-answers-10-topics-12219357 Worksheet to help my GCSE students write 150 words on four given bullet points using complex structures (extracted from the model answer). ANSWERS ARE PROVIDED MAT on ENVIRONMENT https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-mat-environment-ks4-igcse-gcse-11940826
French IGCSE listening practice

French IGCSE listening practice

7 Resources
French IGCSE listening practice questions on the topics of holidays, routine & chores, food, home and house, leisure, media and school. Great for FrenchI GCSE listening revisions. 49 listening excercises in this bundle to help your students get ready for their listening exam. Each worksheet includes pre-listening tasks which include key vocabulary that will be used in the recordings. Each recording comes with a transcript and answers. Ideal for self-assessment, independent work. Great for home learning. The transcript could also be used for further activities (vocabulary search, gap fills, looking for mistakes, looking for synonyms, reordering sentences, etc.) The 7 different exam style questions mirror the IGCSE French Edexcel listening papers. They can easily be adapted for AQA & EDEXCEL. (listening for detail / listening for opinions / taking notes / multiple answer questions / gap fill activities / taking notes (pros & cons) I hope this helps. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me on my Facebook page should you have any questions / comments. Revision, practice, home learning, independent learning, cover work, homework, lessons.
Les changements dans les structures familiales (more than 15 lessons) French A level

Les changements dans les structures familiales (more than 15 lessons) French A level

French A level - les relations en famille , l’institution du mariage, l’évolution de la structure familiale en France - French A level Edexcel lessons. This bundle is composed of more than fifteen lessons with a variety of homework tasks. (les relations dans la famille, les mariages, les divorces, le mariage pour tous, la PMA, la GPA, etc.) Revision lessons are also included in this bundle. These lessons include listening and reading activities (authentic documents used). Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts (reflexive verbs ; future tense). They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching. They come with answers and a PowerPoint to facilitate your life. Some of the reading/listening tasks used are also from this bundle as worksheets only : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12166331 If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (pvfrresources@gmail.com)
Monde du travail French A level

Monde du travail French A level

This bundle includes a variety of subtopics for the “Monde du travail / World of work" topic - French A level. (Edexcel - can be easily adapted for AQA) Subtopics included are: *Pole Emploi - le chômage en France (listening) Les lois pour le travail (reading) Les syndicats (reading) Les gilets jaunes (reading) Les gilets jaunes : un an après (listening) le grand débat - les gilets jaunes (listening) l’égalité rééelle 2014 (reading) la discrimination et le handicap (reading) la discriminiation au travail (reading) Mai 68 (reading & listening) le RSA (listening) The worksheets include a variety of activities from : vocabulary search / match-up / true or false / exam style questions These worksheet are also full of cultural references. Some of which are gathered in the speaking mat that is also available in this BUNDLE. The speaking mat also includes some potential speaking questions. ANSWERS ARE PROVIDED Do not hesitate to let me know what you think of it, I also have a Facebook page should you have any questions. Other themes are available in my shop.
French food lessons

French food lessons

French KS3 food lessons - la nourriture This bundle is composed of PowerPoints with **answers included** and lessons in a booklet. This is perfect to be used in class, for homework, for remote teaching or independent learning. Activities focus on the four skills : speaking ; listening ; speaking and writing. The main part of each lessons is usually a sentence builder where the main vocabulary is taught/revised/mastered. I will learn… to talk about food and drinks I have ; when I drink or eat something ; what I like to eat and to drink ; to talk about food and drinks with more details ; to conjugate manger and boire in the present tense ; when to use ‘SOME’ to talk about food items ; to talk about what I do not eat or drink ; what I would like to eat and drink This booklet also contains three listening activities with the soundtracks added. I hope you will find these lessons helpful. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions either my email (pvfrresources@gmail.com) or on Facebook. If you could leave a review here on TES, this would be greatly appreciated.
Immigration French A level

Immigration French A level

This bundle includes a variety of subtopics for the “Immigration" topic - A level. Subtopics included are : *aider les migrants (listening) *aider les migrants (reading) *raisons pour immigrer (reading) *origines des immigrés (reading) *origines des immigrés (listening) *impact de l’immigration (reading) *immigration et le football français (reading) *économie française (reading) *les droits des étrangers (reading) *le Bumidom (listening) *le chômage et les immigrés (listening) The worksheets include a variety of activities from : vocabulary search / match-up / match-up with synonyms / true or false / exam style questions These worksheet are also full of cultural references. Some of which are gathered in the speaking mat that is also available in this BUNDLE. The speaking mat also includes some potential speaking questions ANSWERS ARE PROVIDED Do not hesitate to let me know what you think of it, I also have a Facebook page should you have any questions. Other themes are available in my shop.
Front National French A Level

Front National French A Level

7 Resources
This bundle includes a variety of subtopics for the “Front Naitonal" topic - A level. Subtopics included are : *Jean Marie Le Pen (listening) *2002 et le FN (reading) *Creation du FN (listening) *Evolution du FN (listening) *Opinions des Français (reading) *Le Rassemblement National (reading) The worksheets include a variety of activities from : vocabulary search / match-up / true or false / exam style questions These worksheet are also full of cultural references. Some of which are gathered in the speaking mat that is also available in this BUNDLE. The speaking mat also includes some potential speaking questions ANSWERS ARE PROVIDED Do not hesitate to let me know what you think of it, I also have a Facebook page should you have any questions. Other themes are available in my shop.
La Haine lessons (full unit)

La Haine lessons (full unit)

This booklet for La Haine is perfect to teach it to A Level students, use a revision or as homework. Most answers are provided which makes it easy to use. It includes: Scence analyses Character analyses Camera shots analyses Exam style questions and a model answer Key grammatical structures to master to do well in the essays. Targetted translations. The following lessons are included: C’est quoi une banlieue ? Makomé M’Bowole, l’affiche du film et l’histoire du film Mathieu Kassovitz, La Haine et la Nouvelle Vague La scène d’ouverture Burnin’ and Lootin’ Le journal télévisé et Saïd le personnage de Vinz le personnage d’Hubert La scène dans la rue et le deal d’Hubert La scène sur les toits La scène au parc de jeux La scène chez Darty La scène de la caméra cachée La scène avec le revolver La scène à l’hôpital Les scènes avec Samir, un policier La scène chez Hubert avec sa mère La scène dans l’épicerie La scène avec le DJ La scène où Vinz tente de couper les cheveux de Saïd La scène de breakdance La scène de la course poursuite dans la cité La scène dans le train en direction de Paris La scène dans les toilettes La scène dans le métro Parisien et à la sortie du métro La scène chez Astérix L’arrestation et la scène de la garde à vue à Paris La scène à la gare et dans la galerie d’art La scène dans les rues de Paris la nuit et celle avec les skinheads La scène finale Analyse d’un thème : les banlieues Analyse d’un thème : Paris Analyse d’un thème : la violence Analyse d’un thème : la police Analyse d’un thème : L’ennui Analyse du trio : Hubert, Vinz et Saïd Analyse d’un personnage : Saïd Analyse d’un personnage : Vinz Analyse d’un personnage : Hubert Analyse des personnages secondaires dont Nordine Analyse de deux personnages secondaires policiers Analyse des journalistes, des personnages féminins et des habitants Analyse de techniques cinématographiques : Le noir et blanc et le titre Analyse de techniques cinématographiques : la bande sonore et la langue Analyse de techniques cinématographiques : la structure du film Analyse de techniques cinématographiques : les différents plans Essay writing skills Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at : pvfrresources@gmail.com
GCSE - translations - French - FOOD - HEALTH (writing skills)

GCSE - translations - French - FOOD - HEALTH (writing skills)

Have a look at the WHOLE BOOKLET (£4) here : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-translation-booklet-french-english-writing-skills-30-translations-10-topics-with-answ-12014508 3 different texts to translate (EN-FR / FR-EN) on the following GCSE topic: FOOD - HEALTH Answers are provided - grammar help is provided to support weaker students / boost students’ confidence. Grammar checkup at the end using grammar concepts used in the three translations. Great to practice translation skills but also to improve students’ writing skills.
iGCSE - GCSE - speaking questions - Education & Employment

iGCSE - GCSE - speaking questions - Education & Employment

Free resources for you to have a look at how I am supporting my students to write answers to their end of year speaking questions. I also wrote potential questions in French I could ask & gave sentences students could use (using different grammar concepts) *Check my shop as there is a very interesting (and cheap) BUNDLE available including end of year questions + help + this grammar document + idioms! ** This includes : opinions - adverbs - time phrases - 6 tenses with most common verbs conjugated - A structures in French & English with a French example to translate into English for each structure!) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/igcse-gcse-speaking-conversation-help-questions-grade-9-a-worth-pounds-21-9-12007705