An education resources company created to provide high quality school assembly resources to take the stress away from busy middle and senior leaders who don't have the time and/or do not enjoy the process of producing house/year group/whole school assemblies.
An education resources company created to provide high quality school assembly resources to take the stress away from busy middle and senior leaders who don't have the time and/or do not enjoy the process of producing house/year group/whole school assemblies.
A Power Point presentation with supplementary notes on the value and importance of showing gratitude for the positive things, relationships and experiences we have as people. From that place, it is hoped that a new perspective on service and contribution to society can be delivered fully.
I hope that audience members gain a renewed mindfulness of the richness of their lives and how one of the many facets of fulfillment isn’t just about personal goals and achievement. Giving back to and helping others is also a big part of what makes us human.
Both the Power Point and the supplementary notes are read only. Do click on read only when you open the document to access the information. The format of both documents has been designed to be dyslexia friendly.
This Powerpoint contains stories of a wide range of people who have contributed to the fight and progression to a more equal society. Using examples from the world of sport, politics, art and business, this presentation highlights some of the key themes of gender equality from equality of opportunity, the perception of different genders in society/in the workplace, as well as celebrating the achievements of those who have contributed to a more egalitarian society. THe questions for consideration at the beginning hope to nurture an inquiring mind on this topic, highlighting that this topic is important for everybody.
Both the PowerPoint and the supplementary notes are read only. Do click on read only when you open the document to access the information. The format of both documents has been designed to be dyslexia friendly.
This Powerpoint aims to bring forth a positive conversation about neurodiversity, hopefully replacing the stigma of neurodivergence as something that is negative. Using examples from academia, design and business, this presentation hopes to highlight the positive aspects and traits of being neurodivergent. A new conversation about what we consider normal needs to be had in society, whereby we can look outside of our own lens, and understand that what we consider normal is usually a matter of statistics, rather than some inherent set of behaviours/traits.
Both the PowerPoint and the supplementary notes are read only. Do click on read only when you open the document to access the information. The format of both documents has been designed to be dyslexia friendly.
A Powerpoint presentation with full supplementary notes about the psychology of prejudice, the distinction between the higher and lower self, with an exploration of how these two things play a part in our everyday lives and can help or hinder those around us based on how we use them.
It is not my aim at Purple Panther Education, to tell people what to think. Rather, I want to take the approach to show students how to think. By examining our own cognitive processes, it is my hope that clearer decisions can be made when we form judgements and opinions about other people based off of their appearance.
Both the PowerPoint and the supplementary notes are read only. Do click on read only when you open the document to access the information. The format of both documents has been designed to be dyslexia friendly.
This Power Point and supplementary notes are based off the idea of Stephen Covey’s Habit 6 of 7 - Synergy. This is the idea that when people work together effectively, a team can be more than the sum of their parts. The main messages from this presentation show that this concept can be applied anywhere, in any context, even in the most “individual” of goals and pursuits. THe presence and importance of team work cannot be under estimated. Using examples from a number of different fields to illustrate this, the key principles and tenets of successful synergy are laid out in this presentation, so audience members can gain an insight in how to deliberately practice effective teamwork.
Both the Power Point and supplementary notes for the person delivering this assembly are read only, please click on read only to access the information.
Both resources are designed to be dyslexia friendly in their layout.
A Powerpoint presentation with full supplementary notes about the disability discrimination, the effects of said discrimination, and how we as a society can and should do better.
Both the PowerPoint and the supplementary notes are read only. Do click on read only when you open the document to access the information. The format of both documents has been designed to be dyslexia friendly.
This group of school assembly Powerpoints focus on and are based around the Round Square values of:
These presentations hope to provide a broad application and balanced exploration into the importance of each of these values in our lives. The positive affirmation of these values and the ways in which we can cultivate these values in our lives are presented using a wide variety of examples.
This resource is designed to get audience members thinking about the nature of political debate, with the aim of demystifying the fundamentals of political viewpoints. It is also hoped that audience members leave with an appreciation for the right and wrong way to engage in political discussion. Disagreement doesn’t have to equal hatred, and shouldn’t necessarily be interpreted as such.
It is my sincere intention to communicate through this resource that politics is for everyone, and that engagement with politics should be encouraged in a respectful, intentional and earnest manner. Part of the message is that politics discussion is important in solving society’s big challenges, therefore everybody is needed in order to make this happen.
This resource comes with a supplementary resource that gives a summary and a narrative of the key ideas communicated with this PowerPoint.
Please click read only when prompted in order to access both documents. The format of both documents has been designed to hopefully to be dyslexia friendly.
This bundle of school assemblies are centred around the theme of equality. The four Powerpoint presentations (with full supplementary notes) are on the topics of;
Racial Equality
Gender Equality
Disability Empowerment
Each presentation has a wide range of different examples/stories to highlight the wide reaching nature of the topic in question. Every care has been taken to ensure political neutrality, with some element of relfection on the part of the audience members in order for the subject to be pursued further.
This group of four school assembly Powerpoints with supplementary notes is centred about the themes of personal development and effectiveness. Using concepts from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits and Jeff Olsen Slight Edge, the following themes are explored;
Time Management
Discipline and consistent effort over time
The power of teamwork
The importance of goal setting.
These topics have been put into school assembly format to allow teachers to communicate these principles to students, and re enforce positive habits and behaviours. With a consistent messaging of this nature, it is hoped that the overall culture, wotk ethic and attainment of your students increases.