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Brimful of Sikhi

Creating informative and simple PowerPoints to educate both staff and students in Sikhi (Sikhism) and raising awareness on cultural and religious events.

Creating informative and simple PowerPoints to educate both staff and students in Sikhi (Sikhism) and raising awareness on cultural and religious events.
What is the Sikh Festival of Vaisakhi?

What is the Sikh Festival of Vaisakhi?

This PowerPoint is informative and easy to follow for both staff and students. The aim is to educate students about what is Vaisakhi, the Vaisakhi Parade (Nagar Kirtan) in Slough and how it is celebrated. There are three videos on the PowerPoint and additional keywords and meaning. Understanding this festival in PSHE and Religious Education enhances our healthy relationships, community cohesion, diversity, SMSC, British Values and elements of living in the wider world. This can be used for Assembly, Tutor Time or PSHE and RE lessons. Feel free to change the PowerPoint to whereever your local Vaisakhi Parade is being held.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Gurpurab

Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Gurpurab

PowerPoint: Who is Guru Nanak Dev Ji & what can we learn from him? L.O: To define what is a Gurpurab Identify the significance of langar Explain the importance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji for Sikhs using the life lessons as examples I created this PowerPoint to mark the Sikh celebrations of Gurpurab - 8th November 2022. An informative resource with effective videos and questions. This PowerPoint can also be used as part of an RE SoW to teach the importance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and has keywords/extra information added. It can also be used as a one off lesson to mark the day. Additional add on: A slide which can be added to yours or HoY/SLT assemblies raising awareness of the important religious event. Age: Yr 7-11
Sikhism - Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Sikhism - Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Aim: to educate staff and students on the importance of the 10th Guru - Guru Gobind Singh Ji. I have created an indepth and knowledgable PowerPoint for tutor groups. However this PowerPoint can be used in assemblies and RE lessons. The PowerPoint contains videos, vocabulary and information/answers in the notes section at the bottom. Duration: 1 hour or two half an hour tutor times. Note to my fellow teachers: In order to help eradicate hate and prejudice, education is the most important tool that we as teachers hold. But in the last 20 years, I have seen little progress in the education of Sikhs in secondary schools. Students are taught briefly in primary and secondary, but the lack of education and representation shocks me even more when qualified teachers in 2021 have no idea nor make the effort to find out. Despite Sikhs being part of the UK for more than 100 years and being the fifth largest religion; people still continue to mistake them for other religions or have absolute no knowledge of them. Hate crime against Sikhs in the UK has increased by 70% in the last two years. I highly recommend this PowerPoint for your lessons, not just to give you and students the right knowledge in Sikhism, but to give Sikh students a sense of recognition and inclusiveness.