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SpanishWish Shop

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I have taught Spanish in four different countries, including IB for nine years, GCSE and A-Levels in the UK, IGCSE and A-Levels internationally, and American core Spanish in the USA and abroad. Additionally, I have enjoyed my involvement as an IB examiner in three different components for the past eight years. I offer resources for the American, British and IB Curricula.




I have taught Spanish in four different countries, including IB for nine years, GCSE and A-Levels in the UK, IGCSE and A-Levels internationally, and American core Spanish in the USA and abroad. Additionally, I have enjoyed my involvement as an IB examiner in three different components for the past eight years. I offer resources for the American, British and IB Curricula.
Español ab initio, cómo escribir una crítica o reseña . Spanish ab initio how to write a review

Español ab initio, cómo escribir una crítica o reseña . Spanish ab initio how to write a review

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write a review that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab Initio, cómo escribir un blog. Spanish Ab initio how to write a blog

Español ab Initio, cómo escribir un blog. Spanish Ab initio how to write a blog

If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write **a blog entry **that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio, cómo escribir una carta formal. Spanish ab initio, how to write a formal letter

Español ab initio, cómo escribir una carta formal. Spanish ab initio, how to write a formal letter

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write a formal letter that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio, cómo escribir un folleto . Spanish ab initio how to write a brochure

Español ab initio, cómo escribir un folleto . Spanish ab initio how to write a brochure

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write a brochure that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Ab initio cómo escribir una carta informal. Ab initio, how to write an informal letter

Ab initio cómo escribir una carta informal. Ab initio, how to write an informal letter

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write an informal letter that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio, cómo escribir una entrada o anuncio en la red. How to write an advert or an entry

Español ab initio, cómo escribir una entrada o anuncio en la red. How to write an advert or an entry

If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write an entry or an advert on the Web that receives top marks, including: examples, practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio, cómo escribir una entrada de diario . Spanish ab initio how to write a diary

Español ab initio, cómo escribir una entrada de diario . Spanish ab initio how to write a diary

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write a diary entry that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio, cómo escribir una postal . Spanish Ab initio how to write a postcard

Español ab initio, cómo escribir una postal . Spanish Ab initio how to write a postcard

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write a postcard that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio, cómo escribir un informe. Spanish ab initio, how to write a report

Español ab initio, cómo escribir un informe. Spanish ab initio, how to write a report

If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write a report that receives top marks, including: examples, practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio cómo escribir un correo electrónico. Spanish ab initio, how to write an email

Español ab initio cómo escribir un correo electrónico. Spanish ab initio, how to write an email

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write an email that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. ** These resources are an absolute must!**
Español ab initio, cómo escribir una invitación . Spanish ab initio how to write an invitation

Español ab initio, cómo escribir una invitación . Spanish ab initio how to write an invitation

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write an invitation that receives top marks, including: examples, practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio, cómo escribir una encuesta . Spanish ab initio how to write a survey

Español ab initio, cómo escribir una encuesta . Spanish ab initio how to write a survey

**If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. ** I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write a survey that receives top marks, including: examples, practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Comunicación no verbal en español. Non-verbal communication in Spanish

Comunicación no verbal en español. Non-verbal communication in Spanish

Los gestos son un idioma, dicen universal, pero hay gestos propios de cada país, o bien que no significan lo mismo en todos los países. Los españoles, junto con los italianos, dicen que, son las personas más expresivas de toda Europa. Gesticulan y hacen movimientos con las manos sin parar. Aquí tenéis una lección muy interesante sobre el lenguaje de gestos que son muy comunes en el lenguaje coloquial español. Podrás hacer una lección utilizando estos recursos, o bien podrás utilizarlos como decoración de tu clase para darle un toque único. Los alumnos disfrutan de este tipo de lecciones ya que van más allá de la lengua; es decir, las cosas que hacen, en este caso España ser España con sus características únicas. Que disfrutéis de estos materiales!
Español ab initio cómo  escribir una entrevista. Spanish ab initio how to write an interview

Español ab initio cómo escribir una entrevista. Spanish ab initio how to write an interview

If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write the text of an interview that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Español ab initio cómo escribir un mensaje en el sitio web. How to write a message on a website

Español ab initio cómo escribir un mensaje en el sitio web. How to write a message on a website

If you want your students to achieve perfect scores in DP Spanish, you have come to the right place. I have been a DP Spanish Examiner in multiple components for eight years and taken detailed notes along the way. Here, I have carefully crafted resources that address all the elements needed in order to write a message on a Social networking site that receives top marks, including: examples, loads of practice, linking words and the marking criteria in both Spanish and English. These resources are an absolute must!
Pósters para la clase de español: Tips para salir de dudas

Pósters para la clase de español: Tips para salir de dudas

Here are some excellent visual resources to put up around the classroom and hand out to students. Printable at any size, they are guaranteed to add interest and build an impressive environment for Spanish learners! You will find nine posters with tips to clear up these grammar doubts: ¿A, ha o ah? ¿Barón o varón? ¿Deber o deber de? ¿Echo o hecho? ¿Haber o a ver? ¿Ola u hola? ¿O sea u ósea? ¿Sabia, savia o sabía? ¿Sobre, sobre o sobre? **These resources are an absolute must! Enjoy!**
Certificados para la clase de español. Awards for the Spanish class

Certificados para la clase de español. Awards for the Spanish class

Everyone likes to receive Awards! For decades, some teachers have given students awards in the form of certificates and sometimes small gifts such as books, posters, buttons, pins, and so on. It still works!!! It’s a good practice to do something for students from time to time. Award-receiving is a great motivator for students to study more and to do better. Here, you will find ten different awards: Improvement Homework Intercultural understanding Fluency Academic achievement Group work Grammar Vocabulary Quizzes Student of the month Enjoy these resources!!!
Interesting Facts about Spain (Datos interesantes sobre España) leccion de cultura

Interesting Facts about Spain (Datos interesantes sobre España) leccion de cultura

This 30 slide Spain Interesting Facts Power Point is perfect for incorporating culture into your daily lessons. This presentation can be used to teach about Spain as a daily warm-up activity or as a complete Spain unit. Interesting Facts presentation inspire students to make cultural comparisons and to think about dispelling cultural stereotypes. Teachers can use this presentation to focus on Spain in a few mini lessons or for one complete Spain unit. Everything in this unit is EDITABLE! Included with this illustrated power point you will get: Starter PPT Quien quiere ser millonario? (with 15 questions) to check students’ previous knowledge about Spain before introducing theInteresting Facts presentation. Note-taking sheets for all 30 slides. The note-taking sheets can be filled out daily as a warm-up or can be used to take notes during a presentation or as a homework or Chromebook assignment. A Spain quiz and answer key. This is a one fun lesson or a few fun mini lessons and students will look forward to learning about the culture of Spain at the beginning of class each day!