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Simple Distillation KS3

Simple Distillation KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 8 class Starter: would you drink dirty water, how do you think you could clean it? Main: SMSC link to how many people dont have clean water, fill in SMSC grid based on video Explain simple distillaation and equiptment, label diagram of equiptment Watch distillation demo Bronze/ Gold task to explain distillation Extension task available on powerpoint Plenary: Exam question
Dissolving KS3

Dissolving KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 8 class Starter: Add key terms to diagram, using key words for the lesson Main: Define key words and explain solubility Practical: see if different compounds are soluble or not Then draw particle pictures of what happens when a substance is dissolving Plenary: Tweet one thing students learnt today
Elements and compounds KS3

Elements and compounds KS3

Elements, compounds and mixtures- Some resources are from other areas on TES Targeted at year 8 mixed ability class. Starter: 5 minutes timed activity, challenege to see how many words students can make from the periodic table Main: Go over definitons of elements/compounds/mixtures. Then use these definitons to identify which particle pictures are elements/compounds Go over rules of particle diagrams, then a choice of higher or lower ability sheet. Higher ability sheet: students need to draw particle diagrams lower ability sheet: students need to identify the correct particle picture Extension: Worksheet, including tasks such as identifying elements, a fill in the gaps activity, 6 mark practicce question to explain the difference between elements/compounds/mictures Plenary: Break the code using the periodic tab;e
Fractional distillation KS3

Fractional distillation KS3

Aimed at a mixed ability year 8 class Starter: work out the link between the pictures Main: Explain what crude oil is and what fractional distillation is Watch video, answer questions, green pen mark questions Complete level 1/2/3 worksheets explaining fractional distillation Extension: research task linking SMSC and crude oil Plenary: What problems would we encounter if we banned all crude oil now
Chromatography KS3

Chromatography KS3

Aimed at a mixed ability year 8 class Starter: summaries what separation techniques students have learnt about so far Main: Define and explain chromatography Show students a chromatogram and discuss what we can learn from it Practical: carry out an investigation to see who wrote the note, work sheet to complete whilst chromatogram is developing Extension: What effect does each mistake make Plenary: Exam question
Solubility at different temperatures KS3

Solubility at different temperatures KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 8 class Starter: Write a hypothesis for what students think will happen to the amount of a solute that can dissolve as temperature increases Main: Practical, have different water baths, see how much sodium bicarbonate dissolves at each temperature Record results on worksheet Differentiated worksheet higher or lower ability. Once completed practical evaluation and conclusion on each practical. Different tasks for higher and lower ability students
C11.1 History of our atmosphere

C11.1 History of our atmosphere

Aimed at foundation students. targets of level 4 Information about how the earths atmosphere was created, then a story board for students to fill in using questions from the version on the board. Extension questions included to challenge students extension sheet if students finish. 6 mark question on this topic for students to practice exam technique as a plenary
C11.3 greenhouse gases

C11.3 greenhouse gases

Aimed at foundation students, targets of level 4 Starter: differentiated bronze/silver/gold starter questions with answers Main: Draw the greenhouse effect using info from powerpoint. extension question to challenge students Fact hunt: questions to answer using textbook Video on deforestation, questions to answer from video Plenary: animated true/false statements
C11.5 atmospheric pollutants

C11.5 atmospheric pollutants

aimed at foundation level 4 targets Differentiated bronze/silver/gold starter Main: recap complete and incomplete combustion, put piece of pot over blue/yellow flame on bunsen burner Students fill in worksheet, to say what they saw and the difference between incomplete and complete combustion Students fill in information grid using textbooks, to find the causes of the atmospheric pollutants and the problems with them Answers for students to check their answers with
Melting points KS3

Melting points KS3

Aimed at mixed ability year 8 class Starter: which chocolate do you think is the most pure? Main: explain what is meant by pure carry out a practical to melt different chocolates to work out which is most pure and how we know that plenary: questions to evaluate the practical
C12.6 reduce reuse recycle

C12.6 reduce reuse recycle

Aimed at low ability students, targets of level 4s Starter: recap on stages of LCA Main: link up key words to defintions for three R’s Pictures on board of different items, what are they made of ? can they be recycled? Discuss three R’s with students using textbooks students then make an information sheet using the success criteria on the powerpoint Plenary: 6 mark question about the the three r’s
C12.5 Life cycle assessments

C12.5 Life cycle assessments

Aimed at low ability students, targets level 4 Starter: differentiated starter questions Main: watch the video about a yogurt pot,thin about its journey fill in grid showing the different stages of the LCA use textbooks to support Class vote - which do they think is the most enviromentally damaging paper or plastic bags Carry out LCA of paper and plastic bags using textbooks evaluate which they think is most enviromentally damaging Plenary: question to list the stages of the LCA
C7.1 exothermic and endothermic reactions

C7.1 exothermic and endothermic reactions

Aimed at foundation students - Does not include required practical Starter - B3 retrieval starter practice Main – Think pair share (+write down) how can you tell if a chemical reaction has taken place? Copy key facts about conservation of energy Explain endo/exo thermic and students fill in vocab labs Find uses and examples of endothermic/exothermic reactions then complete exam questions Mark exam questions, students green pen Plenary Plenary – what have you learnt today
C12 revision sheet

C12 revision sheet

C12 - the earths resources summary sheet Aimed at students with targets of level 4’s page numbers are from CGP foundation revision guide


Suitable for KS3 Includes: Introduction to compounds Particle diagrams of elements and compounds Naming compounds with two and three elements Mini practical to compare elements and compounds All answers included
Pure and Impure

Pure and Impure

Suitable for KS3 Includes: Recall starter Pure and impure including particle diagrams Pure and impure boiling points practical investigation to investigate purity