AQA GCSE Cell Structure Revision
Revision activity that I use with students to revise cells for the new AQA GCSE. This could be used with students following both the Trilogy specification and Biology specification.
AQA GCSE: B4 Organisation: Sequence of Lessons: Trilogy Specification
A sequence of lessons available individually in my TES store that covers part of the content of 4.2 of the Trilogy Specification with AQA.
The lessons cover from the Trilogy Specification: The Heart and Blood Vessels Blood Coronary Heart Disease Plant Tissues Plant Organ Systems
Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources.
I also use a selection of past exam questions which can be downloaded for free from my store using the following link:
Sequence of Lessons for the Trilogy Specification:
L1 Heart and Lungs
L2 Blood Vessels and Blood
L3 Cardiovascular Disease
L4 Plant Tissues
L5 Plant Organs
L6 Investigating Transpiration
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store.
AQA GCSE: B11 Hormonal Control: L1 The Endocrine System
A lesson covering the endocrine system designed for the new GCSE AQA Biology and Trilogy specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources.
This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons available in my TES store that covers a topic titled B11 Hormonal Control that follows the Biology specification.
L1: The Endocrine System
L2: Control of Blood Glucose
L3: Diabetes
L4: Negative Feedback
L5: Human Reproduction
L6: The Menstrual Cycle
L7: Contraception
L8: Infertility
L9: Plant Hormones
L10: Plant Hormones Required Practical 8
L11: Use of Plant Hormones
This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons available in my TES store that covers a topic titled B11 Hormonal Control that follows the Trilogy specification.
L1: The Endocrine System
L2: Control of Blood Glucose
L3: Diabetes
L4: Negative Feedback
L5: Human Reproduction
L6: The Menstrual Cycle
L7: Contraception
L8: Infertility
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store and can also be purchased as a bundle.
AQA GCSE: B11 Hormonal Coordination: Sequence of Lessons
A sequence of lessons available individually in my TES store that covers the content of 4.5.3 Hormonal Coordination in Humans of the Trilogy Specification with AQA. The lessons cover from the specifications: Human Endocrine System Control of Blood Glucose Concentration Hormones in Human Reproduction Contraception The Use of Hormones to Treat Infertility Negative Feedback
Included for each lesson is the PowerPoint and additional resources that accompany them.
The sequence of lessons includes:
L1: The Endocrine System
L2: Control of Blood Glucose
L3: Diabetes
L4: Negative Feedback
L5: Human Reproduction
L6: The Menstrual Cycle
L7: Contraception
L8: Infertility
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store.
When teaching this lesson I also use some past exam questions. These can be downloaded separately from my store for free using the following link:
AQA GCSE: B17 Organisation of the Ecosystem: Sequence of Lessons Biology Specification
A sequence of lessons available individually in my TES store that covers part of the content of 4.7.2 of the Biology Specification with AQA.
The lessons cover from the Biology Specification: Levels of Organisation (in part) How Materials Are Cycled Decomposition
Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources.
I also use a selection of past exam questions which can be downloaded for free from my store using the following link:
Sequence of Lessons for the Biology Specification:
L1: Feeding Relationships
L2: Water Cycle
L3: Carbon Cycle
L4: Decay Cycle
L5: Rates of Decomposition
L6: Investigating Decomposition
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store.
AQA GCSE: B17 Organisation of the Ecosystem: Sequence of Lessons Trilogy Specification
A sequence of lessons available individually in my TES store that covers part of the content of 4.7.2 of the Trilogy Specification with AQA.
The lessons cover from the Biology Specification: Levels of Organisation (in part) How Materials Are Cycled
Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources.
I also use a selection of past exam questions which can be downloaded for free from my store using the following link:
Sequence of Lessons for the Trilogy Specification:
L1: Water Cycle
L2: Carbon Cycle
L3: Decay Cycle
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store.
AQA GCSE: B17 Ecosystems: L6 Investigating Decomposition
A lesson covering investigating decomposition for the new GCSE Biology specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources. Within this lesson Biology Required Practical 10 is covered in which students investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by measuring pH change.
This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons available in my TES store that covers a topic titled B17 Organising an Ecosystem that follows the Trilogy and Biology specification.
Sequence of Lessons for the Biology Specification:
L1: Feeding Relationships
L2: Water Cycle
L3: Carbon Cycle
L4: Decay Cycle
L5: Rates of Decomposition
L6: Investigating Decomposition
Sequence of Lessons for the Trilogy Specification:
L1 Water Cycle
L2 Carbon Cycle
L3 Decay Cycle
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store and can also be purchased as a bundle.
AQA GCSE: B15 Genetics and Evolution: L4 Evidence for Evolution
A lesson covering the evidence of evolution for the new GCSE AQA Biology specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources.
I also use a selection of past exam questions which can be downloaded for free from my store using the following link:
This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons available in my TES store that covers a topic titled B15 Genetics and Evolution that follows the Trilogy and Biology specification.
Sequence of Lessons for the Biology Specification:
L1: Theory of Evolution
L2: Speciation
L3: Understanding of Genetics
L4: Evidence for Evolution
L5: Fossils and Extinction
L6: Resistant Bacteria
L7: Classification
Sequence of Lessons for the Trilogy Specification:
L1: Evidence for Evolution
L2: Fossils and Extinction
L3: Resistant Bacteria
L4: Classification
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store and can also be purchased as a bundle.
AQA GCSE: B15 Genetics and Evolution: L1 Theory of Evolution
A lesson covering the theory of evolution for the new GCSE AQA Biology specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources.
I also use a selection of past exam questions which can be downloaded for free from my store using the following link:
This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons available in my TES store that covers a topic titled B15 Genetics and Evolution that follows the Trilogy and Biology specification.
Sequence of Lessons for the Biology Specification:
L1: Theory of Evolution
L2: Speciation
L3: Understanding of Genetics
L4: Evidence for Evolution
L5: Fossils and Extinction
L6: Resistant Bacteria
L7: Classification
Sequence of Lessons for the Trilogy Specification:
L1: Evidence for Evolution
L2: Fossils and Extinction
L3: Resistant Bacteria
L4: Classification
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store and can also be purchased as a bundle.
AQA GCSE: B18 Biodiversity and Ecosystems: L3 Deforestation and Pollution
A lesson covering deforestation and pollution for the new GCSE AQA Trilogy and Biology specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources.
I also use a selection of past exam questions which can be downloaded for free from my store using the following link:
This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons available in my TES store that covers the topic titled B18 Biodiversity and Ecosystems that follows the Trilogy and Biology specification.
Sequence of Lessons for the Trilogy Specification:
L1 Biodiversity and Waste Management
L2 Land Use
L3 Deforestation and Pollution
L4 Global Warming
Sequence of Lessons for the Biology Specification:
L1 Biodiversity and Waste Management
L2 Land Use
L3 Deforestation and Pollution
L4 Global Warming
L5 Impact of Change
L6 Trophic Levels
L7 Biomass
L8 Food Security
L9 Sustainable Food
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store and can also be purchased as a bundle.
AQA GCSE: B16 Adaptations and Competition: L4 and L5 Investigating Distribution: Required Practical
A lesson covering investigating the distribution of plants for the new GCSE AQA Trilogy and Biology specification. Included is the lesson PowerPoint and accompanying digital resources.
I also use a selection of past exam questions which can be downloaded for free from my store using the following link:
This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons available in my TES store that covers the topic titled B16 Adaptations, Interdependence and Competition that follows the Trilogy and Biology specification.
Sequence of Lessons for the Trilogy and Biology Specification:
L1 Communities
L2 Abiotic and Biotic Factors
L3 Distribution of Species
L4 and L5 Investigating Distribution of Species
L6 Competition in Animals
L7 Adaptations of Animals
L8 Competition in Plants
L9 Adaptations of Plants
L10 Extremophiles
These lessons can also be purchased separately in my store and can also be purchased as a bundle.
AQA Biology Paper 1: Knowledge Organisers: Revision
A set of knowledge organisers that cover all content for the AQA Biology Paper 1. The knowledge organisers are broken down into the following topics:
B1 Cell Structure and Transport
B2 Cell Division
B3 Organisation and the Digestive System
B4 Organising Animals and Plants
B5 Communicable Disease
B6 Preventing and Treating Disease
B7 Non-Communicable Disease
B8 Photosynthesis
B9 Respiration
Knowledge organisers are included for the Biology and Trilogy Specification. Each organiser has the content for the topic condensed down to 1 page
Please note that these resources have also been uploaded to TES as summary sheets.
AQA Biology Paper 2: Knowledge Organisers: Revision
A set of knowledge organisers that cover all content for the AQA Biology Paper 2. The knowledge organisers are broken down into the following topics:
B10 Human Nervous System
B11 Hormonal Coordination
B12 Homeostasis in Action
B13 Reproduction
B14 Variation and Evolution
B15 Genetics and Evolution
B16 Adaptations, Interdependence and Competition
B17 Organising an Ecosystem
B18 Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Knowledge organisers are included for the Biology and Trilogy Specification. Each sheet has the content for the topic condensed down to 1 page
Please note that these resources have also been uploaded to TES as summary sheets.
AQA Science Paper 2: Knowledge Organisers
A set of knowledge organisers that covers all content for the AQA Trilogy and Seperate Science Paper 2. The summary sheets are broken down into the following topics:
B10 Human Nervous System
B11 Hormonal Coordination
B12 Homeostasis in Action
B13 Reproduction
B14 Variation and Evolution
B15 Genetics and Evolution
B16 Adaptations, Interdependence and Competition
B17 Organising an Ecosystem
B18 Biodiversity and Ecosystems
C8 Rates and Equilibrium
C9 Crude Oil and Fuels
C10 Organic Reactions
C11 Polymers
C12 Chemical Analysis
C13 Earth’s Atmosphere
C14 Earth’s Resources
C15 Using Our Resources
P8 Forces in Balance
P9 Motion
P10 Force and Motion
P11 Force and Pressure
P12 Wave Properties
P13 Electromagnetic Waves
P14 Light
P15 Electromagnetism
P16 Space
Knowledge organisers are included for the Biology, Chemistry and Physics and Trilogy Specification. Some of the sheets for Trilogy have also further been broken down into Higher and Foundation sheets. Each sheet has the content for the topic condensed down to 1 page.
Please note that these resources have also been uploaded to TES as summary sheets.
AQA GCSE: Selective Breeding Revision: Biology Paper 2
8 page resource designed to provide structure to students revision when studying selective breeding for their Paper 2 Biology GCSE exam.
The resource is designed to be printed as an 8 page booklet that could be completed in class/revision sessions or at home and contains the following:
Page 1: Information that students need to know about selective breeding.
Page 2: Space to complete some structured revision in which students complete a “read, cover, write, check” task.
Page 3: Space to complete their own summary with some prompts for how this could be done/presented.
Page 4: Structured task around the topic.
Page 5: Grid of questions for students to complete using the information on page 1.
Page 6: Selection of past exam questions from AQA.
Page 7: Selection of past exam questions from AQA.
Page 8: Exam question answers.
This is part of a series of resources which will be updated in more parts as they are produced.
AQA GCSE: Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Revision: Biology Paper 2
8 page resource designed to provide structure to students revision when studying asexual and sexual reproduction for their Paper 2 Biology GCSE exam.
The resource is designed to be printed as an 8 page booklet that could be completed in class/revision sessions or at home and contains the following:
Page 1: Information that students need to know about asexual and sexual reproduction.
Page 2: Space to complete some structured revision in which students complete a “read, cover, write, check” task.
Page 3: Space to complete their own summary with some prompts for how this could be done/presented.
Page 4: Structured task around the topic…
Page 5: Grid of questions for students to complete using the information on page 1.
Page 6: Selection of past exam questions from AQA.
Page 7: Selection of past exam questions from AQA.
Page 8: Exam question answers.
This is part of a series of resources which will be updated in more parts as they are produced.
AQA GCSE B18 Work Booklet: Biodiversity and Ecosystems
A digital work booklet suitable for AQA GCSE Trilogy Science and Separate Science. Can be used for learning in both the classroom and at home. This booklet covers B18 Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
At the start of the booklet there is a clear topic overview, with all outcomes for lessons and links to previous topics are clearly identified. Content that is covered in the higher tier and Separate Science only is clearly signposted throughout the booklet and so these booklets can be used if studying for either foundation tier or higher tier and if studying Separate Science or Combined Science.
What is in Each Lesson:
Each lesson has clear outcomes that are closely linked to the specification and introduces students to the key knowledge that they are required to know in a clear condensed way. This is followed by some core tasks that are designed as an opportunity for students to develop and consolidate new ideas. Finally, there are lots of questions for exam practice that have been clearly identified as levels 1-3, 4-6 and 7-9. I am an experienced Biology exam marker and have selected a combination of questions that are commonly used on exam papers as well as some exam questions that are a bit more unusual that have caused students difficulty in the past. Through using these exam questions students will be prepared and familiar with all of the different ways that the topic content could be assessed.
AQA GCSE B16 Work Booklet: Adaptations Interdependence and Competition
A digital work booklet suitable for AQA GCSE Trilogy Science and Separate Science. Can be used for learning in both the classroom and at home. This booklet covers B16 Adaptations, Interdependence and Competition.
At the start of the booklet there is a clear topic overview, with all outcomes for lessons and links to previous topics are clearly identified. Content that is covered in the higher tier and Separate Science only is clearly signposted throughout the booklet and so these booklets can be used if studying for either foundation tier or higher tier and if studying Separate Science or Combined Science.
What is in Each Lesson:
Each lesson has clear outcomes that are closely linked to the specification and introduces students to the key knowledge that they are required to know in a clear condensed way. This is followed by some core tasks that are designed as an opportunity for students to develop and consolidate new ideas. Finally, there are lots of questions for exam practice that have been clearly identified as levels 1-3, 4-6 and 7-9. I am an experienced Biology exam marker and have selected a combination of questions that are commonly used on exam papers as well as some exam questions that are a bit more unusual that have caused students difficulty in the past. Through using these exam questions students will be prepared and familiar with all of the different ways that the topic content could be assessed.
AQA GCSE B14 Work Booklet: Variation and Evolution
A digital work booklet suitable for AQA GCSE Trilogy Science and Separate Science. Can be used for learning in both the classroom and at home. This booklet covers B14 Variation and Evolution.
At the start of the booklet there is a clear topic overview, with all outcomes for lessons and links to previous topics are clearly identified. Content that is covered in the higher tier and Separate Science only is clearly signposted throughout the booklet and so these booklets can be used if studying for either foundation tier or higher tier and if studying Separate Science or Combined Science.
What is in Each Lesson:
Each lesson has clear outcomes that are closely linked to the specification and introduces students to the key knowledge that they are required to know in a clear condensed way. This is followed by some core tasks that are designed as an opportunity for students to develop and consolidate new ideas. Finally, there are lots of questions for exam practice that have been clearly identified as levels 1-3, 4-6 and 7-9. I am an experienced Biology exam marker and have selected a combination of questions that are commonly used on exam papers as well as some exam questions that are a bit more unusual that have caused students difficulty in the past. Through using these exam questions students will be prepared and familiar with all of the different ways that the topic content could be assessed.
AQA GCSE B6 Work Booklet: Preventing and Treating Disease
A digital work booklet suitable for AQA GCSE Trilogy Science and Separate Science. Can be used for learning in both the classroom and at home. This booklet covers B6 Preventing and Treating Disease.
At the start of the booklet there is a clear topic overview, with all outcomes for lessons and links to previous topics are clearly identified. Content that is covered in the higher tier and Separate Science only is clearly signposted throughout the booklet and so these booklets can be used if studying for either foundation tier or higher tier and if studying Separate Science or Combined Science.
What is in Each Lesson:
Each lesson has clear outcomes that are closely linked to the specification and introduces students to the key knowledge that they are required to know in a clear condensed way. This is followed by some core tasks that are designed as an opportunity for students to develop and consolidate new ideas. Finally, there are lots of questions for exam practice that have been clearly identified as levels 1-3, 4-6 and 7-9. I am an experienced Biology exam marker and have selected a combination of questions that are commonly used on exam papers as well as some exam questions that are a bit more unusual that have caused students difficulty in the past. Through using these exam questions students will be prepared and familiar with all of the different ways that the topic content could be assessed.