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Providing quality tested Geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the profession for, working with young people. Please follow & review to help me grow my store!
Deserts, Managing desertification, Preventing desertification

Deserts, Managing desertification, Preventing desertification

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 2 hour lesson explores how desertification can be prevented at the fringe of hot deserts. Students first complete a guided reading task, which overviews a range of strategies used to prevent the spread of deserts. Students then use a video resource to annotate a diagram, highlighting how appropriate technology supports agriculture in Burkina Faso. Pupils then learn how afforestation is helping to prevent desertification across the Shel region of Northern Africa. A table is then completed, in which strategies are matched up to their respective explanation. A card sort task is also provided, which tests pupils ability to identify the causes, impacts and solutions of desertification. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Desert Ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Hot Deserts:- Desert Characteristics Animal and Plant Adaptations Desert Opportunities Desert Challenges Desertification
Desertification, Causes of desertification, Challenges in desert environments

Desertification, Causes of desertification, Challenges in desert environments

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 1-2 hour lesson investigates the process of desertification. Students study the Sahel region of Africa and explore both human and physical causes of the phenomena. Numerical skills are developed through analysing rainfall patterns over the last 50 years. Students compete flow diagram which overviews the causes of desertification and support pupils in both linking and developing knowledge. Poor irrigation practices leading to the process of salinization is also taught. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Desert Ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Hot Deserts:- Desert Characteristics Animal and Plant Adaptations Desert Opportunities Desert Challenges Desertification Managing Desertification
Desert opportunities, Developing deserts, Economic activity within deserts

Desert opportunities, Developing deserts, Economic activity within deserts

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 1 hour lesson teaches pupils about the economic opportunities that desert environments provide. The lesson challenges the assumption that desert areas offer few opportunities for development. Students firstly undertake a guided reading exercise, before completing a card sort exercise that matches up seven opportunities to their respective challenges. In this lesson, pupils gain an appreciation of the extent to which desert environments can be developed economically. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Desert Ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Hot Deserts:- Desert Characteristics Animal and Plant Adaptations Desert Challenges Desertification Managing Desertification
Desert challenges, Hostile desert environments, Deserts

Desert challenges, Hostile desert environments, Deserts

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This lesson investigates the challenges desert environments pose to development. Source images are initially used to stimulate class discussion. A guided reading exercise then overviews the various challenges such environments present. Students analyse climate graphs in an attempt to appreciate the extreme climatic conditions of hot desert biomes. Pupils then complete a diamond 9 ranking activity, in which pupils evaluate the relative importance of both physical and human challenges. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Desert Ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Hot Deserts:- Desert Characteristics Animal and Plant Adaptations Desert Opportunities Desertification Managing Desertification
Desert adaptations, Plant and animal adaptations, Hot deserts, Desert ecosystems

Desert adaptations, Plant and animal adaptations, Hot deserts, Desert ecosystems

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! In this 2 hour lesson, pupils learn how animals and plants have adapted to survive in the hostile desert environment. A guided reading exercise introduces the various strategies plants use to preserve water, and deal with the extreme temperatures. Pupils then label a diagram of the Saguaro Cactus and explain how these adaptations help the plant to survive. A short video resource is included to highlight the features of opportunistic vegetation such as the resurrection plant. Finally pupils complete a worksheet focusing on the camel and fennec fox, in which they match up the animals adaptations to their purpose. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Desert Ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Hot Deserts:- Desert Characteristics Desert Opportunities Desert Challenges Desertification Managing Desertification
Desert characteristics, Desert ecosystems, Desert climates, Locating deserts

Desert characteristics, Desert ecosystems, Desert climates, Locating deserts

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 1 hour lesson teaches pupils about the location and characteristics of the worlds desert environments. Pupils initially shade the major deserts of the world onto a template map, before later considering why deserts form in these locations. Source images are used to stimulate discussion regarding desert features. Pupils then analyse and create climate graphs to further explore these hostile environments. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Desert Ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Hot Deserts:- Animal and Plant Adaptations Desert Opportunities Desert Challenges Desertification Managing Desertification
Managing deforestation, Reducing deforestation, Eco-tourism, Sustainable development

Managing deforestation, Reducing deforestation, Eco-tourism, Sustainable development

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 3 hour lesson teaches students about the strategies used to mitigate against deforestation. Icons are used to initially stimulate discussion about how forest loss might be prevented. Students then evaluate why selective logging practices are more sustainable than clear fell logging. A card sort activity teaches pupils about 8 different strategies used to reduce forest loss. Students then dive deeper into ecotourism, as a way for developing nations to make money from the forest sustainably. Video resources and source annotation are used here to improve pupil understanding. Pupils categorise the social, economic and environmental benefits of eco-tourism in a card sort activity, before finally exploring Yachana Eco-Lodge as a case study example. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Rainforest ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Rainforests & Ecosystems:- What is a food chain? What are food webs? What are the major biomes? What are rainforests like? How do animal and plants adapt to the rainforest? Why does deforestation occur in tropical rainforests? Why has deforestation occurred in Malaysia?
Malaysian Deforestation (Case Study)

Malaysian Deforestation (Case Study)

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 3 hour lesson teaches pupils about the causes of deforestation in Malaysia and their respective impacts. Satellite imagery is used to highlight the extent of forest loss over the last 70 years. Students use information sheets to compile their notes detailing the reasons for forest loss. Pupils then use information cards to complete two mind maps highlighting the global and local impacts of deforestation. Individuals must then categorise these factors into social, economic and environmental. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Rainforest Ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Rainforests & Ecosystems:- What is a food chain? What are food webs? What are the major biomes? What are rainforests like? How do animal and plants adapt to the rainforest? Why does deforestation occur in tropical rainforests? How can deforestation be managed sustainably?


If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 2-3 hour lesson teaches pupils about the importance of the rainforest. Students learn why tropical forests are being removed, despite them being such a precious resource both locally and globally. In the first task pupils use dual coding to mind map and categorise the importance of the forest. Satellite images are used to highlight global forest loss hot spots. Students then improve their numerical skills by comparing forest loss of the Brazilian and Non-Brazilian Amazon. A writing frame is provided here to support weaker pupils. Source images are used to stimulate discussion, as to why forest is being removed. Pupils then undertake a guided reading exercise, before finally completing a card sort task. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Rainforest ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Rainforests & Ecosystems:- What is a food chain? What are food webs? What are the major biomes? What are rainforests like? How do animal and plants adapt to the rainforest? Why has deforestation occurred in Malaysia? How can deforestation be managed sustainably?
Rainforest Adaptations, Plant and Animal adaptations, Adapting to rainforest environments

Rainforest Adaptations, Plant and Animal adaptations, Adapting to rainforest environments

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 2-3 hour lessons teaches students how animals and plants adapt to the equatorial conditions of the rainforest. Pupils start by analysing source images, trying to spot the adaptions. They then try to consider how this adaptation may benefit the species. Students then undertake a mix and match exercise matching the plant adaptation to its purpose. Animal adaptations are then investigated through a whole class discussion. Pupils then engage in a fun activity, in which they create their own rainforest species and present it to the class. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Rainforest ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Rainforests & Ecosystems:- What is a food chain? What are food webs? What are the major biomes? What are rainforests like? Why does deforestation occur in tropical rainforests? Why has deforestation occurred in Malaysia? How can deforestation be managed sustainably?
Rainforest Environments

Rainforest Environments

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 2-3 hour lesson teaches pupils about the location and characteristics of tropical forests. Students first describe the distribution of topical forests before undertaking a sensory activity to reflect on the jungle environment. Students later develop their numerical skills through a climate graph task, supporting pupils understanding of the rainforest climate. Pupils then learn to explain why equatorial areas exhibit these climatic conditions. The structure and features of the rainforest is finally taught through a fact file task. Follow up reflection questions are provided. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Rainforest ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Rainforests & Ecosystems:- What is a food chain? What are food webs? What are the major biomes? How do animal and plants adapt to the rainforest? Why does deforestation occur in tropical rainforests? Why has deforestation occurred in Malaysia? How can deforestation be managed sustainably?
World Biomes

World Biomes

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! In this two-three hour lesson pupils explore the worlds biomes. Pupils start by identifying the major biomes of the world, using a supporting video, before considering factors that influence their distribution. Pupils then complete a fact file overviewing the characteristics of each major biome. Finally students learn how to identify these environments using climate graphs. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Rainforest ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Rainforests & Ecosystems:- What is a food chain? What are food webs? What are rainforests like? How do animal and plants adapt to the rainforest? Why does deforestation occur in tropical rainforests? Why has deforestation occurred in Malaysia? How can deforestation be managed sustainably?
Food Webs

Food Webs

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! This 1-2 hour lesson teaches pupils about the sensitive nature of food webs. Students first engage in an interactive task in which they must create their own food web using cards and other members of the class. Once the food chain has been ‘found’ they answer questions about their said chain. Pupils then reflect on the difference between a food chain and a food web. Students are taught how energy flows through a food web, before adding arrows to a example, representing predator pray relationships. In the final tasks the idea of interdependence is introduced. Here pupils are required to explain the impact of various changes to a food web. Workbook pintables are provided which follow the PowerPoint lesson. Multiple choice checking for understanding slides are included, as well as links and videos to allow pupils to secure their learning at home. Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- Rainforest ecosystems Check out some of my other products relating to Rainforests & Ecosystems:- What is a food chain? What are the major biomes? What are rainforests like? How do animal and plants adapt to the rainforest? Why does deforestation occur in tropical rainforests? Why has deforestation occurred in Malaysia? How can deforestation be managed sustainably?