
DAZ/DAF Die Tiere Task Cards (32 cards)
Die Tiere Task Cards
32 task cards with multiple-choice questions with animal names in German
blank cards for students to create their own cards
4 task cards on each page

Earth Day, Word Search Puzzle
Earth Day, Word Search Puzzle
Answer key’s included.
The words used in the puzzle are:

120 Tenses Task Cards (Alice in Wonderland,2010-Movie)
Tenses Task Cards (Alice in Wonderland,2010-Movie)
120 task cards to review tenses.
All the sentences on the task cards are from the movie Alice in Wonderland (2010).
Present Simple (29 task cards)
Present Continuous (23 task cards)
Present Perfect (27 task cards)
Present Perfect Continuous (5 task cards)
Past Simple (31 task cards)
Past Continuous (3 task cards)
Past Perfect (2 task cards)

DAZ/DAF Artikel (Nominativ), Fragen, Negation (German for Beginners)
Artikel (Nominativ), Fragen, Negation
6 pages grammar tables, examples, and exercises!
Answer key’s included.
Artikel - Nominativ
a) Bestimmter Artikel
b) Unbestimmter Artikel
a) Fragen mit Fragewort (W-Fragen)
b) Ja/Nein Fragen
a) Negation mit “nicht”
b) Negation mit “kein”

DAZ/DAF Präsens, Verbkonjugation (German for Beginners)
Präsens, Verbjonkugation
5 pages grammar tables, examples, and exercises!
Answer key’s included.
2. Das Präsens
a) Verbkonjugation, Schwache Verben
b) Verbkonjugation, Starke Verben
c) Verbkonjugation, Trennbare Verben
d) Verbkonjugation, “sein” und “haben”

Adjectives vs Adverbs Task Cards
Adjectives and Adverbs Task Cards
30 task cards
blank task cards for students to create their own cards
answer sheets
a copy in worksheet format
answer key

Mother's Day Adjectives Word Search Puzzle
Mother’s Day Adjectives Word Search Puzzle
Answer key’s included.
The adjectives used in the puzzle are:
accepting, beautiful, brave, caring, devoted, empowering, encouraging, forgiving, friendly, helpful, incomparable, inspiring, kind, loving, motivating, patient, perfect, polite, precious, protective, selfless, supportive, strong, tolerant, understanding, unique, warm, wise.

30 Task Cards: Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Task Cards
30 task cards
blank task cards for students to create their own cards
answer sheets
a copy in worksheet format
answer key

Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards (48 cards)
Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards
48 taboo cards
blank cards to create more Summer taboo cards (You can print them and let your students create their own Summer taboo cards.)
The words used in the taboo cards are:
Summer, swim, sea, sun, sunny, beach, sand, sandcastle, picnic, barbecue, vacation, outdoors, June, July, August, Father’s Day, sandals, flip-flops, ice cream, popsicle, camping, sunglasses, watermelon, hot, Frisbee, sunburn, seaside, sunscreen, sunbathe, suntan, humid, shorts, swimsuit, bikini, hat, swimming pool, lemonade, sunflower, Independence Day, strawberry, hammock, daisy, park, kite, bike, peach, fishing, hike.

Professions Flashcards (48 cards)
Professions Flashcards
48 flashcards:
singer, model, photographer, painter, sculptor, potter, engineer, police officer, surgeon, nurse, doctor, pediatrician, saxophonist, makeup artist, pilot, flight attendant, cook, journalist, double bass player, fashion designer, Pilates instructor, tailor, veterinarian, tennis player, nanny, cameraman, politician, repairman, teacher, chemist, dancer, modern dancer, banjo player, guitarist, violinist, harpist, conductor, secretary, florist, pharmacist, greengrocer, butcher, cashier, fisherman, receptionist, bellboy, waiter, waitress

Spring Vocabulary Taboo Cards (36 Cards)
Spring Vocabulary Taboo Cards
36 taboo cards
blank cards to create more Spring taboo cards (You can print them and let your students create their own Spring taboo cards.)
The words used in the taboo cards are:
Spring, Easter, kite, rain, bike, butterfly, grass, bunny, umbrella, rainbow, March, April, May, season, bee, sun, sunny, flower, bloom, blossom, warm, tree, sunshine, raincoat, picnic, park, Spring break, bird, Mother’s Day, green, tulip, daffodil, duck, garden, hiking, April Fool’s Day

DAZ/DAF Wochentage, Monate, Jahreszeiten, Temporale Präpositionen: im/um/am
Wochentage, Monate, Jahreszeiten, Temporale Präpositionen: um, im, am (German for Beginners)
days of the week, months, seasons, prepositions of time in German
3 pages tables and exercises!
Answer key’s included.

There is/There are Task Cards (33 cards)
There is/There are Task Cards
1- 33 task cards
there is vs. there are
there isn’t vs. there aren’t
there is vs. there isn’t
there are vs. there aren’t
2- blank task cards for students to create their own cards
3- answer sheets
4- a copy in worksheet format
5- answer key

Easter Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
Easter Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle with the answer key
The words used in the puzzle are:
bunnies, candies, celebrate, decorate, Easter, egg hunt, eggs, festival, flowers, holiday, resurrection, spring, Sunday, tradition.

Christmas Word Scramble Puzzle
Christmas Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle with the answer key
The words used in the puzzle are:
Christmas, present, candle, pine tree, candy cane, bell, snowflake, gingerbread, ornament, Santa Claus, winter, eggnog, December, mistletoe, treat, decoration, reindeer, sleigh, turkey, stocking.

Christmas Word Search Puzzle
Christmas Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
43 Christmas-related words to search!
Words used in the puzzle:
angel, bells, candles, candy cane, celebration, chimney, Christmas, cold, cookies, custom, December, decorations, eggnog, elf, family, fireplace, fruitcake, gathering, gift, gingerbread, hat, holiday, holly, Jesus, lights, ornaments, peppermint, pine tree, present, snow, tinsel, reindeer, snowflake, tradition, ribbon, snowman, treats, Santa Claus, star, turkey, sleigh, stockings, winter.

Irregular Plural Nouns Crossword Puzzle
Irregular Plural Nouns Crossword Puzzle with answer key
Irregular plural nouns used in the puzzle are mouse / mice, wolf / wolves, leaf / leaves, die / dice, man / men, woman / women, person / people, child / children, foot / feet, tooth / teeth, ox / oxen, half / halves, wife / wives, scarf / scarves, thief / thieves, elf / elves, knife / knives, life / lives, shelf / shelves.

Saisons, Banderoles
Saisons, Banderoles
Seasons in French, Pennant Banner
L’automne, L’hiver, Le printemps, L’été