Panicking? I have been.
This resource has 2 simple first day activities.
One worksheet is a 'find someone who' double sided questionnaire...students can circulate around the room and try to find a classmate who has or can x,y,z and write the name in the box. (you may need to edit some of the questions for your school and grade)
Other worksheet (Getting to know you)I may put on the tables when students arrive and they can fill in the answers about themselves and their interests, strengths and weaknesses.
Hope they help new classes.
Four A4 pages to use on a display alongside student's own recount examples.
*Features of a recount (title, past tense, introductory paragraph [who, what, when, where & why], main body in order, time connectives, concluding sentence)
*Sequential words brainstorm,
Includes an editable Microsoft Publisher file and a PDF file.
Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. e.g. to, too and two
Students have to circle the correct word (homophone) for each sentence.
Homework worksheet.
A negative sentence (or statement) states that something is not true or incorrect.
Two back:2:back worksheets (4 pages) with a varity of activities used as a homework.
Negative Sentences using 'Being Verbs' present and past form on worksheet_1
Negative Sentences using 'other verbs' present and past form on worksheet_2.
Please rate and review.
2 basic introductory worksheets for KS1 & ESL student homework.
1: They need to read carefully whether the written answer should be either a synonyms or an antonym.
2: Synonym Sort. with synonyms for good, bad, hot, silent, big, small.
Easy to differentiate - just change the words.
Fill in the missing long e sound spellings. Either ee or ea.
bee, eat, tea, sheep, etc. Simplest words I could think of.
Trust your gut to decide if it should be ee or ea. (or is there a better way??)
AND long e simple cloze sentences.
qu & wh digraphs mixed together worksheets.
*Labelling BéW clipart using words in the box. *Linking words and pictures. *Cloze sentences. *Read/Cover/Write/Check with illustrations.
ee or labelling worksheet + ee or colouring.
Labelling worksheet: read the ee or words and label the corresponding BéW clip art pictures. 12 simple to read and spell ee or words.
Two ways to make the long a sound: ai and ay. One labeling worksheet. One sorting the spellings in correct columns worksheet.
Please see my 242 page Phonics Skills Book Phase 3 - Phase 5 resource.
Two free split digraph a-e worksheets.
Find the 12 split digraph a-e words amongst other words and write below.
Write a-e and read with the aid of sound buttons.
Taken from my huge Phonics Comprehension Skills Book
Also see my massive split digraph flashcard set
Posters for students to set class/school goals, with a space below each for them to list the steps they will need to take to achieve their goals.
4 versions:
3 pdf files with sassoon font: one with lines, one with numbers, and one with numbers and only 2 callout bubbles.
1 word doc with comic sans.
I will edit the documents and replace 'my' with the name of the student and print one off for each child in my class. Plus one for myself, so that I can set some personal (teaching) goals for myself.
I will also print out a large 'to achieve by xx/xx/xxxx' so that the goals are time sensitive and display this alongside the student's posters.
Also included some display headings, quotes, and stars to make a classroom display.
(star clipart is 'for reuse from
sh!!!! /sh/ worksheets using 'sh' words
Please see my 242 page Phonics Skills Book Phase 3 - Phase 5 resource
Th (voiced and unvoiced) 1st labelling worksheet. (three, thin, thick, thank, thunder, thorn, this, that, tooth) B&W clipart to label and colour.
PLUS ‘th’ cloze sentences worksheet using the same words.
PLUS read/cover/write/check th’ words.
And threw in a &‘this’ is a CVC’; and ‘that is a CVC’ writing worksheet to practice some HFW and enforce this/that spelling and use.
Please see my 242 page phonics book.
1)Simple labelling worksheet.
2)'ou&' cloze sentences.
3)&';ou' read, cover, write, check.
All worksheets use the same words and same clip art images. Selected from: &'ou&'; words: out, shout, cloud, mouth, mouse, round, pound, count, house, flour, spout, and couch.
'nk&' sound (bank/wink/pink) labelling worksheet. Read the words in the box and label the clipart pictures.
&';nk' words cloze sentences. Choose the best word to complete the sentences.
+ Read/Cover/Write/Check with illustrations.
Please RATE and COMMENT. Thanks.
digraph /oo/.
Read and label the clip art pictures.
16 clear B&W clipart pictures of mixed long snd short oo words on 1 sheet
sentence cloze with mixed oo worksheet.
colouring sheet
read and/or draw
See my other /oo/ resource which more clearly identifies and highlights the different long /oo/ and short /oo/ sounds.
A fun introductory presentation activity about abbreviations.
Students can use mini-whiteboards (or scrap paper to make it into a quiz game) - they have to work out the common abbreviations of words or phrases (many they will know already, others they may have to work out)
Also thrown in a few challenge questions (How many metres in 1km? etc.)
Comes with an accompanying worksheet:
Full words or phrases at the bottom of the page have to be used to match the abbreviations at the top (and/or vice versa)