I'm a UK based EYFS Teacher, who has been teaching for 12 years and in Early years for 4. When I came into Early Years it was a huge jump from being in Year 6 and I couldn't find many quality resources and planning to help... so my shop hopes to inspire and help those who are sat as I am now, on a Saturday evening PLANNING!
My planning is structured, challenging, themed, and fun with clear learning intentions delivered through playful activities. Other useful resources too...
Roxy C
I'm a UK based EYFS Teacher, who has been teaching for 12 years and in Early years for 4. When I came into Early Years it was a huge jump from being in Year 6 and I couldn't find many quality resources and planning to help... so my shop hopes to inspire and help those who are sat as I am now, on a Saturday evening PLANNING!
My planning is structured, challenging, themed, and fun with clear learning intentions delivered through playful activities. Other useful resources too...
Roxy C
Reception Week 6 Planning.
Theme: Autumn.
Text: The Scarecrow Who Didn’t Scare.
Full week of planning including:
Daily RWI
Daily Theme Input with knowledge/skill learning intentions
Daily Whole Class Reading (WCR) linked to VIPERS
Objective Adult Led/Directed Activities
Provision Enhancements linked to theme, text or maths (includes enhancements for areas of learning, learning challenges linked to these areas, and learning threads)
-Active Flipchart with Theme input and WCR (PDF also included to suit all smartboards or as printables)
-Challenges to be displayed on table (one side challenge, other side question prompts). These are A4 but coud be resized in your printer settings.
-Resource Templates
RWI resources available seperately.
These are labels that I have made to name all of the resources available in the Small World Area in my classroom. Labels are written in a cursive font, and each label has a visual picture of what the resource is to make it easy for the children to tidy away.
This pack contains 17 labels and a small area sign. For scale, there are 14 labels to one A4 page, however if you would like them larger, you could scale them in your printer settings to fit to A3 instead.
The document comes as a PDF so cannot be edited, however also included is a blank publisher template for any additional labels that you may wish to create.
These are labels that I have made to name all of the resources available in the Play Dough Area in my classroom. Labels are written in a cursive font, and each label has a visual picture of what the resource is to make it easy for the children to tidy away.
This pack contains 15 labels and a small area sign. For scale, there are 14 labels to one A4 page, however if you would like them larger, you could scale them in your printer settings to fit to A3 instead.
The document comes as a PDF so cannot be edited, however also included is a blank publisher template for any additional labels that you may wish to create.
Lesson slides for RWI sounds including all parts of the RWI lesson:
Say the sound (including RWI picture cards)
Read the sound
Write the letter
Fred Talk (oral)
Word time (word building with sounds taught)
Letters included: e, l, h, r, j
Included are Active Inspire Flipcharts for each sound as well as the PDF version. These slides are perfect for smartboards or printables.
These are labels that I have made to name all of the resources available in the Maths Area in my classroom. Labels are written in a cursive font, and each label has a visual picture of what the resource is to make it easy for the children to tidy away.
This pack contains 38 labels and a small area sign. For scale, there are 14 labels to one A4 page, however if you would like them larger, you could scale them in your printer settings to fit to A3 instead.
The document comes as a PDF so cannot be edited, however also included is a blank publisher template for any additional labels that you may wish to create.
These are labels that I have made to name all of the resources available in the Mark Making/Writing Area in my classroom. Labels are written in a cursive font, and each label has a visual picture of what the resource is to make it easy for the children to tidy away.
This pack contains 24 labels and a small area sign. For scale, there are 14 labels to one A4 page, however if you would like them larger, you could scale them in your printer settings to fit to A3 instead.
The document comes as a PDF so cannot be edited, however also included is a blank publisher template for any additional labels that you may wish to create.
These are labels that I have made to name all of the resources available in the Water Area in my classroom. Labels are written in a cursive font, and each label has a visual picture of what the resource is to make it easy for the children to tidy away.
This pack contains 16 labels and a small area sign. For scale, there are 14 labels to one A4 page, however if you would like them larger, you could scale them in your printer settings to fit to A3 instead.
The document comes as a PDF so cannot be edited, however also included is a blank publisher template for any additional labels that you may wish to create.
These are labels that I have made to name all of the resources available in the Water Area in my classroom. Labels are written in a cursive font, and each label has a visual picture of what the resource is to make it easy for the children to tidy away.
This pack contains 14 labels and a small area sign. For scale, there are 14 labels to one A4 page, however if you would like them larger, you could scale them in your printer settings to fit to A3 instead.
The document comes as a PDF so cannot be edited, however also included is a blank publisher template for any additional labels that you may wish to create.
Magic maths (number 5), Topic input, Adult led, Chat questions, Letters and sounds, Rhyme time, RE, Wriggle and Write and Cont prov. Challenges and SMSC/PLT opportunities. Learning intentions below:
I can recognise number 5. I can count out objects up to 5. I can attempt to write a number 5. I can write number 5 independently.
I can talk about changes in seasons. I can classify and talk about Autumn animals. I can talk about the changes in weather. I know what harvest means. I can show respect to peoples values.
Adult led
I can describe objects using sentences. I can use tools for a purpose. I can use one handed tools and equipment. I can use tools for a purpose.
Letters and Sounds
I can make up my own words to familiar tunes. I can identify sounds made by instruments. I can name instruments. I can play instruments loud and quiet. I can respond to instruments with movement.
Wriggle and Write
I can copy shapes and talk about symmetry. I can trace zig-zag patterns. I can create a pattern using mark making tools. I can draw small circle shapes.
Planning for Nursery about Bonfire night an safety. Includes Topic input, Adult led, Chat questions, Letters and sounds, Rhyme time, PSE (Values), Wriggle and Write, Cont prov with LI's, Challenges and SMSC/PLT opportunities.
No maths planned this week as new children starting each day so will be doing baseline assessments. I will however be introducing new calendar pattern and doing calendar maths quickly each day as well as recapping 1-4 (taught last half term). Maths opps are planned in through intervention and cont prov.
Please note that Monday is not planned to theme as its a whole school themed day for Roald Dahl.
LI's for week listed below:
I can use descriptive sentences. I can listen and respond to stories. I can talk about how to keep safe.
Intervention groups:
Middle lit group- I can enjoy a range of books.
Lowers maths group- I can count out three objects.
D children group- I can share stories about my half term.
Speaking and listening group- I can listen to an follow instructions. I can wait and take turns.
Adult led:
LI I can make choices on colours and materials. LI I can order the parts of a story. LI I can follow instructions for cooking.
Wriggle and write
LI: I can use create mark making materials. LI: I can use a simple a program. LI I can talk about firework safety and my own bonfire night experiences
Letters and sounds
I can recognise the difference between sounds. I can remember and repeat a rhythm. I can describe sounds. I can replicate sounds using musical instruments.
Lesson slides for RWI sounds including all parts of the RWI lesson:
Say the sound (including RWI picture cards)
Read the sound
Write the letter
Fred Talk (oral)
Word time (word building with sounds taught)
Letters included: v, y, w, z, x
Included are Active Inspire Flipcharts for each sound as well as the PDF version. These slides are perfect for smartboards or printables.
These are labels that I have made to name all of the resources available in the Transient Art Area in my classroom. Labels are written in a cursive font, and each label has a visual picture of what the resource is to make it easy for the children to tidy away.
This pack contains 10 labels and a small area sign. For scale, there are 14 labels to one A4 page, however if you would like them larger, you could scale them in your printer settings to fit to A3 instead.
The document comes as a PDF so cannot be edited, however also included is a blank publisher template for any additional labels that you may wish to create.
These are labels that I have made to name all of the resources available in the Scientific Enquiry Area in my classroom. Labels are written in a cursive font, and each label has a visual picture of what the resource is to make it easy for the children to tidy away.
This pack contains 17 labels and a small area sign. For scale, there are 14 labels to one A4 page, however if you would like them larger, you could scale them in your printer settings to fit to A3 instead.
The document comes as a PDF so cannot be edited, however also included is a blank publisher template for any additional labels that you may wish to create.
Staggered entry complete so first full week. Includes baseline opportunities.
Full week plan for Nursery.
Magic maths (number 1), topic input, Adult led, chat questions, letters and sounds, rhyme time, wriggle and write, story and cont prov. Challenges and SMSC/PLT opportunities.
This is the Reception planning template that we will be using for 22/23 onwards. With a shift in our practice and provision to having a resource rich environment, our new planning templates now includes planned provision enhancements which add purposeful learning opportunities. It also has space for the usual teacher input.
Magic maths (number 4), topic input, Adult led, chat questions, letters and sounds, rhyme time, wriggle and write and cont prov. Challenges and SMSC/PLT opportunities.
Letters and sounds Planning and Record for Phases 1 Aspect 1- Environmental Sounds:
-Activities written from PNS document
- Adapted and additional activities
-Nearly all with added challenges
-LI and assessment questions
-Space for group names, date and Next steps. This can be used to record how children attained
-Running record layout
Fully editable to adapt to your needs. Can be use with focused groups, or copy and pasted to your planning.
Letters and sounds Planning and Record for Phases 1 Aspect 2- Instrumental Sounds:
-Activities written from PNS document
- Adapted and additional activities
-Nearly all with added challenges
-LI and assessment questions
-Space for group names, date and Next steps. This can be used to record how children attained
-Running record layout
Fully editable to adapt to your needs. Can be use with focused groups, or copy and pasted to your planning.
Magic maths (number 3), topic input, Adult led, chat questions, letters and sounds, rhyme time, wriggle and write and cont prov. Challenges and SMSC/PLT opportunities.
created these to use as we spot children's' next steps.
We fill in the next step as we identify it then attach it to our display. When we get 5 minutes, we take it off the display and carry out a quick activity to address need. This goes in learning journey books once achieved.