We offer an extensive range of engaging resource that are proven to educate learners of various ages and abilities. Our catalogue of workbooks cover an array of subjects including Functional Skills, Maths, English, Digital Skills, Retail, Employability, Social Development and Tutorials.
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Contact us at SmartbooksEd@outlook.com.
We offer an extensive range of engaging resource that are proven to educate learners of various ages and abilities. Our catalogue of workbooks cover an array of subjects including Functional Skills, Maths, English, Digital Skills, Retail, Employability, Social Development and Tutorials.
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Contact us at SmartbooksEd@outlook.com.
This 6th series of flashcards focuses on the Plot development.
This set of revision cards is slightly different from the others. The cards look at the ways in which the plot is developed.
Card 1 - The structure - How Shakespeare structures the play to build the tragedy
Cards 2 and 3 - Act 1 - A hero is manipulated
Cards 4 and 5 -Act 2 - The deed is done
Cards 6 and 7 - Act 3 - the agony of conscience and loss of peace of mind
Card 8 and 9 - Act 4 - A climax of tyranny
Card 10 and 11 Act 5 - The outcome
Card 12 – some context
These cards are valuable aids to helping students answer the part of the question where they are asked to relate their analysis of the given quote to other areas of the play.
Other sets available:
Set 1 – The Supernatural
Set 2 – Tragic Hero
Set 3 – Guilt/Anxiety
Set 4 – Ambition
Set 5 – Characterisation
Look out for Bundles too!
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. PPT versions are available and feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com
These workbooks have been designed and proven to educate learners on various foods and recipes while promoting creativity and individuality.
Each of the units of work include a selection of engaging functional skill theory tasks and practical cooking sessions.
The practical elements require learners to pair up and follow a method to cook, Homemade Burgers, Pork Stir fry and Traditional Scones which can be adapted to taste, intolrances, allegies and dietry choice.
They can then complete a written evaluation which includes guided questioning. Any photographs taken during the practical can be attached as additional evidence.
Finally, a Tutor/Teacher can give feedback and promote target setting in areas needing improvement, i.e. confidence, communication, timing, focus etc.
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. Word versions are available, so please feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksEd@outlook.com.
Feedback is Key, and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review, and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at
These worksheets have been designed and proven to educate learners on various foods and recipes while promoting creativity and individuality.
This particular unit of work includes a selection of engaging theory tasks and a practical cooking session.
The Practical Element requires learners to pair up and follow a method to cook a Pork Stir fry which can be adapted to taste or to consider intolrances, allegies and dietry choice.
They then can complete a written evaluation which includes guided questioning. Any photographs taken during the practical will be attached as additional evidence.
Finally, a Tutor/Teacher can give feedback and promote target setting in areas needing improvement, i.e. confidence, communication, timing, focus etc.
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. Word versions are available, so please feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksEd@outlook.com.
Feedback is Key, and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review, and we will send you another singular resource of your choice for FREE! Just contact us at
One of the difficulties that students encounter when faced with a writing task in English is how to get started and then cohesively develop that thought. I find that many of them, especially younger students, rebel at the idea of rigorous planning and drafting, just wanting to get it down. Others face a barrier of fear.
I came across the idea of using the Fibonacci sequence for extended and creative writing by accident when searching an online thesaurus. I immediately saw the sense in it and decided to apply it in the classroom. It worked. It solved the problem. There was now a way to plan, draft, develop and craft in small pieces that led to a satisfying cohesive whole. Some were amazed at just how much they could write and how they could creatively extend their writing in terms of thought provoking discussion. In lower ability classes it provided an element of fun and removed the daunting prospect of extended writing with higher word counts. In the higher ability groups it opened up the channel for students comfortably working at grade ‘C’ to move out of that comfort zone and stretch upwards towards the A* that so many of them had the potential to reach.
When I analysed the results I found that two things contributed to the success.
1. The fact that a piece of extended writing is built step at a time through developing levels of skill. This encouraged confidence.
2. The framework encouraged the skill of planning, drafting, and editing. Choosing the right words and the most effective order of words, within a gradually increasing number of words, developed vocabulary, sentence structure, and lifted the content away from basic repetition of facts. Students had the confidence to ‘craft’ their writing.
The resource that follows uses an example in which the students can engage collaboratively. There is then an individual assignment for them to complete using the sequence. As it stands it fits criteria suited to the ‘gifted and talented’ of Key Stage 3, and will be of value in Key Stage 4 to move those ‘C’ grade learners out of their comfort zone and stretch them upwards. However, it can be adapted quite easily for students of lower ability. Post 16 students who achieved low grade GCSE and need to either re-sit or complete Functional Skills English at level 2 will also find this pattern helps build their skills.
The resource has been designed in a workbook format. However, it doesn’t have to be used that way. It can be copied and pasted onto a presentation for whole class collaborative discussion and writing projects. Each page has been formatted so that it stands alone and therefore can be photocopied separately and used at appropriate times in the lesson (s). It has been left in Microsoft Word format so that it is editable by teachers who wish
This 2 Workbook Bundle Pack has been designed and proven to challenge and assess learners understanding of the knowledge required of them to achieve a Functional Skills Maths Certificate at Entry level.
The workbooks include various tasks and activities that to suit learners of all ages and varied abilities in preparing them for their up and coming assessment. The resources have been very successful with keys stage 1 and 2 and with SEN/LLDD learners of all ages.
These particular workbook primarily focus on ‘addition’ and ‘Subtraction’ and can be easily adapted as available to download as a PDF file to stretch abilities of learners working at a higher level. Word versions are available just message me for these formats.
The Addition instalment includes:
Dominoes Challenge
Dominoes (Test your friends)
Roll the dice!
Family Picnic & Quiz
Piggy Pairs
Numbers Game
Against the clock
Squares Count
Pyramid Puzzle (easy, Medium, Hard)
Colour your own sums
Counting the Pennies
Holiday Money
Number Line Counting
Let’s use Tally (Farmyard Task)
Time for Bingo (Bingo & Caller cards included)
and the Subtraction workbook includes:
Difference Dots
Fruit & Vet Sale
Less than 2 minutes
Saturday Night Take Away
Subtraction Squares (Easy - Medium - Hard)
The Washing Line
Lets Go Bowling
Lets Bowl Game
Subtraction in Space (Easy - Medium - Hard)
Dice Cream Game
Real Life Sums
Double Decker Bus
Time For Bingo
Other Functional Skills Challenge Workbooks in this series will be available soon on TES and will cover other essential criteria.
These workbooks have been designed to challenge and assess learners understanding of the knowledge required of them to achieve a Certificate in English.
The workbooks include various tasks and activities that to suit learners of all ages and varied abilities in preparing them for any up and coming assessment. The resources have been proven very successful with key stage 1 & 2, learners working at Entry 1-3 Functional skills and with SEN/LLDD learners of all ages.
This particular workbook primarily focuses on ‘Homophones’ and is available to download as a PDF. It can also be easily adapted to stretch abilities of learners working at a higher level by using the Word version which is available by messaging me for this format.
These worksheets have been designed and proven to challenge and assess learners ICT knowledge and capabilities using a functional approach. The tasks engage all and promote creativity and individuality.
This particular worksheet focuses familiarising learners with the Microsoft WORD Calendar template. The task requires learners to experiment, design and print their own yearly Calendar.
It is available to download as a PDF file however an editable Word version is available just message me for this format.
These workbooks have been designed to subtly embed the valuable functional skills learners required to get the most out of education, work and everyday life and to help them function more confidently, effectively and independently.
Each resource has been proven to educate learners on a variety of subjects that will enhance knowledge as well as promoting creativity and individuality.
This particular instalment can be used effectively in Tutorials or Maths sessions and includes a Fictional TV guide. Leaners will study the schedule and then attempt to answer a series of questions related to the information shown. Learners will then take part in a discussion based on their own TV programme choices. They will create their own Perfect TV schedule, produce questions related to this new timetable and then test their peers.
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. Word versions are available and feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com
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These worksheets have been designed to subtly embed the valuable functional skills learners required to get the most out of education, work and everyday life and to help them function more confidently, effectively and independently. They can be used effectively in Tutorials, Maths or various other sessions.
Each resource has been proven to educate learners on a variety of subjects that will enhance knowledge as well as promoting creativity and individuality.
This instalment focuses on ‘Records set around the World’. Learners are tasked with estimating various measurements from the tallest to the heaviest, longest to shortest etc. They are then challenged to convert those amounts to an alternative form of measurement i.e. litre to pints, miles to Kilometres etc
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. Word versions are available and feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com
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These worksheets have been designed and proven to educate learners on a variety of subjects that will enhance knowledge, creativity, individuality and embed valuable functional skills. The resource can also be used effectively in Tutorials or English sessions.
This particular worksheet focuses on using a Thesaurus, understanding synonyms and enabling learners to expand their vocabulary verbally and in their written communication. The Workbook requires learners to demonstrate these new skills and confirm understanding using a series of engaging tasks, including rewriting a wonderful poem by Spike Milligan (Extremely relevant to the events of 2020)
Feedback is Key, and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review, and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. Word versions are available, and feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com
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These workbooks have been designed and proven to educate learners on a variety of subjects that will enhance knowledge, creativity, individuality and embed valuable functional skills. The resource can be used effectively in Tutorials or English or ICT sessions .
This Bundle includes:
Time Management and subtly embeds many of the Functional skills required for assessment in English, Maths and ICT.
Tasks include:
• Identifying and essential and non-essential activities we need to fit into our daily lives.
• How to prioritise areas of our lives in order of importance.
• Becoming familiar with the many tools available to help us organise better and save time.
• An activity where learners have to breakdown their own time within a typical week.
• Transferring that information on to an electronic table that visually shows where their time is spent and highlights bad habits, area to address and may even encourage a change in routine.
The resource includes an adaptable WORD Doc Template that the tutor can email or print of for the last task.
Keeping Personal Information Safe.
Learners will participate in various activities to become familiar with the many dangers and demonstrate new knowledge on how to take action to minimise the risk of data and identity theft.
Text Driving and other distractions that cause accidents on the road. The resource includes various tasks that look at:
Attitudes & Current Mindsets
The Consequences
The Facts & Statistics
NOTE: The video used is available on YouTube, but should be watched before delivery as some more sensitive learners may find it upsetting.
Tutor Answers to current statistics are also included, however these are obviously subject to change.
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
All resources are available to download as PDF files. Word versions are available and feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com
This 4th series of flashcards, one from each act, evidence ways in which Shakespeare has explored the theme of ambition in the play.
The theme focuses on the negative impact of unbridled ambition having the power to destroy. The three sisters played on this element of ambition, it was their weapon. The strongest overt references are in Act 1, and so for this set there are three cards linked to Act 1. However, there are subtle inferences to ambition as destructive in Acts 2-5 that are worth remembering should there be an essay question that asks the student to make points about ambition from the play as a whole.
The quote is on the left hand side of each card
Prompts for discussion are on the right hand side of each card
The quotes also have relevance in the discussion of other themes, especially questions that explore the characterisation of Macbeth and of how the plot is moved forward where this theme of ambition as destructive can be strongly linked.
Other sets available:
Set 1 – The Supernatural
Set 2 – Tragic Hero
Set 3 – Guilt/Anxiety
Set 5 – Characterisation
Set 6 – Plot Development/movement
Look out for Bundles too!
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. PPT versions are available and feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com
The Brain Game series offers a fun and enjoyable way to exercise learner minds and improve their English and Maths skills using a variety of different puzzles.
Brain Game #3 - Word Links requires learners to find a connection using three given words. Example: PIZZA-PEPPERONI-PEPPERS = PIZZA TOPPINGS. They can also earn extra points by finding other valid relevant links. i.e. They all have 3 P’s in their spelling.
You can use each slide individually as a Starter Activity or Challenge learners to complete all 18.
Two formats are included, PPSX PowerPoint Show & PPTX PowerPoint Presentation, which can be edited, added to or personalised however you want.
Feedback is Key, and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review, and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
Feel free to message me directly SmartbooksED@outlook.com
Check out our many other Brain Games available on TES and in our shop found at www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Smartbooks
The Brain Game series offers a fun and enjoyable way to exercise learner minds and improve their English and Maths skills using a variety of different puzzles.
This bundle includes the following;
Brain Game #4 - Word Connections requires learners to identify the word that conjoins either before or after three given words.
Example: FAIRY - MILK - PASTE Answer TOOTH =TOOTHFAIRY - MILKTOOTH - TOOTHPASTE. They can also earn extra points by finding other valid relevant connections. i.e. TOOTHACHE.
Brain Game #5 - Guess the Animals requires learners to identify the animal using the 5 clues. The quicker they guess the correct answer and the fewer clues they use, the more points can be earned.
Brain Game #6 - Food Match - Learners will be shown a food item, they then need to think of another item that is often paired with that food i.e BREAD & BUTTER.
The aim, however, is not to guess the obvious as you will only earn a point if your chosen food is not revealed, for example if they guessed ‘JAM’ instead.
Extension idea - Learners can earn extra points for as many other suitable and valid alternative food matches
You can use slides in all the Brain Game series individually as a Starter Activity or you can challenge learners to complete all 18.
Two formats are included, PPSX PowerPoint Show & PPTX PowerPoint Presentation, which can be edited, added to or personalised however you want.
Feedback is Key, and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review, and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
These workbooks have been designed and proven to educate learners on a variety of subjects that will enhance knowledge, creativity, individuality and embed valuable functional skills.
This workbook has been put together for with learners to complete prior, during and after watching a football match. It is perfect for the upcoming World Cup in Qatar or could be used for any significant or relevant match in the future.
There are various tasks that include the following:
Researching pre match information
Predicting and estimating in play action
Recording statistics throughout the game.
Converting the date into visual Chart form.
Evaluating the game using fact and opinion in a formal report
The resource incorporates functional skills in English and Maths and even ICT with the optional use of Microsoft Excel and Word.
There is a word Doc available which allows you to convert easily to other sports such as rugby basketball etc.
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. As mentioned Word versions are available, so feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com
Halloween Special installment from the GraingeED FLASHCARD series.
The following Flashcards are based around ‘Halloween’ a festival celebrated around the world at the end of October and should be printed out on card (preferably) double sided, cut out and used anyway that works best for you.
They are fully editable resource and available to download as a PDF file or WORD doc. They can be in adapted to suit a range of learner styles and levels.
This Flashcard series is focused on UK Road Signs and can be used as an effective revision resource for all those studying for the UK Driving theory test. They can also be used as a standalone classroom activity to familiarise students of all ages with UK road signs.
They are fully editable resource and available to download as a PDF file or WORD doc. They can be in adapted to suit a range of learner styles and levels.
They should on printed on card (preferably) double-sided and then cut out and used in any way that best compliments your own teaching style.
Flashcards are proven as an effective method in assisting learning and ensuring it is taking place. They embrace a wonderful mental process called ‘Active Recall’ and can be used in various ways such as:
• Recapping knowledge – As a starter activity related to the previous lesson.
• Refreshing knowledge - Incorporating them randomly in any lesson.
• Revising for exams - Confirming the knowledge required for assessment.
• Embedding both Maths & English.
• Embracing Equal Opportunities & Diversity.
• Creating new knowledge – The possibilities are endless.
FLASHCARDS Series - Driving Theory 1 ROAD SIGNS now available and can be bought together for a bundle price of £4.49
Have Fun
These workbooks have been designed and proven to challenge and assess learners understanding of the knowledge required of them to achieve a Functional Skills Maths Certificate at Entry level.
The workbooks include various tasks and activities that to suit learners of all ages and varied abilities in preparing them for their up and coming assessment. The resources have been very successful with keys stage 1 and 2 and with SEN/LLDD learners of all ages.
This particular workbook primarily focuses on 'Division and can be easily adapted as available to download as a PDF file to stretch abilities of learners working at a higher level. A Word version is available just message me for this format.
This installment includes:
What is Division?
Division Tables (To cut out and use as reference)
3 levels of Division Sums
Various Functional division questions to test understanding
A Division Word search
A 'I have, who has' game (Printable cards to play within a group of learners)
This series of Flashcards, one from each act, evidence ways in which Shakespeare has used the supernatural to develop characters and also to move forward the plot. However, each quote also has relevance to other themes.
The purpose of memorising the quotes is to aid a deeper knowledge of the play so that when answering a question the student can move around the play with ease.
The quote is on the left-hand side of each card.
Prompts for discussion are on the right-hand side of each card.
The quotes also have relevance in the discussion of other themes, especially questions that explore the characterisation of Macbeth and plot development.
Other sets available:
Set 2 – The Tragic Hero
Set 3 – Guilt/Anxiety
Set 4 – Ambition
Set 5 – Characterisation
Set 6 – Plot Development/movement
Look out for Bundles too!
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. PPT versions are available and feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com
This 3rd series of flashcards, one from each act, evidence ways in which Shakespeare has highlighted the theme of guilt and anxiety in the play.
It is interesting in Macbeth that Macbeth as a military general had no difficulty in applying violent acts to kill his enemy but could not handle emotionally or mentally the murder of King Duncan.
This brings into play questions of right and wrong and integrity and honour.
The purpose of memorising the quotes is to aid a deeper knowledge of the play so that when answering a question the student can move around the play with ease.
The quote is on the left-hand side of each card.
Prompts for discussion are on the right-hand side of each card.
The quotes also have relevance in the discussion of other themes, especially questions that explore the characterisation of Macbeth and plot development.
Other sets available:
Set 1 – The Supernatural
Set 2 – Tragic Hero
Set 4 – Ambition
Set 5 – Characterisation
Set 6 – Plot Development/movement
Look out for Bundles too!
Feedback is Key and we value your positive comments and constructive criticism. Post a review and we will send you another singular resource at the same value of your choice for FREE!
This resource is available to download as a PDF file. PPT versions are available and feel free to message me directly for these formats at SmartbooksED@outlook.com