French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!
French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!
Two standalone resources for GCSE to introduce key language to enable pupils to talk and write about social media, apps and technology.
Resource 1: This double-sided resource focuses on infinitive expressions to talk about social networks we like to use with vocabulary, translation both ways, reading comprehension and a topic sentence builder.
Resource 2: Introduces ‘lo bueno/lo malo es que’ in the context of talking about technology and different apps.
Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
A 19-page reading practice booklet for French GCSE. Each of the 15 questions links to both a AQA and Edexcel specification topic and replicates an exam style question. Answers are included. This booklet is ideal for practice, revision and independent study.
15 topics are covered in the booklet:
School trips
Describing my bedroom
The environment
Birthdays and celebrations
Food and drink
Television and film
School description
Family and home
When I was young
My primary school
The city of Montréal
Protecting the environment
The weather
Future plans
Format: Word document and PDF with answers
A pack of resources (5 worksheets) on the topic of New Technology for KS3/ GCSE.
Resource 1: A sentence builder on New Technology with translation practice.
Resource 2: Translations on this topic into English
Resource 3: A resource on ‘tu es accro à la technologie’
Resource 4: A worksheet about the dos and don’ts of using technology
Resource 5: A reading comprehension and vocabulary hunt on this topic
Answers included.
A four page revision booklet of key complex phrases & structures that pupils should include in their speaking & writing to achieve Grade 9.
This is a definitive list of complex and higher structures that I encourage my pupils to use in their work. The phrases are split into 22 sub-groups across four A4 pages, each with some translation practice too, so as pupils can see how easy it is to manipulate these themselves in a variety of topics. Suggested answers are included and the document can be downloaded in .doc and .pdf.
**The structures are grouped in 22 mini-sections: **
Shiny phrases + infinitives
Opinion phrases
Structures of obligation
Conditional sentences
Imperfect constructions
Before/ after
Past tense phrases
Key past tense verbs
Pasar + gerund
Future tense constructions
Conditional constructions
Past conditional constructions
Subjunctive constructions
Acabo de + infinitive
Soñar con + infintive
Desde hace + present tense
Lo (adjective) es que constructions
Introducing someone else’s opinion
Interesting adjectives
A similar resource is available here in French too:
Save** 91%** with this bundle of 17 translation worksheets on 17 different topics.
Each worksheet has six different translation exercises which recycle the same key language and introduce new linguistic items in a scaffolded way. The exercises are then ramped in terms of difficulty and final activity is a plenary translation task into Spanish.
To preview the quality, take a look at this free example worksheet here:
El medio ambiente
La pobreza y los sin techo
El transporte
Las tareas domésticas
Mi rutina cotidiana
Mi asignatura preferida
En mi infancia/ cuando era joven
El tiempo
Las vacaciones
Mi familia
Mis planes para el futuro
Mis próximas vacaciones
Mis vacaciones ideales
Mis últimas vacaciones
La Navidad
Mi barrio / mi ciudad
La tele
A 16 page GCSE Spanish verb workbook with detailed revision notes on all key tenses, with conjugation practice & answers. This can be used in class, for homework, for revision or independent study.
There is a free sample here to preview the quality:
The grammar topics covered include:
Regular Present Tense Verbs,
Irregular Present Tense Verbs
The Gerund
Root-changing Verbs
Immediate Future Tense
The Pure Future Tense
The Conditional Tense
The Regular Preterite
The Irregular Preterite
The Imperfect Tense
Answers included.
An exam practice booklet for pupils to prepare for the shorter writing task on the IGCSE Edexcel exam paper.
There are 18 separate practice question on different topics from the syllabus with suggested model answers to translate into Spanish with answers and then space for pupils to write their own answer too. All the questions include a different ‘time frame’ word to ensure that pupils have to include another tense (preterite or future).
A standalone worksheet to prepare pupils to talk and write about their school rules using a range of expressions of obligation.
There is also a worksheet to practise verbs and aspects of grammar on this topic.
Answers included.
Two sets of standalone resource to introduce, or recap, clothes and colours to a KS3 group using opinion phrases such as ‘me gusta/me encanta/ prefiero llevar’ and the immediate future tense.
Resource 1: Introduces key vocabulary and contains lots of practice with vocabulary tasks, reading comprehensions, translation practice and a sentence builder.
Resource 2: Recaps items of clothing and types of weather and introduces ‘voy a llevar’ and conditional sentences with ‘si’. There is lots of reading, vocabulary and translation practice and sentence builder.
Format: Word and PDF document with answers.
Save 78% on this bumper bundle of GCSE resources costing over £53 separately. It includes 20 resource packs, some with multiple worksheets, on different GCSE topics. All with answers to save you time.
La familia (a whole unit of 13 worksheets)
Mi barrio (a whole unit of 6 worksheets)
El transporte (reading, speaking mat & translation)
Las costumbres (Writing mat & translation)
Mi cumpleaños (worksheets on present & past)
Mi colegio (5 page revision workbook)
Mis planes para el futuro (sentence builder)
Las vacaciones (holiday preferences and present tense)
Mis pasatiempos - hobbies & free time (whole unit)
Las tareas domésticas (resource pack)
Mi rutina diaria (a whole unit of 6 worksheets)
El medio ambiente (reading & translation)
La tele (writing mat)
Los problemas medioambientales y sociales en mi barrio
La tecnología (reading and translation)
Ir de compras (resource pack)
Mi salud (reading, translation, language mats)
Mi escuela primaria (reading & translation)
La comida (knowledge organiser & translation)
El tiempo (3 worksheets on weather)
Two revision documents for A Level Spanish pupils to support them when speaking and writing. There is a revision grid with connectives and useful phrases to help pupils to sequence their ideas, to structure their work and to vary their range of language. There is also a list of 50 complex structures to use in their speaking exam to target the top band for range of language.
Save 84% with this bundle of 20 resource packs, worth over £55, to help pupils to revise and prepare thoroughly for their Spanish GCSE.
This bundle includes some of my most popular resources, including:
Reading exam practice booklet with answers.
Translation exam practice booklet with answer.
A booklet of Grade 8/9 phrases for the writing exam with translation practice and answers.
2x Verb booklets practice with answers, targeting all key tenses.
A bank of key ideas to revise each topic for the speaking exam.
A pack of grammar gap-fill tasks, targeting verbs and adjectives with answers.
A resource to review, revise and master adjectival agreement.
A resource to review and perfect understanding and forming questions.
A speaking practice game for pupils to encourage spontaneous speaking.
A resource to master using GUSTAR and ‘gustar verbs’
A revision mat with key grade 8/9 constructions
Complete writing preparation for AQA higher tier, but with questions and model answers adaptable to all boards.
A shorter writing booket for Edexcel IGCSE but with translation tasks adaptable to any specification.
A translation game on the topic of school to boost spontaneous speaking skills.
A subjunctive structures writing mat
And more…!
Six worksheets on the topic of describing my town and region.
Resource 1: Introduces key vocabulary of buildings and services in the town with vocabulary exercises, translation, reading and a sentence builder.
Resource 2: Reviews the key vocabulary from Resource 1 and introduces key prepositions e.g. junto a / detrás de/ delante de/ entre.
Resource 3: This focuses on grammar and the correct use of ser, estar and hay with practice.
Resource 4: Introduces key adjectives for description and recycles these with translation, vocabulary exercises, reading comprehension, a sentence builder and adjectival agreement practice.
Resource 5: Introduces the structure of lo mejor/ lo peor de mi zona with justifications.
Resource 6: This is an exam-style reading comprehension, using all the language from resources 1-5 with a vocabulary hunt and reformulation translations.
Format: PDF and Word docs with answers.
Quizlet of key vocabulary:
A set of four standalone resources on the topic of free time and hobbies - mes passe-temps.
Resource 1: Introduction to hobbies: vocabulary, writing/speaking mat & translation to embed vocabulary
Resource 2: Reading: a GCSE style reading comprehension with key vocabulary search and reformulation translation tasks.
Resource 3: Grammar practice, reading and further translation practice
Resource 4: A GCSE style reading comprehension - a multiple-choice style question recycling vocabulary in the previous resources.
Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
Save 82% with this set of 20 scaffolded writing resources, worth over £27 for pupils to hone their writing skills for GCSE Spanish.
These resources will provide support, scaffolding and model answers for pupils to improve their writing.
These are useful for revision and to use during the course to hone writing technique and to encourage pupils to use a wide range of structures in their work.
There are some free resources to inspect to get a sense of the quality before purchasing the bundle.
My GCSE structures revision list with translation practice
A revision mat of Grade 9 writing constructions
A scaffolded writing task on holidays
A writing task on free time/ shopping
A writing task on healthy living
A writing task on household chores
A writing task on school
Three writing tasks on the environment
A writing task on media and technology
A writing task on future plans
A writing task on food & drink
A writing task on transport
A writing task on house & home
Free resources included:
A writing task on a visit to a school match
A writing task on my family
A writing task on sport & health
A resource for building a range of language
A four-page resource to support pupils to describe their house, the rooms inside and the activities they do in each room. The resources include four pages of scaffolded activities, with vocabulary, reading and translation tasks.
Format: Word and PDF documents with answers.
A revision sheet for A Level with key cultural information on media, TV, the press and Internet, for pupils to use to get a concise overview of media and to revise for the speaking exam.
Three resources to help pupils to talk about illness, health and body parts in Spanish.
There is a reading comprehension, vocabulary activities, practice with me duele/ me duelen and a grammar gap fill task.
There is also a speaking/writing mat on illnesses and needs with translation practice and answers.
A reading comprehension on the topic of body parts, accidents and injuries in the past tense (preterite) with a scaffolded text: tuve un accidente de esqui
Answers included.
A resource to help pupils increase their usage of complex subjunctive phrases in their spoken and written work. The resources introduce 20 key and recyclable subjunctive triggers, have some formation practice and also subjunctive sentences from all A Level topics which are easily transferable to any sub-theme. These resources scaffold pupils’ use of the subjunctive and will allow them to use examples confidently in their own work.
Full answers are included.
A resource for GCSE French on the topic of illnesses and sickness that will help pupils to speak and write about their health, symptoms and solutions. There are reading activities and lots of translation using the avoir expressions: avoir mal/ envie/ besoin/ faim/ soif/ chaud/ l’air etc.
There is also a writing task and model answer for pupils to complete before attempting their own.
Answers included.