Hi! I am a former A-Level Student who created a wide range of revision notes to help me study. I sometimes found it difficult to revise the way my teacher would provide information so I used that information alongside the offical course textbook to create easy to read, in-depth cornell-style revision notes for the entire A-Level Sociology course!
Hi! I am a former A-Level Student who created a wide range of revision notes to help me study. I sometimes found it difficult to revise the way my teacher would provide information so I used that information alongside the offical course textbook to create easy to read, in-depth cornell-style revision notes for the entire A-Level Sociology course!
This is a resource made by myself, predicted A* in A-Level AQA Sociology. This pack includes in-depth Cornell-style notes for each individual topic according to the official specification and textbook. The notes involve key ideas and theories/theorists on the left side and condensed explanations on the right hand side, with evaluation running throughout on some pages. In PDF form and GoodNotes (upon request). Topics include:
Sociological perspectives
Functionalist view on families
New Right view on families
Marxism view on education
Feminism view on education
Personal life perspective view on education
Division of Labour
Couple (in)equality
Decision making in families
domestic violence
Changing Family Patterns
Impact of Divorce & Theories
Alternative Relationships (Cohabitation, Same Sex, One-Person households, Childbearing, Lone parent families, Reconsituted families)
Ethnic differences and extended family
Family Diversity
Modernism & nuclear family (Functionalism, New Right, Neo-Conventional, Rappaports)
Postmodernism and family diversity
Childhood as a Social Construct
Future of Childhood
Has Childhood Improved?
Ageing population
Social Policy
Perspectives on Family Policy (Functionalism, Marxism Feminism, New Right)
20 marker plan on social policy
20 marker plans
10 marker plans with explanations
Full 20 marker on social policy
This is a resource solely made by myself, who achieved A* in A-Level AQA Sociology. This pack includes in-depth Cornell-style notes for each individual topic according to the official specification and textbook. The notes involve key ideas and theories/theorists on the left side and condensed explanations on the right hand side, with evaluation running throughout on most pages. In PDF form and GoodNotes (upon request). Topics include:
Theories Checklist in Beliefs, including all key thinkers and their theories
Theories of Religion
Functionalist view on religion
Marxist view on religion
Neo-marxist view on religion
Feminist view on religion
Completed practice questions
A Force for Social Change
Weber & Bruce
Marxism, Religion & Change
10 marker to test knowledge
Explanations for Secularisation
10 marker example
Religion Renewal & Choice
New Forms of Religion
Postmodern Religion
Religious Market Theory
Stark & Bainbridge on Competitive Religion
Global Context (Referencing Religious Fundamentalism)
Religious Fundamentalism
Cultural Defence & Religion & Development
Ideology & Science
Open and Closed Belief Systems
Science is more important that religion 20 marker plan
Ideology key thinkers plan (Marxism, Feminism, Functionalism)
Organisation, Movements and Members
Types of Religious Organisation
New Religious Movements (NRMs) - Wallis
Growth of New Groups
Growth of New Age Groups
Gender & Religion
Ethnicity & Religion
Age & Religion
I also include an array of 10 mark questions that are great to test knowledge!
This is a resource solely made by myself, predicted A* in A-Level AQA Sociology. This pack includes in-depth Cornell-style notes for each individual topic according to the official specification and textbook. The notes involve key ideas and theories/theorists on the left side and condensed explanations on the right hand side, with evaluation running throughout on most pages. In PDF form and GoodNotes (upon request). Topics include:
Guides on how to answer 4/6/10/30 mark questions
Sociological perspectives
* Functionalist view on education
* New Right/Neo-Liberal view on education
* Marxism view on education
* Neo-Marxist view on education
* Feminism view on education
* Postmodern view on education
Educational achievement
* Social class and attainment (internal & external)
* Ethnicity and attainment (internal & external)
* Pupil class identities
* Gender and attainment (internal & external) (male and female)
* Gender identities
* Subject choice
Educational policy (* = including posters)
* Tripartite System*
* Comprehensive Schooling*
* Vocational Education*
* Educational Reform Act*
* Compensatory Education*
* Coalition Policies
* Privatisation
This is a resource solely made by myself, who received an A* in A-Level AQA Sociology. This pack includes in-depth Cornell-style notes for each individual topic according to the official specification and textbook. The notes involve key ideas and theories/theorists on the left side and condensed explanations on the right hand side, with evaluation running throughout on most pages. In PDF form and GoodNotes (upon request). Topics include:
Practice exam questions
- Explanations of Crime
Functionalism on Crime
Strain Theory: Functionalism on Crime
Subcultures: Functionalism on Crime
Marxists on Crime
Marxists: White Collar Crime
Marxists: White Collar Crime Explanations
Interactionalists (Labelling and Crime)
Interactionalists (Labelling and Deviance)
Practice questions on labelling and crime
Left Realism on Crime
Left Realism on Crime Prevention
Right Realism on Crime
Right Realism on Crime Prevention
**Gender & Crime **
Bias For & Against Women
Explaining Female Crime
Explaining Male Crime
Ethnicity in Crime & Justice
Black and minority ethnicity (BME) in statistics
Explanations for BME Crime
Additional Explanations and Victimisation
**Media & Crime **
The Medias Presentation of Crime
The Media Causing Crime
Globalisation, Green Crime & State Crime
Environmental Crime
State Crime & Definitions
Explaining State Crime
**Crime, Punishment & Victims **
Crime Prevention
Surveillance (control)
Punishment & Its Functions
Victims of Crime
Patterns of Victimisation
This complete bundle includes notes on all AQA A-Level Sociology revision topics covering all elements of the specification.
This is a great deal, saving you 23% if you bought each section individually!
This is a resource solely made by myself, who achieved an A* in A-Level AQA Sociology. This pack includes in-depth Cornell-style notes for each individual topic according to the official specification and textbook. The notes involve key ideas and theories/theorists on the left side and condensed explanations on the right hand side, with evaluation running throughout on most pages. In PDF form and GoodNotes (upon request). Topics includes are: Education, Family & Households, Beliefs in Society, Research Methods, Crime & Deviance and Theory & Methods!
This is a resource solely made by myself, who achieved an A* in A-Level AQA Sociology. This pack includes in-depth Cornell-style notes for each individual topic according to the official specification and textbook. The notes involve key ideas and theories/theorists on the left side and condensed explanations on the right hand side, with evaluation running throughout on most pages. In PDF form and GoodNotes (upon request). Topics include:
Factors Influencing Choice of Methods
PEVERT Structure which is…
Practical issues
Ethical issues
Validity of Research
Reliability of Information
Theoretical Issues
Primary Research Methods
Interviews (structured, unstructured, group)
20 marker to try out
Questionnaires (advantages and disadvantages)
20 marker to try out
Observations (participant/non-participant, overt and covert)
20 marker to try out
Experiments (laboratory and field experiments)
20 marker to try out
Secondary Research Methods
Official statistics (quantitative, qualitative advantages and disadvantages)
Documents (public and private documents advantages and disadvantages)
20 marker to try out
This is a resource solely made by myself, who achieved an A* in A-Level AQA Sociology. This pack includes in-depth Cornell-style notes for each individual topic according to the official specification and textbook. The notes involve key ideas and theories/theorists on the left side and condensed explanations on the right hand side, with evaluation running throughout on most pages. In PDF form and GoodNotes (upon request). Topics include:
Extensive, in-depth lesson handouts for each section
Liberal Feminism
Radical Feminism
Socialist/Marxist Feminism
Difference/Poststructuralism Feminism
Social Action Theories
Understanding human behaviour (Weber)
Symbolic interactionalism (Webser)
Labelling theory
20 marker completed on understanding social behaviours
Sociology & Science
Popper The Fallacy of Induction
Popper Falsifications
Kuhn Paradigms
Realism and Sociology as a Science
2x 10 marker questions on sociology and science
Globalisation, Modernity & Postmodernity
Modernity and globalisation
Language games
Culture, identity and politics
Theories of Late Modernity
10 mark plans on postmodernism
10 marker on globalisation completed
Objectivity & Values
Objectivity and Subjectivity
10 marker on objectivity