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Magnification equation worksheet

Magnification equation worksheet

Differentiated practice using the magnfication equation. Bronze: very simple, simple put the numbers into the equation silver: need for rearranging equation gold: need for rearranging equation and converting between units, and measuring image size from image


Starter: Retrieval starter, based on prior knowledge about animal and plant cells Main: explaination of how to convert between common units used in biology Differentiated task to convert between units -explaination of how to use standard form questions to practice on standard form microscope questions to explain examples differentiated magnfication worksheet Plenary: plenary grid with questions from this lesson and based on animal and plant cells. to be done individually or as a group
Structure of a plant

Structure of a plant

Aimed at KS3 students. This lesson recaps KS2 prior knowledge on the structure of a plant. Before moving onto KS3 content about structure and function of parts of the plant, followed by a plant dissection, accompanied by worksheets.
Transport in plants KS3

Transport in plants KS3

Objectives: Describe how water is transported in plants Explain how gases enter and leave plants explain how some plants are adapted to limit water loss Potential practical activity of celery with food colouring, not essential for the lesson however. Starter: Recall questions, answers on the following slide Main - potential celery practical discuss the role of the root hair cells, recap students prior knowledge on this Discuss how water enters a plant, answer questions. Answers on next page Discuss how gases get in and out of a plant Discuss adaptations plants have in warm temperatures Plenary - Exam questions, answers included
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells

Combining both B1.2 and B1.3 from the kerboodle topic Starter: No goal starter, images of plant and animal cell and a microscope. students can add any information they already know. Images can be printed or a list of what they know can be wrote. To be referred to at the end of the topic, assess prior knowledge Main: Label plant and animal cell, differentiated version available, animated answers embedded in the powerpoint Match structure and function of organelles Show students bacterial cell, students draw and label their own, before filling in the comparison tick box to compare animal, plant and bacteria cells. Stretch task available Explain key words prokaryotic and eukaryotic, then students complete the assessed questions showing understanding of differences between these cells. Self assess answer using mark scheme Plenary Plenary grid, can be done individually or as teams. Covers key concepts from the lesson, answers on the following slide
Microscopes required practical

Microscopes required practical

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: Differentiated exam questions answers on the powerpoint to mark Main: Required practical, worksheet to complete alongside. Answers on the powerpoint to self assess after Extension: magnification exam questions to practice , answers on the powerpoint Plenary: Pack up, write equation from memory Homework sheet: Exam questions on magnification and method to write for the practical
B13.2 Evolution by natural selection

B13.2 Evolution by natural selection

Aimed at a low ability class Starter Activity Pictures of animals with the albinism mutation, students decide if they think this is beneficial or not and explain their answer Main – Think pair share for one minute to discuss the word mutation. Then do a vocab lab for the definition Fill in the blanks about mutations, print for LA students Watch video about Charles darwins natural selection. Then cut and stick the statements into order to describe natural selection. Green pen mark Explain how the lion is adapted and how these adaptations are beneficial. Complete exam questions. Extension question available on powerpoint. Plenary Mark exam question
B4.3 The heart

B4.3 The heart

Biology Aqa trilogy, B4.3 Aimed at a mixed ability class Starter: exam question based on previous lesson on blood vessels Main: 2 minute video to introduce heart double circulatory task Then differentiated task on the heart to label Plenary : exam question on labelling the heart
KS3 Respiratory system and gas exchange

KS3 Respiratory system and gas exchange

Starter: Simple recall questions based on prior knowledge, easily changed to suit your class Main: Information about the respiratory system, then a labelling task, a putting in order task and questions to consolidate learning. All answers on the powerpoint. Gas exchange information on the ppt also a drawing of how it can be taught under the visulisar, followed by questions to check understaning. Plenary True or false
B13.1 variation and evolution

B13.1 variation and evolution

Aimed at a low ability class. Starter Activity Stick in objective sheets for this topic. Starter question what makes each person different. Extension task: why do we look different Main – Literacy task, focus on the key word variation: write a definition, then write their own sentence using it, then draw a picture to show the key word also Draw a venn diagram and decide if the variation is genetic, environmental or both. Highlight what genetic means Go through answers and discuss why students have put it there Think, pair, share, what similarities and differences would twins have if they were separated at birth Answer questions about twins using data provided Plenary Recap tick grid, which features are due to the environment, genes or both
B16.1 feeding relationships

B16.1 feeding relationships

Aimed at low ability KS4 students, targets of level 3/4 Starter: Differentiated synoptic questions linking to B8 photosynthesis. Main: match up key words, then link key words to food chain. differentiated 6 mark question. Broken down 6 mark question to build confidence, focusing on key words. Bronze/silver supportive sheets Gold students just answer the question. Plenary: Mark scheme on powerpoint for students to mark and improve their answer.
Photosynthesis KS3

Photosynthesis KS3

Starter: Recap of a plant cell. Main - intro to photosynthesis, defintion and explaination Video with questions to answer Student task to explain photosynthesis with a clear success criteria given Discuss how we can measure the rate of photosythesis Pondweed practical could be done at this point, alternatively there is a online simulation attached. Give students data, work out the mean, plot a graph write an evaluation. Work sheet for support given with results table and graph. plenary - recap questions from earlier in the topic
Microscopes KS3

Microscopes KS3

Aimed at a mixed ability year 7 class 5 mins Differentiated questions to see what students know already about the microscope   Main History of the microscope task – HA/LA version HA comprehension task about history, LA cut and stick to put in order Show students parts on real microscope then cut and stick activity to label microscope parts – HA/LA version available as well as support sheets  - go through answers Extension: magnification calculations Plenary 5 mins Tweet something you have learnt today
B1.2 Animal and plant cells

B1.2 Animal and plant cells

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: identify which cell is a plant cell and which is an animal cell and explain why Main: Label plant and animal cells differentiated worksheets (bronze silver gold) Match up strucutre and function of organelles venn diagram similarities and differences between plant and animal cells Plenary: true/false questions
B1.7 Osmosis

B1.7 Osmosis

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: Discuss and make a prediction about where the water willl move bring it together with a definitoin of osmosis Main: Set up practical so results can be looked at next lesson - method on slide go through what happens to cells in different concentrations differentiated literacy task Plenary: mark questions
B1.10 exchange materials

B1.10 exchange materials

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: reflect on previous diffusion practical Main: explain surface area:vol, do practic equestions and mark do research task to explain how surfaces are specialised extension: checkpoint follow ups from kerboodle Plenary" tweet what theyve learnt