Personal Pronouns
This exercise for KS1/K-2 can be used to practise the use of personal pronouns in a meaningful way.
After reading the sentence, the pupils choose a personal pronoun from the word bank and fill in the gap. They will also draw a picture about the sentence. Most sentences are about themselves and the people they know. This will help them to make connections and get a better understanding of when to use which personal pronoun in their daily lives.
The authentic nature of this exercise, gave my students ownership and kept them engaged the entire lesson.
Personal pronouns used in this exercise are: I, he, she, it, we, they
Roll a Story - Creative Writing Activity
This fun activity will inspire your students to write their own stories.
Your students will enjoy rolling the die and finding out which character, setting and problem their story will contain.
This product includes the following themes in colour as well as black and white:
Fairy tales
Additionally, this resource includes a blank template which allows your students to give their own input. You could fill it in with the whole class, a small group or alternatively your students could create one for each other.
Story Map - Graphic Organiser
These graphic organisers will help your pupils to include the most important parts and give structure to their stories. The story maps can also be used to identify the characters, setting, problem and solution in stories as a reading comprehension activity.
This resource includes 3 different types of story maps, which will help you to differentiate and find one that suits your pupil’s needs:
Picture cues (for younger as well as visual learners)
Question cues (helps learners who are already able to read to understand the concepts)
Advanced version (without cues, for learners that are familiar with the concepts)
Additionally, this product contains suggestions on how to incorporate the story map into your lessons.
This product includes a colour as well as a black and white version. It can be used for a whole group, small group as well as for a one-on-one activity.