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I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course. All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.




I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course. All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Nuclear Radiation in Medicine

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Nuclear Radiation in Medicine

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Physics GCSE, particularly the ‘Radioactivity’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with an introduction which includes a brief outline of the various uses of radiation in medicine. Students will then watch a video on the uses of radiation in medicine, during the video they will need to answer a set of questions. This work can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided once students have completed the task. During the next activity, students will each be given a card of information describing a use of radiation in medicine - radioactive tracers, gamma imaging, radiotherapy and radioactive rods. Students will need to share information with each other by walking around the room in order to complete a summary table for all the different uses. The mark scheme for this task in included in the PowerPoint so students can self-assess their work once it is complete. The next activity requires students to consider the benefits, risks and precautions of using nuclear radiation for medical purposes. Students will be given a card sort and they will need to determine if statements are referring to a benefit, risk or precaution. The answers to this task in included for students to self-assess or peer-assess their work. The last task is a ‘Quick Check’ activity, students will need to answer a set of questions using what they have learned this lesson. Once this task is complete students can self-assess their work using the mark scheme provided. The plenary task requires students to complete sentence starter, from the selection given, in order to summarise what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Space

NEW KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Space

4 Resources
This bundle of resources contains 4 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the Year 7 P4 ‘Space’ Unit. Lessons include: The Night Sky The Solar System The Earth The Moon The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, videos & animations, progress checks and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Half-life & Radioactivity

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Half-life & Radioactivity

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Physics GCSE, particularly the ‘Radioactivity’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with an introduction to some key terms, including ‘activity’ and ‘count rate’, students can take notes from the board so they have the key definition in their books. Next students will be introduced to the idea of a ‘half-life’, students will be given the definition and shown a graph and a diagram to help illustrate this concept. Students will then have an opportunity to investigate whether the radioactive is random or predictable, students will be given a coin in pairs and will be asked to flip it 20 times. Can you predict the outcome of the next flip? What was the rough ratio of coins flipped head:tails? This investigation demonstrates that the process of radioactive decay is random but with a large enough sample it is possible to predict the number that will decay in a certain amount of time. Students will then be shown how to complete half-life calculations using a worked example, before students are given a set of problems to work through. The mark scheme for this work is included in the PowerPoint for students to assess their work. Pupils are given another worksheet of problems to work through, students must show their working at all time. This task can also be self-assessed or peer-assessed using the mark scheme included in the PowerPoint. The last task requires students to fill-in-the-blanks on a paragraph which summarises what they have learned this lesson. The answers to this task is also included so students can mark and correct their own work… The plenary task is for students to write a set of summary sentences about what they have learned this lesson, including as many key words as possible from the list provided. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Gas Pressure

KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Gas Pressure

This lesson is designed for the KS3 Year 8 Science course, specifically the P2 1.2 unit on ‘Motion & Pressure’. More Biology, Chemistry and Physics resources can be found in my TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with a demonstration - the collapsing can. Students should hopefully be able to identify that the can that collapsed had a lower pressure inside the can than outside the can, causing the can to collapse inwards. This leads into a description of gas pressure, including a diagram to help demonstrate the concept. Students will now ‘Think > Pair > Share’ their ideas about what could cause an increase in pressure, after a short discussion the answers will be revealed to students - increasing the number of particles and increasing the temperature or reducing the size of the particles. Students will now complete a task based upon what they have learned so far this lesson, this can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Students will now complete an investigation called ‘What makes a ball bouncy?’. Students will investigate whether a ball becomes more bouncy the more/less pumps of air it has in it. Students will copy the table of results into their books, draw a graph of their results and complete analysis questions. This task can be self-assessed once complete. Lastly, students are introduced to the idea of atmospheric pressure and shown a diagram which represents the density of air particles at the top of the mountain compared to the bottom. The plenary task requires students to complete one of the sentence starters in their books to summarise what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation, thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated
KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Balanced & Unbalanced Forces

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Balanced & Unbalanced Forces

This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 P1 ’Forces’. For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This lesson begins with ‘Think > Pair > Share’ activity which asks students to look at a photo of a tug-of-war and asks students to decide which side would win and why. After a short discussion, students will be introduced to the idea of ‘balanced’ and ‘unbalanced’ forces, including examples. Students will now complete an investigation on ‘Forces’, this is a circus activity which requires students to decide which two forces are acting on each of the objects. Students will also need to decide if the forces are balanced or unbalanced, their results can be recorded in the table provided. Students will be asked a series of questions on the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces acting upon an object, the first questions is on a cyclist. This work can then be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. The next questions are on the forces acting upon a car, this can be competed in their books and the work can be marked and corrected using the mark scheme provided. The last part of the lesson focuses on how forces can change the direction of an object, students are shown the example of the Moon orbiting the Earth due to the pull of gravitational force acting upon the Moon. The plenary task requires students to write down three facts, three key words and pose one question to test their peers knowledge of what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Energy

NEW KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Energy

9 Resources
This bundle of resources contains 7 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the Year 8 P2 1.1 'Energy’ Unit. Lessons include: Foods as Fuel Energy Stores & Transfers Energy & Temperature Energy Transfers: Conduction & Convection Energy Transfers: Radiation Energy Resources Energy & Power Energy & Work The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, videos & animations, progress checks and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Magnets & Magnetic Fields

KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Magnets & Magnetic Fields

This lesson is designed for the KS3 Year 8 Science course, specifically the P2 1.1 unit on ‘Electricity & Magnetism’. The lesson begins with a question for pupils to ‘Think > Pair > Share’ their ideas about what they already know about magnets. This can be discussed in a group, before feeding back to the classroom. Students will now complete a practical investigation: testing magnetic materials, in groups they will be given a selection of materials and a bar magnet, they will need to determine which materials are magnetic. Once complete, students can check their work against the answers provided. Next, students will investigate what happens when the poles of two bar magnets are brought together. Students will be given a set of combinations to try: N + N, S + N, S + S - attract or repel? Their results can be recorded in a table in their books and then be assessed using the mark scheme once complete. The next part of the lesson focuses on magnetic fields; firstly, students are shown the magnetic field of a bar magnet. They will have a go at drawing their own - they will have a worksheet, on it is lots of of circles surrounding a bar magnet, on each of the circles they will place a compass and then draw the direction the arrow is facing. Once complete, students should link up the arrows to show the direction of the magnetic field, they can stick this worksheet into their books. The last part of the lesson focuses on the magnetic field surrounding Earth, students are shown diagrams to demonstrate this idea and then will assess their knowledge of the subject by getting students to complete a fill-in-the-blanks task. This task can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided in the PowerPoint presentation. The plenary task requires students to summarise what they have learned this lesson in three sentences. All resources are included at the end of the presentation, thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Gas Pressure & Temperature

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Gas Pressure & Temperature

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Physics GCSE, particularly the 'Molecules & Matter’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience Firstly, students are asked to ‘Think > Pair > Share’ their ideas about how a gas exerts pressure upon a surface. Students will need to discuss their ideas within groups before feeding back the class, the explanation can then be revealed using the PowerPoint presentation - including a diagram. Students will then watch a video on gas pressure and temperature, students will need to answer a set of questions whilst watching the video. Once this has been completed students can self-assess their working using the mark scheme provided. Students are now shown some information on an investigation into the effect of temperature on gas pressure, using the PowerPoint presentation. Students will need to read the information and and answer questions on a worksheet, this work can then be self or peer assessed using the mark scheme provided. Lastly, students are now given an information sheet about observing random motion of gas particles using a smoke within a smoke cell. Students will be given a set of questions that they will need to answer after reading the information sheet, they can work together in pairs. The mark scheme for this task is included in the PowerPoint so students can assess and correct their work once this is complete. The plenary task requires pupils to complete a set of sentence starters to summarise what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics  - Alpha, Beta & Gamma Radiation

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Alpha, Beta & Gamma Radiation

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Physics GCSE, particularly the ‘Radioactivity’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a recap of the three main types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Students will firstly be asked to draw and label a diagram to show how each of these types of radiation can be stopped. Students will then be given some information about the penetrating power of these three types of radiation, using the information and their own knowledge students will need to complete a summary worksheet. Once this has been completed students can self-assess their work using the mark scheme provided. The next part of the lesson will focus on the dangers of radiation, firstly students will be shown a teacher/technician demonstration of the different types of radiation, outlining some of the dangers and precautions taken when handling radioactive sources. Students can complete a table of information on the relative dangers of these radioactive sources whilst watching the demo. This work can self-assessed against the mark scheme provided once it is complete. Next, pupils are asked to ‘Think > Pair > Share’ ideas about how scientists/workers can protect themselves against the hazards of ionising radiation. After a short class discussion the answers can be revealed for students to check their work and take extra notes if necessary. Lastly, students are asked to think about the uses of radiation, they will be given a list and they will need to determine which are real uses of radiation. The real uses of alpha, beta and gamma radiation can then be revealed on the PowerPoint presentation - students can check their answers and take notes on extra uses. The plenary task is for students to talk to the person next to them for one minute about what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Cables & Plugs

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Cables & Plugs

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Physics GCSE, particularly the 'Electricity’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with an introduction to the safety features of a plug which ensures that a person does not get electrocuted, this includes details of the role of the earth wire and the purpose of double insulation. Students will now be given some information about plugs, wall sockets and cables, using which they will need to answer a set of questions. Students can then use the mark scheme provided to self-assess or peer-assess their work. Students will then look at why cables with different thicknesses are used for different purposes, students will complete notes on this topic by completing a fill-in-the-blank task. The mark scheme is included in the PowerPoint presentation so students can either self or peer assess their work. The next part of the lesson focuses on fuses, students will watch a video about fuses and using the information provided in the video students will answer a set of questions. Once this task is complete students can check their work against the mark scheme provided. Lastly, students will be given a past-paper question to complete, higher ability students could close their books and try to complete the question without their notes. The mark scheme for this task is included in the PowerPoint presentation for students to check their work. The plenary task will require pupils to write a set of three quiz questions aimed at testing students knowledge of what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Electrical Charges & Fields

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Electrical Charges & Fields

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Physics GCSE, particularly the 'Electricity’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with an introduction to the structure of the atom, students will be asked to identify the sub-atomic particles on a digram of an atom. This then leads into a task whereby students are asked to label a diagram of an atom and complete a fill-in-the-blank task, the answers to this are included in the PowerPoint presentation. Next, students will complete a ‘memory test’ task where they will be given some information about the charges and relative masses of an electron, proton and neutron. They will be given a short time to remember this information before then having to copy it up from memory, their work can then be self-assessed using answers provided. Students will now complete a mid-lesson progress check to assess their understanding of what they have learned so far this lesson. The next part of the lesson focuses on static charge, students will firstly watch a video about static electricity, during which they will need to answer a set of questions. Once complete this work can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Next, students will complete a fill-in-the-blank tast to summarise what they have learned so far, this work can also be self-assessed using the answers provided. The PowerPoint moves on to then explain how static charge is a non-contact force and a diagram is shown of an electric field of a charged object, students need to understand how two objects with opposite charges are attracted to each other. The final task is a past-paper question on the topic of static charge, students can complete this task on the worksheet provided (higher ability students may want to complete this without their notes) and then the task can be self-assessed using the mark scheme. The plenary task requires pupils to write a Whatsapp message to their friends explaining what they have learned this lesson!! All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Physics (2016) - Energy & Work

NEW AQA GCSE Physics (2016) - Energy & Work

This is a lesson aimed at the new AQA Physics GCSE module on 'Energy'. For more lessons within this series please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins by introducing the concept of 'work done', by using the example of a person pedalling a bike. The first task the pupils will need to complete is to produce a mind map on activities which require work to be done in order something to happen. Pupils are then shown the equation to calculate work done and they can work through a model question. You can work through this question with pupils on the board or ask them to try and complete it in their books, then self-assess the work. The main activity for this lesson is a practical activity, the method for this practical is included in the PowerPoint presentation. Pupils will drag a wooden block across the desk a measured distance, the wooden block will be dragged initially with no elastic bands around it and then with one elastic band and finally with two elastic bands. Pupils will measure the force applied to drag the block using a Newton meter and record their results in a table (table included at the end of the PowerPoint). Using the measured distance and the force applied pupils can then work out the work done to drag each type of wooden block. The plenary activity is for pupils to complete a couple more work done calculations. All resources are included in the PowerPoint presentation.
KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Friction & Drag Forces

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Friction & Drag Forces

This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 P2 ’Sound’. For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This lesson begins with a definition of ‘Friction’, students can take notes on this and then ‘Think > Pair > Share’ their ideas about how friction can be reduced. Two ideas that are then revealed are lubrication using oil/grease or smoothing surfaces down in order to reduce friction. Students will then need to complete worksheet on frictional forces, once students have completed this task they can either self-assess or peer-assess their work using the mark scheme provided. Next, students are introduced to the idea of a ‘drag force’, including the examples of air resistance and water resistance. Students will then need to create a mind map listing the ways in which the effect of drag forces could be reduced. Once students have discussed and noted their ideas down, their answers can be checked using the answers provided on the PowerPoint. In the last activity students will be given a set of statements, they will need to sort these statements into either either a ‘True’ or ‘False’ column. Students can then self-assess or peer-assess their work using the mark scheme provided. The plenary task is a ‘Pick a Plenary’ - so students can either summarise what they have learned in three sentences, or write a definition for a list of key words that students would have learned over the course of the ‘Forces’ topic so far. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Pressure on Solids

KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Pressure on Solids

This lesson is designed for the KS3 Year 8 Science course, specifically the P2 1.2 unit on ‘Motion & Pressure’. More Biology, Chemistry and Physics resources can be found in my TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with a a ‘Think > PAir > Share’ task, students are provided with some information about ice road truckers, students are asked to consider whether the job of an ice road trucker is too risky. Students are also asked to discuss the meaning of the term ‘pressure’ - after a short class discussion the definition for the term ‘pressure’ will be revealed to students, they can make a note of this in their books. Students are now introduced to the formula for pressure (pressure = force / area), using this formula students will complete a couple of tasks where they will work through a set of pressure problems. Once complete this task can then be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Students will now complete an activity where they will work out the pressure they exert on the ground. Lastly, students will complete a ‘copy and correct’ task, they will be given a paragraph of information related to what they have learned this lesson. They will need to copy it out, correcting any parts they believe to be wrong. This task can the self-assessed using the mark scheme provided once it is complete. The plenary task requires students to complete an ‘exit card’ to summarise what they have learned this lesson, the exit card will include three key words, one fact and one questions for students to test their peers knowledge of what was learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation, thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated
KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Series & Parallel Circuits

KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Series & Parallel Circuits

This lesson is designed for the KS3 Year 8 Science course, specifically the P2 1.1 unit on ‘Electricity & Magnetism’. This lesson begins with an introduction to both series and parallel circuits, students can make a note of the definition for each and also draw the example circuit diagram into their books. Next, students will be shown four circuit diagrams and will need to determine whether the circuit is a parallel or a series circuit. The answers to this task can then be revealed using the PowerPoint, so students can assess their work. Students will now watch a video on series and parallel circuits, they will need to answer a set of questions whilst watching this video. The mark scheme for this task is included in the PowerPoint presentation, so students can self-assess their work using the mark scheme provided. The latter part of the lesson focuses on current and potential different in series and parallel circuits. Firstly, students will be shown a diagram which shows that current anywhere in a series circuit will be the same and shows current in the main part of the parallel circuit will get divided up between each branch. Students will then use this information to complete a worksheet, this work can then be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Next, students will look at how potential difference across components in a series circuit is different to that of a parallel circuit. Students will then work out the potential difference of voltmeters found in four different circuit diagrams, this task can then be marked and corrected using the answers provided. The plenary is a ‘pick a plenary’ task, students need to choose to either summarise what they have learned in three sentences or write a definition for a set of key words related to the topic of electricity. All resources are included at the end of the presentation, thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Physics (2016) - Kinetic Energy

NEW AQA GCSE Physics (2016) - Kinetic Energy

This lesson is aimed at the new GCSE specification, on the topic of ‘Energy’. More lessons from this series can be found in my TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience Pupils begin by considering what types of objects have a store of kinetic energy and then they can ‘Think, Pair, Share’ - what factors might affect how much kinetic energy an object actually has? The lesson then moves on to show pupils the calculation to work out kinetic energy, you can work through two model questions with pupils on the board. Pupils are then given a table where the calculation is broken down into sections. They are given the mass and the speed of an object, they will need to calculate 0.5 x mass in one column and the speed squared in another - from this they can calculate the kinetic energy. Once complete pupils can assess their work using a red pen. The next part of the lesson introduces how to rearrange the equation and then an activity follows with slightly harder calculations on kinetic energy, where they may be required to use the rearranged equation. Self-assessment of work when complete. **Higher ability students should now have a go at the past-paper question from the NEW AQA GCSE specimen material, they can complete the question and mark their work using the mark scheme provided** The plenary is game of ‘equation bingo’ - the students write 6 equations/words/phrases into their books, you describe their meaning and if students have the correct equation/word/phrase they can cross them out of their book. The first person to cross all of them out correctly can shout bingo! All resources are included in the PowerPoint - enjoy :)
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Molecules & Matter

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Molecules & Matter

8 Resources
This bundle of resources contains 7 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the ‘Molecules & Matter’ unit for the NEW AQA Physics Specification. Lessons include: Density of Materials States of Matter Changes of State Internal Energy Specific Latent Heat Gas Pressure & Temperature Gas Pressure & Volume The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, practical investigations, exam questions and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Electricity & Magnetism Homework

KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Electricity & Magnetism Homework

This homework activity is designed for the KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 8 B2.1 Module on ‘The Periodic Table’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This activity contains a set of differentiated questions, it also includes additional extra challenge tasks for higher ability students to complete. This worksheet could be used as a homework or as an extension/revision activity in class. I have included a comprehensive mark scheme for teacher or self-assessment of the work, there are also details of grade boundaries which I use to RAG pupils work, a full explanation of how I do this is included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know @swift_science_education or swift.education.uk@gmail.com, any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Light Homework

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Light Homework

This homework activity is designed for the KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 P1.3 Module on ‘Light’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This activity contains a set of differentiated questions, it also includes additional extra challenge tasks for higher ability students to complete. This worksheet could be used as a homework or as an extension/revision activity in class. I have included a comprehensive mark scheme for teacher or self-assessment of the work, there are also details of grade boundaries which I use to RAG pupils work, a full explanation of how I do this is included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know @swift_science_education or swift.education.uk@gmail.com, any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Sound Homework

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Sound Homework

This homework activity is designed for the KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 P1.2 Module on ‘Sound’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This activity contains a set of differentiated questions, it also includes additional extra challenge tasks for higher ability students to complete. This worksheet could be used as a homework or as an extension/revision activity in class. I have included a comprehensive mark scheme for teacher or self-assessment of the work, there are also details of grade boundaries which I use to RAG pupils work, a full explanation of how I do this is included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know @swift_science_education or swift.education.uk@gmail.com, any feedback would be appreciated :)