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Le Matin - match up worksheet
Match up activity which can be done in groups / pairs or individually. Compliments Le Matin Powerpoint.

Mes Passe-temps Préférés
Lesson to introudce free time activities and re-cap the verbs JOUER and FAIRE. Lots of opportunities for group work as well as a written task which can be completed for homework. Worksheet included.

Que fais tu le Matin?
Storyboard worksheet to compliment Le Matin Powerpoint. Pupils must put the expressions into English then illustrate each one.

Le Matin - daily routine
Powerpoint on daily routine (morning). Also re-caps times and using connectives. Opportunities for listening activity as well as mini-whiteboard game.
Accents ammended!

Le Passé Composé - JOUONS!
Nice starter or plenary activity. Pupils must identify all 6 parts of the verbs AVOIR and ETRE and put them in order. Then they must sort the infinitive verbs into groups; those that are used with AVOIR and those that are used with ETRE. Takes a bit of time to prepare but once you have the resources they can be used again and again.

Le Passé Composé Avec AVOIR
Lesson introducing / revising the perfect ternse with avoir. Opportunities for mini-whiteboard activities.

Le Passé Composé - FICHE DE TRAVAIL
Worksheet for pupils to fill in to explain how the perfect tense is formed in French. Includes practice activities for consolidation.

Le Passé Composé Avec ETRE
Lesson revising the perfect tense with AVOIR and introducing the perfect tense with ETRE. Opportunities for mini-whiteboard activities.

Joyeux Pacques
Easter Powerpoint lesson which includes various topic-related activities. Worksheet to compliment this lesson is on here too!

Joyeux Pacques - FICHE DE TRAVAIL
Easter themed worksheet in French. Compliments Powerpoint of the same title.

Joyeux Noel
Christmas worksheet which teaches pupils topic-related vocabulary. Compliments Joyeux Noel Powerpoint.

Joyeux Noel - LESSON
Christmas Powerpoint with various group and individual activities culminating in pupils designing their own French christmas card.
* Feel free to adapt, amend or change as you see fit, or have a go at your own using the backgrounds at the end of the PPT. Facts found on the internet so may not be 100% accurate (as kindly pointed out below!)

Dans Ma Trousse
Low-ability worksheet for items in a pencil case in French. Pupils put the words into English then draw a picture of the item in the box.

Les Couleurs - fiche de travail
A low-ability worksheet for colours. Pupils put the colours into English then colour in the pictures.

Les Couleurs - lesson
A French lesson introducing colours. I originally did this for a primary taster session but it can be used for KS3.

Numbers in French, Spanish and German.
Posters of numbers to 100 in french, spanish and German. These look great when blown up to A3 size or larger and make excellent display posters.

Los Números hasta 15
Y7 lesson introducing numbers to 15. Excellent starter activity where pupils can work in groups to construct a pyramid by matching basic conversation phrases in Spanish and English - this is also attached. Games, translations and basic grammar points included.

Qué deportes haces?
Follow on lesson to sports which re-caps time and helps pupils to consolidate the use of JUGAR and HACER with sports. Also looks at describing what others do using the third person singular.