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B13.2 Evolution by natural selection

B13.2 Evolution by natural selection

Aimed at a low ability class Starter Activity Pictures of animals with the albinism mutation, students decide if they think this is beneficial or not and explain their answer Main – Think pair share for one minute to discuss the word mutation. Then do a vocab lab for the definition Fill in the blanks about mutations, print for LA students Watch video about Charles darwins natural selection. Then cut and stick the statements into order to describe natural selection. Green pen mark Explain how the lion is adapted and how these adaptations are beneficial. Complete exam questions. Extension question available on powerpoint. Plenary Mark exam question
B13.1 variation and evolution

B13.1 variation and evolution

Aimed at a low ability class. Starter Activity Stick in objective sheets for this topic. Starter question what makes each person different. Extension task: why do we look different Main – Literacy task, focus on the key word variation: write a definition, then write their own sentence using it, then draw a picture to show the key word also Draw a venn diagram and decide if the variation is genetic, environmental or both. Highlight what genetic means Go through answers and discuss why students have put it there Think, pair, share, what similarities and differences would twins have if they were separated at birth Answer questions about twins using data provided Plenary Recap tick grid, which features are due to the environment, genes or both
B2.3 stem cells

B2.3 stem cells

aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class - worksheet from tes Starter What is a stem cell. Turn the picture into words – looking for key words,  undifferentiated, differentiated Main – Watch a video, explaining what stem cells are and what they can be used for Research task, differentiated criteria to find out about stem cells use p.30-31 in kerboodle text books, ipads extension: worksheet with questions Plenary Peer assess each others work, which level do they think their partner has achieved, using the success criteria
B2.2 Growth and division

B2.2 Growth and division

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Could do the practical - but where it falls with teaching my class this im unable to, task to use the method instead Starter: Students discuss how cells change through the life time of a human Go through what happens at each stage in life, students then write their own description in their books of what happens at each stage Stretch: if cells are repaired and replaced and there are stem cells how are people paralysed Main – Discuss how plants grow – key words on the board, from discussion get students to write their own definitons for these words, green pen their answers Turn method for how to clone cauliflower into a storyboard – alternatively you can carry out the practical. Extension questions if students finish task Plenary Explain why a starfish is more like a plant than an animal in terms of its ability to regrow limbs
B2.1 Cell division

B2.1 Cell division

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: match up the key words to the defintions Main: discuss key words and then think pair share, how do we go from a single cell to an embryo to who we are today Research mitosis, move around the room and find out about the steps Complete literacy question task to reinforce learning for the day Plenary: go through answers to the worksheet and tweet the most important thing they have learnt today
B1.10 exchanging materials

B1.10 exchanging materials

Aimed at mixed ability year 9 class Starter: discuss surface area practical from diffusion lesson Main: Explain surface area: vol and practice how to work it out research how different multi cellular animals are adapted extension: kerboodle checkpoint follow up level 4/6/8 plenary: what have they learnt today
B1 - cell structure and transport

B1 - cell structure and transport

11 Resources
complete lessons covering kerboodle B1. the world of the microscope animal and plant cells eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells specialised animal cells specialised plant cells diffusion osmosis osmosis in plants active transport specialised exchange surfaces Including required practicals Lots of differentiation in lessons
B1.10 exchange materials

B1.10 exchange materials

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: reflect on previous diffusion practical Main: explain surface area:vol, do practic equestions and mark do research task to explain how surfaces are specialised extension: checkpoint follow ups from kerboodle Plenary" tweet what theyve learnt
B1.9 active transport

B1.9 active transport

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: what would happen to the particles thinking about diffusions Main: introduce active transport, define active transport. show where it works in plants and animal cells complete differentiated literacy activity Extension task Plenary: mark work, tweet one thing they have learnt today
B1.8 Osmosis in plants

B1.8 Osmosis in plants

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: what is the role of a vacuole stretch: what happens to a plant cell if placed in concentrated sugar solution Main: Complete required practical, record results, compelte worksheet extension exam question if do complete Plenary: mark required practical
B1.7 Osmosis

B1.7 Osmosis

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: Discuss and make a prediction about where the water willl move bring it together with a definitoin of osmosis Main: Set up practical so results can be looked at next lesson - method on slide go through what happens to cells in different concentrations differentiated literacy task Plenary: mark questions
B1.6 Diffusion

B1.6 Diffusion

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: how do sharks find their prey easily define diffusion Main:: three practicals affect of temperature affect of concentration affect of surface area accompanying work sheet to fill in whilst completing practical THen complete differentiated diffusion literacy task Plenary: tweet what they have learnt today
B1.5 specialisation in plant cells

B1.5 specialisation in plant cells

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: recap draw and label plant cell. Stretch, describe the role of each organelle Main: Discuss where the palaside cells are found, discuss why they are adapted for their function being here research task: HA/LA versions find out about root hair cells, xylem, phloem Exam questions Plenary: mark exam questions
B1.4 Specialised animal cells

B1.4 Specialised animal cells

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: why do animals have specialised cells, try and identify cells in the pictures Main: Research task - using kerboodle books or any other resource, research criteria to meet for each cell. Lower ability information sheets, and grid to fill in for LA students Extension: answer questions Plenary: identify if statements are true/ false
B1.3 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

B1.3 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: identify differences between plant/animal/bacterial cells from images given Main: Watch video, answer questions, green pen (answers provided on ppt) Fill out comparison table and draw own bacterial cell stretch questions to reach highest levels Discussion are all bacteria bad? images to support 6 mark question to compare cells Plenary: order of magnitude, in pairs select an image then put themselves in order
B1.2 Animal and plant cells

B1.2 Animal and plant cells

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: identify which cell is a plant cell and which is an animal cell and explain why Main: Label plant and animal cells differentiated worksheets (bronze silver gold) Match up strucutre and function of organelles venn diagram similarities and differences between plant and animal cells Plenary: true/false questions
Microscopes required practical

Microscopes required practical

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter: Differentiated exam questions answers on the powerpoint to mark Main: Required practical, worksheet to complete alongside. Answers on the powerpoint to self assess after Extension: magnification exam questions to practice , answers on the powerpoint Plenary: Pack up, write equation from memory Homework sheet: Exam questions on magnification and method to write for the practical