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Martin Luther King Jr. Word Search puzzles - Black History Month Printables Activities Worksheets
This MLK Jr themed word search printable is a fun Martin Luther King Jr Day activity
that can also be used during Black History Month. The answer key is included to make your
life as a teacher or parent a bit easier. I hope you enjoy!
Martin Luther King Jr. was a former U.S minister known for being a leader during the 1960s
in the American civil rights movement. As you enlighten your kids with his contributions to
history, you can play a game of these free puzzles with them for a better understanding. It
will also strengthen their vocabulary.
While any time of year is a good time to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his work
with the Civil Rights movement and his powerful words and actions, his birthday in January
makes itself a natural time to focus on his life and works. So, why not take the time to do that
this year!
The Martin Luther King Jr Word Search Puzzle, is a
thoughtful and educational activity for individuals of all ages. This puzzle contains key terms
and phrases related to the life and legacy of the iconic civil rights leader, Martin Luther King
Jr. From “nonviolence” to “equality,” this word search allows participants to not only have fun,
but also to reflect on the powerful messages and ideals that Dr. King stood for. With its clear
and concise answer key, this puzzle can be used as a teaching tool in classrooms or as a
leisurely activity at home. Engage in the celebration of Dr. King’s legacy through this
engaging and informative word search puzzle.

Christmas Word Search puzzles - English vocabulary Activities Printables Worksheets- Holidays Winter
We’ve whipped up a delightful selection of free Christmas and Winter word search puzzles in various
themes and difficulty levels, so there’s something for everyone. Whether your kiddo is a
newbie or a word search whiz, they can start from the basics and challenge themselves as
they go. And hey, adults! Don’t be shy - these puzzles are a delightful way for you to unwind
.and get into the festive mood too
Not only are these free printable Christmas word search puzzles buckets of fun, but they’re
also little treasure troves of new words for your little ones to learn. Ready to dive in? Simply
print out your chosen Christmas word search PDF and start your word-finding adventure.
Mark off each word as you discover them, and once you’re done, the colorful artwork awaits
.your creative touch

Groundhog Day Colour by number Pixels Art Math Activities Printables Worksheets - Spring Colouring
Need an easy activity for Groundhog Day? Then print off these Groundhog Day Color By
Number pages. This is a fun activity to discuss what Groundhog day is about and make
predictions on whether the groundhog will see its shadow!
These printable Groundhog Day color by code pages are a great way for kids to learn
about the holiday as well as practice their colors and numbers!
Groundhog Day falls on February 2nd and celebrates the day groundhogs around the world
are observed to see if they see their shadow. If they see their shadow, the prediction is that
there will will be 6 more weeks of winter. And if they do not see their shadow, that means the
prediction is that spring is on its way!

Spring Colour By Number Math Activities Worksheets for Preschooler Kindergarten 1st - coloring pages
These color by number worksheets are a fun way for young children to practise fine motor skills and number recognition. Spring coloring pages like these are also a great number activity for older kids to enjoy during the spring time.
How fun would a classroom full of these color by number birds be?? These number sheets are a great way to help younger children with color recognition.
I have included ten fun printable spring color by number pages that are great for the entire family to enjoy! They are perfect for school aged children but could also be used for preschoolers with a little help.
Children simply color in the mystery pictures with the corresponding color to create a picture using these spring themed printables. I love sneaking these educational activities in the kids’ worksheets, like this butterfly coloring page!
Fun ways to use activity printables:
Create a coloring and activity book
Paint the printable, frame it and give to a friend
Complete the activities solo or with family
Print the activity sheets and laminate them so that they can be reused
Use them as a fun activity at your next party or event
It’s easy to download, print and color each of these spring designs. Perfect for keeping the
kids busy and active
The best way to utilize these free spring activity sheets is to print them off and make them
into little booklets to color in. I like to hole punch the pages and place them into duotangs so
that they can be used over and over again!
Print these for your budding little artist and have them celebrate spring with these color
by number pages.

Spring Colour By Number Multiplication & Division Math Activities Worksheets - coloring pages
Spring Color by Number printables contain numbers, addition and subtraction facts for students to practice their math easily. These color by number pages focus on a variety of math facts making fact fluency a fun and easy task with spring themed bugs, rainbows, butterflies, flowers, and more! Numbers and math fluency are an important building block in a child’s learning. To support your child’s learning needs and make teaching fun and easy for you, check out our Number of the Week program featuring a variety of
number-themed activities for your learners!
The Spring Color by Number printable worksheets feature a range of math facts, including numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, that offer an easy and engaging way for students to practice their math skills. Our free worksheets have been specially designed for students in preschool through third grade. The coloring pages also showcase
various pictures inspired by the spring season!
Spring pictures with addition problems. Give your preschool through third grade students coloring pages while also practicing math fact fluency.

Apple Stamp Ladybug Craft For Kids Spring Activities
Make this fun and cute apple stamp ladybug craft for kids for spring or anytime you’re learning about insects!
If you haven’t been following along lately, we’ve been doing a new unit study that’s all about insects.
So far we’ve made this recycled bee craft for kids and had the kids play with this engaging insect sensory bin.
They’ve had a lot of fun so far and today we’re making one of the cutest bugs aroundladybugs!
Read on below to see how to make this easy insect craft with your kids or students.
Ladybug Art Project
An apple
White card stock
Red paint
Black marker
Glue stick (I prefer this heavy duty one)
ladybug craft supplies
Download and print out the ladybug head template on the white card stock. Cut out the
ladybug heads you want to use.
Adults Only: Cut an apple in half with a knife to prepare for the craft.
Paint the cut side of an apple with the red paint, then press it onto the white cardstock to
make the ladybug body.
Repeat for each ladybug you want to make.
Let the paint dry completely.
ladybug stamp craft
Using the black marker, draw spots and a line down the middle of the ladybug’s body.
Using the green sheet of card stock, cut out a large leaf shape. If you want, draw a vein
down the middle of the leaf and other veins branching outward with a green marker.
Cut out the leaf stem and glue it to the base of the leaf.
Cut out each ladybug body and glue onto the green leaf you made in step 8.
Glue the ladybug heads onto the top of each apple stamp.
Using the black marker, add antennas and the flying trails.

Butterfly Card Craft Activities For Kids
Mother’s Day is right around the corner…Have you made a homemade card to give to Mom or Grandma yet?
This butterfly card craft is perfect for that! It’s a simple paper craft that comes with a free printable template so it’s easy to make in 15 minutes or less!
We love the idea of having each of the kids make their own so Mom gets a unique, handmade card from every child.
This craft is great for making with preschoolers, kindergarten and elementary children, whether at home or at school.
How To Make A Butterfly Card
Download the butterfly template, print and cut out the pieces. Begin by writing your child’s message on the white inside of the card.
Because the wings are the only part that will open, write the messages near the edges of each wing, like in the pictures.
hands holding butterfly craft template hands writing inside butterfly card
Place the wing cutout above the white butterfly cut out and staple twice in the middle of the butterfly body.
Use a black marker to draw a smile on the butterfly’s head. Draw any decoration you want on the butterfly body. We did curved lines but you can do anything you want. Some other ideas include polka dots or stripes.
hands drawing on lines to butterfly body with black sharpie
Glue the butterfly eyes on just above the smile. Place glue along the back of the completed butterfly body and secure it to the middle of the butterfly card.
hands gluing on googly eye to paper butterfly body
hands gluing on butterfly body to wings
Use the circle punch or any decorative items to decorate the butterfly’s wings. We like the idea of making this educational by using shape stickers.
You can have the kids place a sticker on and then tell you what shape it is. You can do thesame sort of thing with solid colored stickers as well.
hands gluing on blue circle to butterfly card craft
Cut out two long thin strips from the black cardstock to be the butterfly’s antennae. Glue them to the back of the head.
hands gluing on black antenna to paper butterfly craft
This butterfly craft is a simple and cute handmade card that Mom or Grandma will love getting for Mother’s Day!
hand opening butterfly card craft to read inside of text “happy mother’s day! love, Ella”
We’re sure Mom, Grandma or even Auntie would love to receive one of these adorable
butterfly cards!

100 Days of Timed Tests Telling the Time
Practice Reading Clocks-Clock Workbook For Kids Ages 5-8 To Learn How To Tell Time-Reproducible Math Drills for Elementary Students Grades 1-3, Hour, Half Hour, Quarter Hour, Five Minutes, Minutes, Matching Timed.
Reproducible Math Drills, Clocks, Hours, Quarter Hours, Five Minutes, Minutes, Word Problems.
A great resource for students that could use more practice reading clocks.
This practice book will build basic abilities through action stuffed fun. The activities are intended to give children a genuine feeling of accomplishment.It is recommended for students to attempt at least one page daily for consistent practice.
The book is for kids who learn hours and minutes.
Help kids learn to tell time with this easy-to-read book
Promotes hand-eye coordination and concepts of telling time
Practice again and again - Movable time clock with minute and second hand to adjust
Perfect Gift for kids who learn about time
Features you’ll love:
100 full pages of analog clocks that show hours and minutes,
Large size - 8.5" x 11"

Snowman Colour By Number - Winter Math Activities during a snow day colour by code
These printable snowman color by number pages are a fun activity for kids to do during the winter holidays. Kids can use colored pencils, crayons, or markers to color them in. They can also learn colours while creating these fun snowman pictures.
Printable Snowman Colour by Numbers
Print these out for your kids when you’re looking for a no-prep indoor activity. These are perfect for a snow day. These snowman color by number printables are also great for kids to practice their colours and numbers.
These colour by code sheets are also great for classrooms as early work finishers or a fun activity to do before the winter holidays.
For younger kids who cannot read, add the color beside the number or over the word so they can practice reading the colours.
Grab the free printable color by number pages at the bottom of the post.
Kids can use crayons, colored pencils, paint, or markers to color in these sheets! To make these colour by number snowman sheets reusable you can laminate them. Kids can then use washable paint on top. Once done, simply wipe them down. Ways to use these sheets:
After school activity
Early school finishers
Travelling, waiting rooms, or in the car
As an indoor activity for snow days

Martin Luther King day Jr Colour By Number- Pixels Art Mystery Picture activities
Immerse your students in the inspirational world of Martin Luther King Jr. and black history month as they create pixel art representations of iconic symbols like MLK himself, a dove, and the peace sign. The imagery serves as a powerful way to introduce or reinforce lessons about equality, justice and peace. This Martin Luther King, Jr. math activity will make practicing NUMBERS lots of fun! The positive MLK related messages will encourage and inspire students as they uncover mystery messages. Each page also features fun art that completes the MYSTERY picture. Students solve math problems and color by code.

Chinese New Year 2024 Dragon Colour By Number Activity - Lunar The Year Of Dragon
Since you’re here I know you are looking for all the printables for kids you can find. I add more each week so make sure you bookmark the blue link above and check back often. one or as many as you like for rainy day activities that boys and girls will all enjoy!
Dragon Coloring Pages
You may be throwing a dragon birthday party and looking for activities or crafts. Decide which one(s) you want to print and go for it. It will keep them busy for a period of time so you can get the next game ready to play.
For younger kids you can just use matching without any figuring out but the multiplication is great for older elementary school kids too. They can snack on dragon horns too which they will love and are simple to make.
dragon color by number
How to Train your Dragon Color by Number
This movie has been really popular, you could even have that going in the background as you rotate thru centers if there are a lot of children at your get together. OR just do this for one of your rainy day activities.
color by number dragon coloring pages with math problems are here! Easy addition or multiplication featured as well as a blank option.
color by number dragon
There are 10 color by number dragon printables here! There is number matching, math coloring pages and a blank one you can fill in yourself. A fun learning activity sheet that boys and girls all love to get.
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Chinese New Year 2024 Dragon Craft Activity - Lunar New Year The Year Of Dragon
Make and assemble your own Lunar New Year dragon this Chinese New Year with this fun and collaborative craft project
WE designed a printable dragon template that allows you to make your Chinese New Year craft dragon as long, or as short as you like. If you want to make the body longer, print out extra copies of that page. Want more twists and turns? Then print out more of those pages.
Imagine making a dragon so long that you could stick it all the way around your classroom or bedroom! You can do that with this dragon printable and because the template has two heads and wings, your dragon can face either direction.
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Valentines Day Colour By Number - Math Activities motor skills & number recognition
These Valentine Color By Number Printables are super easy to print and color. Simply download and print the activity sheets for hours of holiday fun!
These color by number worksheets are a fun way for young children to practise fine motor skills and number recognition. Valentine coloring pages like these are also a great number activity for older kids to enjoy during Valentines Day.
These number sheets are a great way to help younger children with color recognition. I have included seven fun printable Valentine color by number pages that are great for the entire family to enjoy! They are perfect for school aged children but could also be used for preschoolers with a little help.
This coloring sheet is one of my favorites! It’s perfect for getting kids of all ages into the love day spirit in a special way.
Create a coloring and activity book
Paint the printable, frame it and give to a friend
Complete the activities solo or with family
Print the activity sheets and laminate them so that they can be reused
Use them as a fun activity at your next party or event
The best way to utilize these free valentine activity sheets is to print them off and make them into little booklets to color in. I like to hole punch the pages and place them into duotangs so that they can be used over and over again!
Print these for your budding little artist and have them celebrate Valentine’s Day with these valentine’s day color by number pages.
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Chinese New Year 2024 Worksheets Activities- Lunar New Year The Year Of Dragon
pack of Chinese New Year Worksheets to help children practice a variety of
math and litearcy skills while celebrating a fun China New Years theme! These Chinese New Year Printables are filled with engaging Chinese New Year activities and cute clipart images of chinese lanterns, dragons, Zodiac Animals of the Chinese New Year, chinese flag, chinese map, chinese girl and chinese boy in traditional clothes, and more. There are a variety of china worksheets to not only practice letter tracing, shapes, counting, i spy worksheet, and more, but to introduce kids to different cultures including the amazing country of China.
Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love these low prep Chinese New Year themed printables for helping young children work on math and literacy skills. These worksheets are perfect for students of varying ages. Use these in literacy and math centers, extra practice, as you school at home, summer learning or as part of a Chinese New Year study.
Zodiac Animals Poster – one in color and a different version of the poster in black and white
Chinese New Year do-a-dot page
Trace the Lines page
Trace the Letters of the Alphabet – Trace the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Trace the Numbers – Trace the numbers from one to fifty.
3 Part Cards – Can be used to match the words to the picture or in games such as memory.
These cards can also be used together with the alphabet cards. using the alphabet cards to spell out the words
I Spy – Count the Objects– Count the objects.
Alphabetical Order – Cut out the pictures and place in alphabetical order Chinese worksheets
Unscramble the names of the animals
Trace the names of the animals
Count to 12 by tracing the numbers and filling in the blanks
Count the pictures and color in the correct number
Let’s Graph – Print out the pictures on white cardstock and then cut them out. Place them face down on a table and pick up one and graph.
Coloring Activity – Roll a dice and then color the picture in the correct color.
Shape Matching – Draw a line to match the shapes.
Match the Pictures – Draw a line to match the pictures.
Ten Frames – Count to 10 using the 10 frames.
Match the Picture to the Word – Draw a line to match the picture to the word.
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Spring Colour By Number Math Activities Worksheets for Kindergarten 1st - no prep coloring pages
Make working on number recognition fun with these spring color by number pages. These spring color by number printables are filled with color by code images of springtime. As pre-k, kindergarten, and first graders color by numbers in these spring worksheet for
preschool they will be strengthening their hand muscles while having fun with a spring learning activity!
Make working on number recognition fun with these spring color by number pages. These spring color by number printables are filled with color by code images of springtime. As pre-k, kindergarten, and first graders colour by numbers in these free spring worksheet for
preschool they will be strengthening their hand muscles while having fun with a spring learning activity!
Young children learn better when they have super fun and cute activities to complete. Therefore, you will want to plan lots of fun, hands-on educational activities to get children excited about learning this school year. Kids will love revealing the hidden pictures as they color by code with these Spring Color by Number.
Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love these free color by number printables. These free spring themed pages come in black and white only, and can be laminated after your child have decorated the picture and made into a fun book to look
back on. You and your students, will love these no prep color by code pages for kids of all ages from toddler, preschool, pre k, to kindergarten, first grade, and more!
There are eight pages in this pack. Each page includes an image that is to be colored in.
The themes for each page are:
Two bunnies and flowers
A bee and a beehive
A chick hatching from an egg
A butterfly flying over a couple of mushrooms
An umbrella on a rainy day
A butterfly flying over a flower on a sunny day
Young children love getting worksheets to do. They love feeling like big kids, while gaining a great sense of accomplishment as they finish the pages. Plus toddlers, kindergarteners, and preschoolers’ worksheets are so much cuter than the free worksheets older students get.
These adorable Spring themed coloring pages include images that relate many events that happen throughout Spring for children to study. These printables help kids work on strengthening fine motor skills and strengthening hand muscles they will need as they begin
writing letters and numbers in school.
Use these space color by number to work on number recognition, strengthening fine motor skills, and having fun with a space theme worksheet. These color by number preschool are perfect for learning numbers and following directions for an easy preschool math activity.

Chinese New Year 2024 COOTIE CATCHER Craft - Lunar New Year The Year Of Dragon
If you’re looking for a fun and easy Chinese New Year craft for kids we’ve got you covered! Join us in the celebrations with this super fun and completely Chinese New Year Cootie Catcher Printable.
Our Chinese New Year Fortune Teller is not just any ordinary new year craft—it’s 12 crafts in one, with a unique version for each of the Chinese zodiac animals! And best of all, it won’t cost you a single one of your lucky red envelopes
Lunar New Year Fortune Tellers
This printable paper fortune teller is such an easy and fun paper game to make and play with and can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. It’s a wonderfully interactive craft to explore the beginning of Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival and its spirit of renewal and good luck for the year ahead.
Each cootie catcher template is decorated with a beautiful image of one of the 12 the Chinese zodiac animals inspired by traditional Chinese culture and art. They offer kids a hands-on experience that is both fun and educational.
Each new year is the year of a different zodiac animal. There’s a Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, Rat Ox, Tiger and Rabbit.
2024 Is the year of the Dragon, 2025 will be the year of the Snake and 2026 will be the year of the Horse and so on, as it cycles through each of the 12 animals.
Kids can enjoy making a Dragon Cootie Catcher to celebrate 2024 which is the year of the dragon. Or perhaps they’d like to make the animal from their own year of birth, or maybe they’d like to make all 12!
Lunar New Year Cootie Catcher Craft
With these printables, kids will have so much fun decorating the gorgeous designs withdifferent colors and writing or drawing their own messages for a happy new year or fortunes inside. It’s such a great way for kids to have fun together and celebrate the lunar new year and its traditions.
Whether you choose to make one, two or all 12 Chinese Zodiac cootie catchers, you’ll have a blast! It’s a wonderful new year craft that combines tradition, fun, and a touch of good fortune!
Craft Supplies:
How to Make a Chinese Zodiac Cootie Catcher
Step 1 – The first thing to do is download and print the Chinese New Year cootie catcher onto paper or thin cardstock. (Get the individual fortune tellers below or scroll to the end to the whole set of 12 sent to your inbox.)
Step 2 – Carefully cut out the square piece of paper. (It’s important that it’s a perfect square to make folding easier.)
A diagram of 8 steps on how to fold a cootie catcher.
Step 3 – Follow the simple origami folding step by step instructions on the printable template or in the photo above.
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Spring Colour By Number Math Activities Worksheets for Preschoolers Kindergarten 1st -coloring pages
Color by number worksheets are a great way to keep kids having fun while working on fine motor skills, number recognition, color recognition, and art. If you are a teacher, you can use these color by number spring printables for morning work,
inside recess when it’s raining, art time, or even as fun homework!
Simply put out crayons, colored pencils, or markers along with the printed spring color by number pages and let them have at it!
I personally think color by number and dot to dot is fun for all ages, but kindergarten and elementary school students probably will have the most fun with these spring coloring pages.
For all of these coloring pages, there are corresponding crayons with different colors and numbers at the top of the printable. If kids can read their colors, have them color in the crayons by themselves or read them a loud and instruct them to color in the specific colors.
Then the elementary aged student simply match the different numbers to the different color key and color in the spaces!
This color by number spring packet would also be fun to include in a You’ve Been Egged basket

Spring Colour By Number Math Activities Worksheets for Kindergarten 1st - no prep coloring pages
These color by number spring are a great way to engage your students while they practice number recognition and using a key. These spring color by number printables will also help preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students work on fine motor skills as this activity requires you to be precise in your coloring and not go over the lines.
Looking for a fun and educational activity for your kids this season? Check out our Spring color-by-number worksheets! Perfect for boosting number recognition, using a key, and fine motor skills, these printables are a must-have for parents, homeschools, and
Spring has arrived, and with it comes warmer weather and the joy of watching the natural world wake up. Our free Spring themed color-by-number worksheets offer a fun and engaging activity. Kids love coloring these pages, but they also allow them to practice number recognition and use a number key. Download these worksheets today for use in your classroom or homeschool environment! Simply print them out, and you are ready to go.
Spring is just around the corner, so it’s time to get creative with some fun springtime activities! We have the perfect activity to kick off the season, some free spring color-by-number worksheets! These color by number spring are a great way to engage your
students while they practice number recognition and using a key. These spring color by number printables will also help preschool, pre k, and kindergarten students work on fine motor skills as this activity requires you to be precise in your coloring and not go over the
Kids Love Color By Number Sheets
It is no secret that most kids love to color by number, and it’s not difficult to understand their enduring appeal. First and foremost, color-by-number activities present a fun challenge for young learners. Students must use the key provided to find and use the correct color. While this process may seem straightforward for adults, it offers an engaging puzzle to young learners.
Secondly, a big part of the fun in color-by-number activities is watching the picture gradually come together as the kids work on it. Many of us remember the excitement of seeing the image appear as we filled in the colors. It’s almost like magic! This sense of wonder and achievement never seems to get old.
Finally, children genuinely enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with finishing a color-by-number picture. Carefully filling all the spaces with the correct colors brings a sense

Spring Colour By Number Math Activities Worksheets for Kindergarten 1st grades colouring pages
Use these spring color by number printables to give preschoolers and kindergarteners an opportunity to practice color words and number recognition from one to twenty.
Now that temperatures are warming up, I bet you’re ready to start planning your spring ideas for preschool. If so, be sure to add some fun educational activities to your list.
This set of worksheets provides little ones a chance to work on important skills while sparking fun conversations about all that spring has to offer.
These color by number worksheets feature a variety of spring images your preschoolers will love.
I’ve included a colored answer key so busy preschool and kindergarten teachers can check students’ work in a jiffy!
Spring Color By Number Printables
This set of preschool math worksheets focuses on number 1-20. Kids will identify the
numbers in each space, and use the color code at the bottom of the page to complete each
I’ve also included an answer key which makes it super easy for kids, moms, and teachers to
check these preschool worksheets.
These worksheets are print-and-go. They require no prepwork. Just print them on regular
printer paper, and provide your child with crayons or colored pencils.
What Can you teach with color by numbers?
• Concentration: As children work to complete each worksheet, their concentration skills get
stronger and stronger.
• Number recognition: This particular worksheet pack includes number 1-20. Kids will identify
the number in each shape and use the color code to color it in.
• Color words: As your kids read the color code on the bottom of each page and match it to
the appropriate crayon, they’ll become more proficient at recognizing and reading each color
• Fine motor skills: Children strengthen fine motor skills as they work to complete each color
by code activity. Proper pencil grip and staying in the lines are important when completing
these worksheets

Spring Colour By Number Addition and Subtraction Math Activities Worksheets for Kids -coloring pages
Spring Color by Number printables contain numbers, addition and subtraction facts for students to practice their math easily. These color by number pages focus on a variety of math facts making fact fluency a fun and easy task with spring themed bugs, rainbows, butterflies, flowers, and more! Numbers and math fluency are an important building block in a child’s learning. To support your child’s learning needs and make teaching fun and easy for you, check out our Number of the Week program featuring a variety of number-themed activities for your learners!
The Spring Color by Number printable worksheets feature a range of math facts, including numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, that offer an easy and engaging way for students to practice their math skills. Our free worksheets have been specially designed for students in preschool through third grade. The coloring pages also showcase
various pictures inspired by the spring season!
Spring pictures with addition problems. Give your preschool through third grade students coloring pages while also practicing math fact fluency.
Color-by-number pages were created for students in preschool through third grade. The worksheets feature all four math operations as well as number recognition practice. These printables are perfect for use during the spring months to excite students on their math fluency practice. We suggest using these pages as homework practice, independent learning practice, or as a quick assessment with your students. To get even more coloring fun, check out our Fall Color by Number activity pages.