Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
A note from the author:
An Introduction Booklet that I use in the first lesson with my GCSE pupils to set goals, expectations and ground rules for ensemble making.
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
Introduction to Drama Resources (All Year Groups 7-13!) (also available as part of this bundle)
Pages Include:
Pg 1 - Ensemble Member Profile
Pg 2 - Inspirational Drama Quotes
Pg 3 - Overview of the GCSE Course [EDUQAS] (easy to amend for your spec!)
Pg 4 - Comedy Mask (or things we like to see in GCSE Drama)
Pg 5 - Tragedy Mask (or things we like to avoid in GCSE Drama)
Pg 6 - Pupil Contract
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Feminism
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I created these posters to add a contemporary feel to my studios and classrooms. They give a real boost to creativity and imagination for my students, especially when they are creatively blocked or stuck. These work well in A4 or A3 as posters / visual displays, or I have also used them as handouts for group devising as A4 and A5 sizes, individually laminated or combined to make a booklet.
1x Illuminating Illustrations - Devising Stimuli Poster
Please note:
This resource is also part of a bundle / collection of all devising posters.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A variety of my best selling and top rated resources on TES for a limited time price!
Overview of Resources:
These resources will really help you deliver amazing lessons for students and pupils in your drama and theatre departments. There are displays, SOWs, lesson resources, stimulus packs and more!
2 x KS3 or Year 7/8/9 SOW - The Arrival and Greek Theatre
1 x KS4 or GCSE or Year 10 / 11 SOW - Physical Theatre
1 x KS3 / KS4 / KS5 SOW - Directing
1 x 50 Amazing pieces of Stimulus
2 x Practitioner Posters - Brecht & Stanislavski
1 x Contentless / Open Scenes Pack (35 scripts)
6 x Devising Stimulus Packs (Dark & Light, Freedom, Loneliness & Solitude, Love, Perfection, Power & Control)
1 x Drama Department Production Handbook Template
4 x Frantic Assembly Adapted Questionnaires for Devising
1 x GCSE / A Level Theatre Design Booklet
1 x Set of 80 Hot-Seating Cue Question Cards
Please note:
You will need a selection of scripts to use for the Directing SOW. I have given examples in the SOW of what I use.
You save 47% with this bundle!
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this resources pack are images and information to aid students with devising a Brechtian piece of drama in conjunction with my Brecht SOW. I use this SOW and these resources with my Year 9 classes, but would work equally well with KS4 and KS5 classes and high ability Year 7/8 classes.
Extracts from 1984 by George Orwell
Social Media / Modern Technology Facts & Information
A selection of Images
Brechtian Techniques Sheet
Assessment Task Sheet
Please note:
Whilst I have included extracts from 1984 by George Orwell, it is advisable that a copy of the book is purchased to give students more freedom over the chosen extracts.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I use this booklet as a revision guidebook for my students studying DNA by Dennis Kelly, but it can also help to structure lessons.
The Resource covers the following over 34 pages of theatre-specific content:
A. Styles
B. Staging
C. Colour
D. Set
E. Props
F. Costume
G. Hair & Make Up
H. Lighting FX
I. Sound FX
J. Special FX
K. DNA: Location Design (Set, Props, Lighting & Sound Ideas)
L. DNA: Character Design (Costume, Hair & Make up Ideas)
M. Terminology Glossary
An in-depth 34 page GCSE Design Guidebook
Please note:
You will need a copy of ‘DNA’ by Dennis Kelly to accompany this resource.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I use this Theatre Design guidebook to support the Written exam in Drama & Theatre for both GCSE and A Level pupils.
Overview of Guide
A. Styles
B. Staging
C. Colour
D. Set
E. Props
F. Costume
G. Hair & Make Up
H. Lighting FX
I. Sound FX
J. Special FX
K. Terminology Glossary
A 24 page Theatre Design Guidebook
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A useful example of a Drama Department Development Plan to use and adapt.
Director of Drama Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
10 page Drama Department 15 Year Development Plan
Please note:
Purchasing this template allows you to amend and reproduce the plan in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this resources pack are images and information to aid students with devising a Verbatim & Documentary Theatre piece of drama in conjunction with my Verbatim & Documentary SOW. I use this SOW and these resources with my Year 9 classes, but would work equally well with KS4 and KS5 classes and high ability Year 7/8 classes.
A range of information on the Homelessness (focus on Brighton - but easily adaptable to any city!)
Homelessness Facts & Figures
Homelessness Comments and Opinions (some highly offensive)
A selection of Images
Assessment Task Sheet
Video link to use as a starter to the topic
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
In this bundle you get all my resources designed and created specifically for the GCSE Component One: devised Theatre. These are specifically for EDUQAS/WJEC exam boards, but easily adaptable and useful to AQA/EDEXCEL/OCR!
5x Year 10 Mock Devising Stimulus Packs (Freedom/Happiness/Power&Control/Truth&Lies/Worthlessness)
Homework Gathering Stimuli Resource
Mock Initial Stimulus Devising Booklet
Devising Script Examples
Component One: Portfolio of Supporting Evidence Guide & Resources
Component One: Practical Exam Candidate Info, Blurb, Set Up & Resources
Component One: Evaluation Guide & Resources
For more details please see the descriptions on each resource item.
You save 41% by purchasing this bundle as opposed to buying separately!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Dark & Light
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Trust & Promises
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Grief
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A fun lesson designed to let pupils of all ages explore the use of colour in theatre to highlight meaning/themes/character/atmosphere/mood/plot/relationships/messages.
Colour Lesson Plan
Colour Resources
Pupil Revision Sheets
Please note:
I always feel it is better to print this resource in Coloured Ink. I would recommend printing the colour sheets and laminating them for use for future years.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
An Introduction Booklet that I use in the first lesson with my GCSE pupils to set goals, expectations and ground rules for ensemble making.
Physical Theatre Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Frantic Assembly Practitioner Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component One: Devising Theatre (also available as part of this bundle)
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A resources with lots of links to the work of Frantic Assembly that is useful to share with pupils so that they can conduct their own exploration into methods and previous work of FA!
Physical Theatre Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Frantic Assembly Practitioner Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component One: Devising Theatre (also available as part of this bundle)
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A selection of guides and model examples to support pupils in tehir craft and creation of the ‘Portfolio of Supporting Evidence’ to go alongside their Devised Work, and work 20% of their overall GCSE.
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component One: Devising Theatre (also available as part of this bundle)
Breakdown of Example Structure
Evaluation Structure Plan
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Two Devising Booklets that I use with my Year 10 pupils as a mock for the Component One in the GCSE. Also very useful for KS3 devising units! Space for pupils to mind map initial ideas & thoughts after group/whole class discussion.
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component One: Devising Theatre (also available as part of this bundle)
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Having taught drama of the years I have cultivated a range of stimuli that really stretch and challenge the creativity of my pupils. In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas. A selection of 50 amazing pieces of stimulus are included in this pack.
50 pieces of stimulus that have produced exceptional ideas and drama
Please note:
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Kindness
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!