Includes a Powerpoint that has each lesson displayed for the IWB. Sentence stacking lessons have been carefully selected and altered to match end of KS1 targets. Planning is not needed as it is the Powerpoint itself. sheets to help SEND and EAL children are included. Sheets to support low ability children with their chotting. Independent write resources are also included.
This is my own adaptation of TWS unit of work. This is aimed at Year 2 and as I knew I was getting moderated, I have elements of end of KS1 objectives included. The scaffolded sheet replaces the jotting element for lower ability children so they are able to tick off what they wish to use as well as include their own. The PKS sheets are stuck on the left sheet of writing book, children to fill in the blanks and then write out on the right hand of the writing book - This is aimed at children who have no English language and those who are seriously below.
I have adapted the planning to reflect either a mixed year 1/2 class or individual classes. Each lesson has 2 learning chunks as it is more suitable for KS1 to complete 2 each day. the plan includes some suggestions of changes to each sentence. I have included the pictures to be stuck in book on the left hand side of the page - children to write their sentences on the lines on the right hand side of the page. The pictures have the objectives included and only the date needs to be inputed. I have also included the picture prompts to be stuck at the top of the page for independent writing. The only thing you will need to do is include the date, print and stick in books.
I have adapted and created this unit of work for Year 2. I knew I was being moderated so there are lots of end of KS1 objectives included. The ppt is whole class teaching. Includes LA support sheets for children who are unable to jot. There are PKS support sheets for chidren who are new to the English language or are seriously below. I have included the independent write cut outs for all plot points.
The planning is in the notes on the ppt. PPT contains each day of sentence stacking that has been adapted for KS1 objectives. I have included the daily stick in sheets (to the left) children write on the right hand side of the pictures. Independent writing sheets are also included and completed.
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I have adapted the planning to reflect either a mixed year 1/2 class or individual classes. Each lesson has 2 learning chunks as it is more suitable for KS1 to complete 2 each day. The plan includes some suggestions of changes to each sentence. I have included the pictures to be stuck in book on the left-hand side of the page - children to write their sentences on the lines on the right-hand side of the page. The pictures have the objectives included and only the date needs to be inputted. I have also included the picture prompts to be stuck at the top of the page for independent writing. The only thing you will need to do is include the date, print and stick in books.
I have created 2 separate documents that provide 100 ideas for you areas in EYFS and for those who use Continuous Provision in Year 1. Ideas are linked to learning objectives, Early Years targets and/or National Curriculum targets for Year 1.
The planning is in the notes on the ppt. PPT contains each day of sentence stacking that has been adapted for KS1 objectives. I have included the daily stick in sheets (to the left) children write on the right hand side of the pictures. I have included scaffolding sheets for LA/PKS children so they don’t have to chot. All resources are in ppt or word so dates can be changed. Independent writing sheets are also included and completed.
To remove the watermark: click design on the top tab in word and select remove
The planning is in the notes on the ppt. PPT contains each day of sentence stacking that has been adapted for KS1 objectives. I have included the daily stick in sheets (to the left) children write on the right hand side of the pictures. All resources are in ppt or word so dates can be changed. Independent writing sheets are also included and completed.
To remove the watermark: click design on the top tab in word and select remove
I have 3 different Christmas Nativities in this. 2 are traditional and 1 is not traditional. Each Nativity is set for either EYFS - EYFS & KS1 - KS1 - KS1 & KS2 - KS2. includes song choices for each scene. Complete Narratives that are very clear and can be adapted. The only thing you have to do is choose the children for the parts and type them in.