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I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course. All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.




I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course. All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Variation

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Variation

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with students given some pictures of a range of people that look differently to one another, students will need to think > pair > share what the differences are between these people and the reasons why they look different to each other. Pupils will then be introduced to the difference between examples of inherited and environmental characteristics. Firstly pupils will focus on inherited characteristics, the students will need to complete a mind map in their books of the traits they have inherited from their parents (or from grandparents). As an extra challenge pupils can consider why they do not look identical to either parent. The next task will focus on environmental characteristics, pupils will need to draw a table in their books and they will need to sort examples of environmental factors with the type of environmental variation they cause into the table correctly. This work can be self-assessed once it is is complete using the answers provided. For the next activity pupils will be given a card sort of different examples of variation, e.g. height, freckles, eye colour, tattoos. Pupils will need to sort these cards into a Venn diagram in their books - just inherited variation, just environmental variation or potentially caused by both. This work can be self-assessed once it is complete. The next part of the lesson focuses on types of data - continuous or discontinuous. Pupils are firstly shown the difference between the two and then they will need to complete a worksheet to assess their understanding on this. Once completed the worksheet can be self or peer assessed. The final task is for pupils to get into teams (or be sorted by the teacher into teams) and they work their way around the room filling in information about themselves for different types of traits (e.g. handedness, foot length, whether they can roll their tongue). Pupils will assigned one trait each and will need to produce a graph of the class results. This will test their understanding of continuous vs. discontinuous data and how this should be represented in a graph format. The plenary task is for pupils to consider a world where there was no variation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this world, trying to use some of the key words provided. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Biology (2016) - Plant hormones & responses HT

NEW AQA GCSE Biology (2016) - Plant hormones & responses HT

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Homeostasis’ SoW and for higher tier pupils. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with an outline of the sorts of stimuli that plants response to - light, moisture & gravity - pupils are asked to think > pair > share why they think that it is important that plants respond to these stimuli. Pupils are then introduced to the term ‘tropism’ and are shown the sort of tropisms plants undergo due to light and gravity. Pupils will then watch a video on this topic and will need to answer questions whilst watching, this work can then be self-assessed once they have finished the video. Pupils will then be provided with posters of information which outlines the role of auxins during phototropism and gravitropism, using this information pupils will need to complete tasks on their worksheet. Once this task has been completed pupils can either self or peer-assess their work using the mark scheme provided. The final activity is an exam-style question which pupils should complete in silence and as an extra challenge they could try and complete it in the back of their books, not using any notes from the lesson. The work can then be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. The plenary task is for pupils to summarise what they have learnt in three sentences, using the list of key words provided. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Structure & Function of Body Systems

Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Structure & Function of Body Systems

This is a homeschool pack designed for the KS3 Year 7 Science course, specifically the ‘B1.2 Structure and Function of Body Systems’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains six pages of information, to meet learning objectives within the Year 7 ‘Structure & Function of Body Systems’ unit of work. This is followed by three pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Levels of Organisation Gas Exchange Breathing Skeleton Movement: Joints Movement: Muscles Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
NEW (2016) AQA AS-Level Biology – Energy and ATP

NEW (2016) AQA AS-Level Biology – Energy and ATP

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA AS-level Biology course, particularly the ‘Biological Molecules’ module. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-level Biology course please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience A-Level lesson format: I teach in more of a lecture style compared to GCSE. In the majority of my A-level lessons the beginning portion of the lesson is mainly teacher-led, where students are expected to take notes onto a handout/in their books. This is then mixed in with student-led activities, as well as questions and exam prep. You will find some of my slides have blank spaces for you to add more detail/descriptions/explanations. If you look at the ‘Notes’ section underneath each of these slides, you will find additional content which you can add in as you teach! This lesson begins with a starter discussion to review the enzymes needed for DNA replication and the process of DNA replication itself. Students are then asked to make a list in their books of all of the biological processes that require energy. Students are then taught to think of ATP as an ‘energy currency’ and on the following slide asked to define the parts of the structure of ATP before reviewing ATP’s function. Students should use the ‘ATP handout’ to take notes. The next task asks students to answer a few questions on their mini whiteboards and discuss with a partner how ATP releases energy. Answers for self-assessment are on the next slide. The following slides explain the synthesis, roles, and properties of ATP. You will find further details for these slides in the ‘notes’ section under each slide. Students are then encouraged to ‘think > pair > share’ some ideas of why ATP’s properties might be useful to the role of ATP in cells. Answers for self-assessment are on the following slide. Students are then given an activity task to demonstrate knowledge of energy-requiring processes. Each student will be given a description of a process, these can be found at the end of the slideshow, there are five processes in total. Students should then work in small groups to teach each other the different processes and produce a table to represent what they’ve learned. After completing the lecture and tasks students are given four summary questions to answer in their books and self or partner-assess. Students should then make note of the summary slide before concluding the lesson. All resources are included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW (2016) AQA AS-Level Biology – Water

NEW (2016) AQA AS-Level Biology – Water

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA AS-level Biology course, particularly the ‘Biological Molecules’ module. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-level Biology course please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience A-Level lesson format: I teach in more of a lecture style compared to GCSE. In the majority of my A-level lessons the beginning portion of the lesson is mainly teacher-led, where students are expected to take notes onto a handout/in their books. This is then mixed in with student-led activities, as well as questions and exam prep. You will find some of my slides have blank spaces for you to add more detail/descriptions/explanations. If you look at the ‘Notes’ section underneath each of these slides, you will find additional content which you can add in as you teach! This lesson begins with a review discussion of ATP as an energy source and its role in plant cells. The next few slides are lecture-style and designed to teach students the properties of water as a biological molecule. The notes underneath the slides also offer some answers to the discussion questions on the slides. Students are then given a four question ‘quick check’ to demonstrate their understanding so far. They should answer in their books and self-assess or check a partner’s work with the answers on the following slide. Then students will each be given a reason why water is important; the two reasons can be found as descriptions at the end of the slideshow. Students should teach a partner with the opposite reason, then make notes in table form in their books before moving to the next slide which is a quick explanation of inorganic ions. As a summary test, students are given two questions, the first of which includes a few sub-questions. Students should answer independently in their books then self-assess with the answers on the following slide. This is a good opportunity to answer any other questions! The plenary task is to explain what they have learned through three facts, three key words, and a question to test their peers on. All resources are included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7  ~ Elements, Atoms & Compounds Homework

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Elements, Atoms & Compounds Homework

This homework activity is designed for the KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 C1.2 Module on ‘Elements, Atoms & Compounds’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This activity contains a set of differentiated questions, it also includes additional extra challenge tasks for higher ability students to complete. This worksheet could be used as a homework or as an extension/revision activity in class. I have included a comprehensive mark scheme for teacher or self-assessment of the work, there are also details of grade boundaries which I use to RAG pupils work, a full explanation of how I do this is included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know @swift_science_education or swift.education.uk@gmail.com, any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW (2016) AS-Level Biology - Enzyme Inhibition

NEW (2016) AS-Level Biology - Enzyme Inhibition

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA AS-level Biology course, particularly the ‘Biological Molecules’ module. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-level Biology course please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience A-Level lesson format: I teach in more of a lecture style compared to GCSE. In the majority of my A-level lessons the beginning portion of the lesson is mainly teacher-led, where students are expected to take notes onto a handout/in their books. This is then mixed in with student-led activities, as well as questions and exam prep. You will find some of my slides have blank spaces for you to add more detail/descriptions/explanations. If you look at the ‘Notes’ section underneath each of these slides, you will find additional content which you can add in as you teach! This lesson begins with a starter discussion to explain the effect temperature has on enzymes. Students should explain why they think many enzymes cannot function at over 60 degrees celcius. Then, go on to teach students the inhibitor classifications and their functions through three slides containing definitions and diagrams. Students then have an opportunity to identify competitive and non-competitive inhibitors as a class through two easy diagrams. Students will then be asked to complete “worksheet 1” independently, in order to practise diagramming competitive and non-competitive inhibition with complete definitions, on their own. The answers are displayed on the following slide so students may self-assess, or you may choose to have them assess each-others’ work in partners. You can find worksheet 1 at the end of the PowerPoint on slide 17. The following slide explains substrate concentration and reaction rate with competitive, and then non-competitive inhibition. Students should use worksheet 2 (slide 18 of the PowerPoint) to take notes and answer the questions independently. When worksheet 2 is complete, define potassium cyanide and encourage a discussion between pairs about the danger of cyanide. Students should then complete the exam style questions from slide 19 and self-assess. If necessary, leave time for questions and discussion. The lesson concludes with a plenary task which asks students to write a tweet demonstrating what they’ve learned, their tweet should be no more than 140 characters and include #keywords. All resources are included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Gene expression & inheritance

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Gene expression & inheritance

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW, it contains some higher-tier only content. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson firstly begins with a description and definition for gene expression in a cell, this leads onto introduce the idea of a mutation. Pupils are given a definition of a mutation and are asked to consider whether mutations are always negative effects. This leads onto show the ways in which a mutation can affect a protein/enzyme in the body and the effect that could have on the function of body processes. Next is a quick check-silent 5 activity to assess students knowledge of gene expression and mutation, pupils can answer the questions in their book and mark their work using the answers provided. There is on further activity on mutations, pupils will watch a video on sickle cell anaemia and answer questions in their books. The next section of the lesson is on inheritance, firstly pupils are introduced to the idea of alleles and are shown the genotypes of three rabbits with either black or white fur colour to show that it is the combination of alleles that determines this characteristic. Pupils are asked to complete some questions based on what they have learnt so far, which can be assessed using the answers provided. Next pupils are introduced to the difference between genotype and phenotype, homozygous and heterozygous genotypes. Pupils will then be given a set of images and are asked to identify whether these images are representing a genotype or phenotype, if it is a genotype they are asked to determine if it is homozygous or heterozygous. This work can then be assessed. Pupils are now shown how to construct a genetic diagram using a worked example, they are then given another genetic cross for which they need to construct their own genetic diagram and work out the percentage of each offspring that would be present, this work can be self-assessed. The final task is on sex determination, pupils are introduced to the idea of X & Y chromosomes and are shown the combinations needed to produce a male or a female. Pupils will need to construct their own genetic diagram to show the percentage chance of a baby being male or female. This topic can also be assessed using an exam-style questions for higher ability pupils. The plenary activity is for pupils to write a glossary in the back of their books for any new key words they have learnt this lesson All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Chemistry  - The Greenhouse Effect

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Chemistry - The Greenhouse Effect

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Chemistry GCSE, particularly the ‘Earth’s Atmosphere’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with a video on the greenhouse effect, pupils will be supplied with some questions to answer whilst watching the video. Once complete this task can then be self-assessed using the answers provided. Pupils will then need to be required to complete a diagram of the greenhouse effect by adding in statements to the correct boxes, this work can also be self-assessed using the mark scheme. Pupils will now think about the factors which have contributed to the rise in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Firstly they will need to ‘Think > Pair > Share’ their ideas of why there has been a sharp increase in CO2 over the last 100 years or so, pupils will then share their ideas with the class and some of the factors can be revaled via the PowerPoint presentation. Pupils will now be given some information on models of global warming, using this information they will need to complete a worksheet. This task can be self/peer assessed using the answers provided on the PowerPoint. The last task is an exam-style question on the topic of the greenhouse effect, again students can self assess their work using the mark scheme. The plenary task requires pupils to summarise what they have learned this lesson in three sentences. All resources are included within the PowerPoint presentation, if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Biology lesson - Fungal & Protist Diseases

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Biology lesson - Fungal & Protist Diseases

This is a resource for the new AQA GCSE Biology ‘Infection and Response’ module. The lesson begins with an introduction to the structure of fungi and protists and some of the diseases they can cause in plants and animals. Pupils can then stick a piece of information in their books which outlines the rose black spot fungal disease of plants and the protist disease of malaria in humans. Pupils should use this information to work their way through the levelled tasks on the board. You can then go through the answers to these questions and pupils can self-assess or peer-asses their work. The mid-lesson progress check is an activity where pupils match definitions to the correct key words, pupils can self-assess their work. In the next activity pupils can create a pamphlet/poster aimed at patients going abroad to a country where they could be at risk of contracting malaria. Pupils can work through the tasks for each of the parts of the ABCD approach in order to complete this poster. Pupils can then peer-assess their work. Plenary is a quick quiz pupils can complete at the back of their books. Other lessons from the ‘Infection and Response’ unit can be found in my TES shop. Thanks :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Treating diabetes

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Treating diabetes

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Homeostasis’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a quick recap from the previous lesson on the cause and control of diabetes, pupils will need to copy and complete sentences in their books, which can then be self-assessed. Next pupils are given detailed posters of information on the treatments available to patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Pupils will need to read through these posters in pairs/on a table and answer the questions on the PowerPoint slide. Once finished, pupils can self-assess their work using the answers provided. Pupils will now focus on the advantages and disadvantages of different medical cures for type 1 diabetes. In pairs they will be given a set of cards informing them of new advances in treatments available to patients with type 1 diabetes and they will need to create a summary table to weight up the pro’s and con’s of each treatment. The final activity is an exam question on what pupils have learnt so far that lesson, this is accompanied with a mark scheme which pupils can use to mark their work. The plenary activity is an anagram challenge, pupils need to unscramble the letters to spell a key word from the lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology – The importance of communities

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology – The importance of communities

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Ecology’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The first task involves pupils discussing the definitions for a set of ecological terms, pupils can write their ideas down in their books and then watching a video to fill in any blanks they were unsure of. Once this has been completed pupils can self-assess their answers using the mark scheme provided. The next task is for pupils to think > pair> share about how animals are interdependent upon each other, they can write down their ideas as a brain storm in their books. Once this has been completed, pupils can self-assess their work using the answers provided. Pupils will then be given some information on stable communities, they will need to read this information in pairs and then try and answer a set of questions. They can then self-assess their work, correcting anything they didn’t get correct using the answers provided. Pupils will now be introduced to the difference between abiotic and biotic factors, the first task is for pupils to watch a video and sort the factors demonstrated in the video into two columns – abiotic vs. biotic. They will then be given a set of descriptions, pupils will firstly need to identify which factor is for a list provided and the second task is for pupils to identify whether this factor is biotic or abiotic. Pupils can complete this on the worksheet provided, once completed students can either self-assess or peer-assess their work, making any corrections if necessary. The plenary task is for pupils to choose two organisms from the pictures on the PowerPoint slide, they will need to describe the difference in habitats between the organisms and compare the abiotic and biotic factors which affect their survival. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Chemistry (2016) - Separating Mixtures

NEW AQA GCSE Chemistry (2016) - Separating Mixtures

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Chemistry GCSE, particularly the 'Atomic Structure & Periodic Table' SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a reminder of what a mixture is and a list of key words related to this topics, pupils are asked to think > pair > share ideas about the definition of these key words. After a class discussion pupils are asked to link these terms, with examples, to the correct definition. Once finished they can self-assess this work. Pupils will then watch a video about different separation techniques and will be required to answer questions whilst watching, after this work is self-assess pupils will explore these methods further by completing a table of information using posters around the room. The final activity is a practical to show how chromatography works, pupils will complete this practical (should only take 10-15 minutes) and then will be introduced to Rf values, they can use this calculation to work out the Rf values of the dyes they have separated during the practical. The plenary task is for pupils to summarise what they have learnt during the lesson by using as many key words from the key word list as possible. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Forces Between Objects

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Forces Between Objects

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Physics GCSE, particularly the ‘Forces in Action’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a ‘Think > Pair > Share’ task, students are asked to consider the question ‘What is a force?’. Students will be given a few minutes to discuss in pairs, before feeding back to the class before the answer is revealed. Forces can be described as ‘contact’ or ‘non-contact’, students are asked to discuss what they think the differences between these types of forces are. After a short class discussion, the definition for each is revealed to students, they can make a note of this in their books. Next, students will be provided with a list (and diagrams) of different forces , they will need to sort into either contact or non-contact forces. This task can be self-assessed once it is complete. Next, students are introduced to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, when two objects interact with each other, they exert equal and opposite forces on each other. Students will then watch a video to demonstrate the principles of this law, students will answer a set of questions whilst doing so. Once complete, students can self-assess their work using the mark scheme provided. Next, students are provided with a further example of this law which they can take notes on their books. After this, students will complete a ‘quick check’ task to assess their knowledge of what they have learned so far this lesson. This work can then be marked and corrected using the answers provided on the PowerPoint presentation. Lastly, students complete a ‘fill-in-the-blank’ task to summarise what they have learned this lesson, this can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. The plenary task requires students to write down three facts, three key words and one question to test their peers on what they have learned so far this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA Trilogy GCSE (2016) Biology - Photosynthesis

NEW AQA Trilogy GCSE (2016) Biology - Photosynthesis

This is a lesson designed to meet specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE Biology ‘Bioenergetics’ scheme of work. The lesson begins by pupils being introduced to the term ‘photosynthesis’ and then being asked to consider the raw materials that plants need in order for photosynthesis to occur. Pupils are then given three minutes to write down everything they have learnt about photosynthesis so far, with an extension task to write the word equation for the reaction. In the next part of the lesson pupils are introduced to the word equations and are challenged to write a balanced symbol equation for this reaction. Mid-lesson plenary involves a set of exam-questions (total marks = 9 marks) which they can complete in silence and then peer or self-assess using the mark scheme provided. Pupils are then introduced to the concept of endothermic and exothermic reactions, they are given the definition for an endothermic reaction and are then asked to ‘think, pair, share’ with a partner about what an exothermic reaction might be and whether photosynthesis is endothermic or exothermic. After 5 minutes, pupils are given the answers and they can mark their work. The final activity is for pupils to watch a video on the scientific investigation conducted by Van Helmont, pupils watch the video and answer questions on a worksheet which can then be self or peer-assessed using red pens. Pupils can choose their plenary activity - either writing quiz questions on the topic of the lesson or summarising what they learnt by writing a twitter message along with #keywords. All resources are included in the PowerPoint presentation, thank you for purchasing :)
NEW AQA Trilogy GCSE (2016) Biology - The rate of photosynthesis (liming factors)

NEW AQA Trilogy GCSE (2016) Biology - The rate of photosynthesis (liming factors)

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Combined Science:Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the 'Bioenergetics' SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins by students thinking about the raw materials needed for plants to photosynthesise and which factors might limit the rate. The three factors which students will need to learn about are then revealed - carbon dioxide, light intensity and temperature. Three limiting factor graphs are then shown for each of these factors and students need to have a go at explaining what the graphs are showing, as a class discussion. Pupils will then need to complete a fill-in-the-blank task and self- their assess their work using the answers provided. Next pupils are shown a green leaf and a variegated leaf and are asked to think>pair>share which leaf they believe will have a higher rate of photosynthesis, and why. This then leads to pupils learning that less chlorophyll means less photosynthesis will take place, which could lead to stunted growth. The next part of the lesson focuses on pupils being able to use practical equipment to set up an investigation which measure the effect of light intensity on rate of photosynthesis. Pupils will firstly be given some images of equipment they could use and are asked to come up with a potential method for this investigation. After this pupils are then shown a video where they have to answers questions about the variables in this investigation and finally they are given a set of results to plot data and analyse it. The plenary is a silent 5 task where pupils need to answer questions about what they learnt this lesson on their own in their books. All resources are included either at the end of the presentation or as a separate file. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Internal Energy

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Physics - Internal Energy

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Physics GCSE, particularly the 'Molecules & Matter’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a ‘Think > Pair > Share’ activity which requires pupils to recall the properties of a solid, liquid and gas. Once students have discussed this amongst themselves and as a class, they will then complete a fill-in-the-blank task to summarise the properties and the arrangement of particles of a solids, liquids and gases. Once this task has been completed students can self-assess their work suing the mark scheme included. Students will now be introduced to the idea of potential energy and internal energy, a video will then be shown and students will have to answer a set of questions. This work can then be self-assessed using the answers included in the PowerPoint. This then follows into a mid-lesson plenary, pupils will answer an exam question and then peer-assess their work. Next, students will study the different levels of forces of attraction between particles found in solids, liquids and gases. Their knowledge of what they have learned so far this lesson can then be checked using a summary worksheet, students complete their own worksheet, the answers to this are included in the PowerPoint for students to mark their work once complete. Lastly, students will carry out a ‘True or False’ task. The plenary task requires pupils to complete a 3-3-1 summary: 3 facts, 3 key words and 1 question to test their peers. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Waves

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Waves

This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 P2 ’Sound’. For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. Students will firstly be introduced to the main features of a wave - amplitude, frequency and wavelength. Students can sketch a diagram of a wave into their books and take notes on the main features. Students are now introduced to transverse and longitudinal waves, students will need to know the differences between the direction of the oscillations of these two waves. Students are then asked to discuss how a ‘slinky’ could be used to demonstrate these two waves, after a short class discussion students can be shown an animation to demonstrate how a slinky shows these two types of wave. Students will now get into groups and come up with a short role-play to demonstrate the differences between these two waves. Students will now complete a progress check where they will need to copy and complete a paragraph to summarise what they have learned so far this lesson. This task can then be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. A diagram of a longitudinal wave which shows the differences between rarefactions and compressions is shown to students, they will then need to answer a set of questions. The answers to this task are included in the PowerPoint so students can self-assess their work once it is complete. Next, students will need to ‘Think > Pair > Share’ their ideas about what happens when two or more waves join together. Students can discuss their ideas first before being shown a video demonstrating the process of superposing waves. Students will then complete a fill-in-the-blank task to summarise what they have learned this lesson. The plenary task requires students to write a WhatsApp message to tell their friends what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7~ Flowers & Pollination

KS3 ~ Year 7~ Flowers & Pollination

This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 B1.3 Module on ‘Reproduction’. For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. The lesson begins with a ‘Think > Pair > Share’ task, asking students to consider why flowers are so important, they can discuss their ideas in pairs before feeding back to the class. The next activity involves students learning about the anatomy of a flower. Information sheets are firstly placed around the room, using these studenst will need to complete a worksheet which included labelling a cross-sectional diagram of a flower and completing a table to outline the functions of each of the structural features. The mark scheme for this task is included in the PowerPoint so students can assess their own work once they have completed the task. The latter part of the lesson focuses on pollination, students will firsty watch a video and during this they should come up with a definition of ‘pollination’. Their answers can be checked against the definition provided on the PowerPoint, any corrections can be made. Students are introduced to the idea of cross-pollination and self-pollination, as well as the idea that plants can either be cross-pollinated by wind or by insects. Students are then shown two plants - Himalayan Balsam and a Dandelion - and are asked to consider which may be pollinated by wind and which by insects, try to encourage them to use a description of the flowers structure in their answers. Lastly, students will need to use a set of statements to complete a table outlining the structural features of insect-pollinated plants vs. wind-pollinated plants. The answers to this task are included in the PowerPoint so students can self-assess their work once it is complete. The plenary requires students to finish off one of the sentence starters provided, summarising what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Leaves

KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Leaves

This lesson is designed for the KS3 Year 8 Science course, specifically the B2 1.2 Ecosystem Processes. For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This lesson begins with a recap on the different organs of a plant – students should be able to name and correctly label the stem, leaves, flower and roots. Students will also need to correctly identify the function of each of these organs, this task can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Students will then watch a video on leaves and the structure of leaves, students will need to answer a set of questions whilst watching this video. This work can then be self-assessed using the answers provided on the PowerPoint. The next task requires students to complete a worksheet which focuses on the adaptations of the leaves, this work can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided once complete. The last activity then requires students to complete a worksheet which focuses on labelling structures and functions of a leave, this involves filling in boxes which surround a diagram of a cross-section of a leaf. The plenary task then requires students to ‘pick a plenary’ – students can either summarise what they have learned in three sentences or write a definition of a set of key words. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)