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Art and Design

Average Rating3.60
(based on 275 reviews)

Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.




Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
DISPLAY.  Photographic Library. Over 500 Fully Copiable and Editable Images

DISPLAY. Photographic Library. Over 500 Fully Copiable and Editable Images

Have you ever spent time finding images on the internet for students to help provide them with inspiration? This resource might help. Over 500 fully copiable, high quality photographs catalogued into 24 PowerPoint slideshows. Ideal for all ages and most subjects (in particular, Art, Creative Writing, Biology, Geography, Graphic Design). Topic covered include: Autumn Landscapes sea Rust Insects Numbers People Textures Birds Buildings Sky Water patterns Trees Colour Patterns Faces
STEAM (STEM) Resource bundle

STEAM (STEM) Resource bundle

10 Resources
A range of STEAM resources that link art and creativity to the other STEAM subjects. 50% saving on resources when bought in this bundle.
Coronavirus Information and Worksheet

Coronavirus Information and Worksheet

This illustrated resource provides clear facts and information about the coronavirus (COVID-19). It includes where the disease originated, how it spreads, illness symptoms, how the world is responding and how to take precautions against it. There is also information about viruses and vaccines in general. This resource has been written in a child friendly manner ensuring that information is provided clearly without sensationalising or causing alarm. A worksheet is also included which challenges students to interpret information provided and build upon it. This resource is suitable for printing and using in class, or emailing out to students currently working from home. Suitable for students aged 11 to 16
Art lessons exploring the links between art and medicine / health

Art lessons exploring the links between art and medicine / health

A four lesson art unit focusing on the connections between art and medicine and health. Each lesson includes timings, activities, materials list and homework ideas. The anatomical work of Leonardo da Vinci is explored and students are encouraged to develop their own artwork through careful observation. The Elements of Art are well covered. Ideal for strengthening those cross curricular links. You might even want to get the Science department involved!
Maths. Visual Resource Bundle

Maths. Visual Resource Bundle

10 Resources
This maths bundle for KS2 and 3 provides stunning visual resources to liven up your maths room. Included are ..... Symmetry - Real life examples Time telling activities Slideshow of numbers Desk top number square Tangram puzzles Golden Section explanation..... ..... and to fit in with symmetry and shape, an extensive kaleidoscopic colouring book.
The Environment. 8 Worksheets for cover lessons.

The Environment. 8 Worksheets for cover lessons.

This bundle provides 8 individual resources, each focussing on a different environmental issue. Each resource offers in depth, student friendly information. Student understanding can then be checked with the accompanying worksheet. Themes covered are: Bee Decline Earthquakes Environmental Issues Hurricane Matthew Planet Earth Tornadoes Tsunamis Wildlife Decline Easy to print. Ideal as starters, extension activities or substitute lessons.
Science wordsearches 11

Science wordsearches 11

3 Resources
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
Science wordsearches 25

Science wordsearches 25

20 Resources
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
PSHE Activities for KS3

PSHE Activities for KS3

10 Resources
Preparation free PSHE activities for Key Stage 3 students. Includes resources relating to drugs, friendship, body image, character, food and diet. Also includes a series of motivational posters.
40 Science worksheets

40 Science worksheets

Was £10, now £5. Used in over 1000 schools worldwide. A big price drop on our top download to help people prepare for going back to school. 40 science worksheets plus 3 complementary posters. This big bundle of documents is ideal for when you are looking for an introductory lesson, an extension activity or a hassle free substitute lesson. Also suitable for Home-schooling. Each document provides background information and visuals on a particular topic along with a supporting worksheet which challenges the student to expand on the information provided. 40 individual print friendly for ease of copying, these documents can simply be handed out to students and require no explanation. A great resource to have at the ready for when illness strikes and you are understaffed. This resource runs to over 200 pages of information and activities. The 40 topics covered are; Alpha Beta Gamma Radiation Anaesthetics Bee Decline Big Bang Theory Body Image Chemical Weapons World War 1 Diabetes Drugs in Sport Earthquakes Eclipses Engaging in Science Environmental Issues Fireworks Global Warming Graphene Health and Fitness History of the Atom Hurricane Matthew International Space Station Life Beyond Earth Lifecycle of a Large Star Lifecycle of a Medium Star Medical Imaging Mission to Mars Modern Chemical Weapons New Cancer Treatment Nuclear Weapons Obesity Planet Earth Power of Social Media Science of Christmas Science of Color Social Media Solar Power The Moon The Solar System The Sun Tornadoes Tsunamis Wildlife Decline The free themed posters are … The Moon, The Sun and The Big Bang. Cool visuals and student friendly facts. Simply print them out and put them up in your classroom. Suitable for students aged 10 to 15. We hope that you find these resources really useful.
Science cover lesson. Wildlife decline

Science cover lesson. Wildlife decline

So cheap, it’s nearly free! This science cover lesson work sheet provides student friendly facts relating to wildlife decline. Also included is an associated worksheet which challenges students to find information in the factsheet. The worksheet also provides students with an opportunity to develop their knowledge further through independent or teacher led investigation. Ideal as a hassle free cover lesson for KS3.
Engaging in Science Information and Worksheet

Engaging in Science Information and Worksheet

Science. A thorough information and worksheet exploring how and why we should engage in science. Ideal as a starter or extension activity for 10 to 14 year olds. Fully illustrated and easy to copy. Great for promoting science to sceptical students!