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The Irish Teacher's Resources

Average Rating3.34
(based on 50 reviews)

Mainly KS2 resources for English, Maths, Science and some topic also. Most of my resources include a lesson plan, presentation, activities and differentiated tasks. Please leave a review on any of my resources in which you purchase so I can use your feedback positively. I have taught the majority of these lessons and they have worked well. All lessons coincide with the National Curriculum 2014 and have been approved by my subject leaders. Hope they are useful :)




Mainly KS2 resources for English, Maths, Science and some topic also. Most of my resources include a lesson plan, presentation, activities and differentiated tasks. Please leave a review on any of my resources in which you purchase so I can use your feedback positively. I have taught the majority of these lessons and they have worked well. All lessons coincide with the National Curriculum 2014 and have been approved by my subject leaders. Hope they are useful :)
Myths: Independent Writing

Myths: Independent Writing

So if you are viewing this resource, you NEED to check out my other product on myths first as this is a follow on from it. Traditional Tales and Myths- Understanding the features Children cannot and should not be writing their own myth without first of all familiarising themselves with the text type. Having completed that step, they can then begin to think about planning their very own myth. This resource includes: *3 day detailed lesson plan. *Toolkit template for children to write down the features and necessary things needed in order to write a successful myth. *Myth adaption sheet for drawing their new idea to change the myth. *Pictures to caption- this confirms children’s ability to order the story. *Theseus and the Minotaur text for reference. *Vocab cards for tricky words/pictorial representation. *Drama ideas: such as text tennis, text mapping etc. The idea behind this week of teaching is that children are reciting/acting out the text each day, confirming their understanding of the story structure/sentence structure orally. Once children can do this, they will be able to write their very own version. They are encouraged this week to change one part of the myth in order to write their very own myth. For example: instead of Theseus and the Minotaur, it could be Theseus and the Lemontaur, who is a half lemon, half horse who throws lemons at Theseus? By the end of these lessons, children should be able to write their very own adaptation to the myth: Theseus and the Minotaur. But as stated earlier, this is a follow on from this lesson: Traditional Tales and Myths- Understanding the features Want this product as part of a bundle at a discounted price? Check out: The BUNDLE Give it a try!
Biography Year 5

Biography Year 5

Fantastic planning on biographies with lots of interesting people to learn about such as authors and footballers. Children will learn how to write successful biographies in an interesting way. Also included is a weeks worth of SPAG in the form of starters. This resource allows children to become completely emerged in the writing style of biographies. They will understand how they should be structured, punctuated and what kind of vocabulary to be using. The planning is extremely detailed, as is the notebook file, which makes your job 10 times easier, as all you have to do is teach from this pack. There are many differentiated activities included also that just need to be printed. Children will research information on the author Louis Sacher and by the end of the week, they were excited to write a biography about him. INCLUDED: *A full week of detailed, differentiated planning. *A range of differentiated activities for using throughout the week. *A detailed notebook file that takes you step-by-step through the lessons. *SPAG/Grammar starters. *Samples of biographies to immerse the children in the language/style of writing *Images of Louis Sacher to stick in their biography. *Facts about Louis Sacher to a) inform them b) order the events in his life.
Year 4 Place Value- Number Sense

Year 4 Place Value- Number Sense

This is a weeks worth of planning on place value. It includes alot of mathematical questioning to tap into the children's understanding and allows them to understand the concept in depth. The planning includes links to interactive games online to be used to encourage all types of learners. It also teachers children to look at the 1000 before and 1000 after, aswell as looking at the value of each digit. Children will also be taught how to write a number in words and vice versa. This resource includes a weeks lesson plan and a presentation.
Missing Number Calculations KS2

Missing Number Calculations KS2

This resource has numerous activities that are extremely well differentiated. These lessons involve teaching children strategies in order to be able to check their answers, such as rounding and estimating, and also finding the inverse. Children are further challenged to use the inverse of addition to solve missing number calculations. Again, this is well differentiated so that all abilities can access the content. This packaged includes many resources, a very detailed lesson plan, and a crystal clear notebook file. The resources have been labelled Bronze (LA), Silver (MA) and Gold (HA). There is also Platinum for G&T children. Included in lesson starters and plenaries are arithmetic tests that again, are differentiated. This keeps children's mathematical knowledge broad and fresh. These tests are available on the SMART notebook. Please review this resource and check out my other resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
Timestables Chart

Timestables Chart

A colourful, creative way to keep track of children's knowledge of the timestables. I printed this chart on A3, filled in the children's names and ticked off the timestables as they knew them. We found it was a nice visual way to keep a note of who knew which timestables and it also became a little competitive in who knew the most. Please leave a review if you liked this resource and check out some of my other resources also: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
Past Tense Dominos- Eal

Past Tense Dominos- Eal

A simple, fun game of dominos to reinforce past tense verbs for EAL children. Just cut them out in domino shape and allow children to match the correct verb with the past tense. One version has some pictures, the other just has the words.
Famous scientific discoveries- Year 5

Famous scientific discoveries- Year 5

Notebook presentation and lesson plan included. (If you do not have notebook on your computer, you can download Notebook viewer for free). http://notebook-interactive-viewer.software.informer.com/download/#downloading This lesson is based on the discoveries of ancient scientists. It allows children the opportunity to research on specific areas of science and find out what and how they discovered what they did. It also poses questions and allows children to think about what has not yet been discovered and what they would like to be discovered. Check out my other resources too if you get a chance: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Morrisr9
What is a Scientist? Year 5 Science Planning

What is a Scientist? Year 5 Science Planning

This is an extremely practical lesson that I used as an introduction to the topic of Ancient Scientists. Children need to carry out experiments that represent different types of research. In one of the experiments, children need to taste chocolate, in another they need to test which ball floats the best etc. This lesson introduces the different types of scientific research in a fun, practical way. My children really enjoyed this lesson and it was a fantastic introduction to the topic. Notebook presentation and lesson plan included. (If you do not have notebook on your computer, you can download Notebook viewer for free). http://notebook-interactive-viewer.software.informer.com/download/#downloading
Phonics Screening Revision Game

Phonics Screening Revision Game

This game involves asking the children to roll a dice and read the sound that their counter lands on. When they read the sound, they must think of a word that this sound is in. I played it in mixed ability pairs, the low ability children just had to try and read the sound. It was a lot of fun and they loved it. It contains diagraphs, triagraphs, split diiagraphs and single sound letters for a thorough revision.
Multiplication Game Year3/ 4

Multiplication Game Year3/ 4

Short multiplication game for year 3/4. This resource has differentiated games for high, middle and low ability. The game is explained on the sheet and all you will need is a dice between each pair.
The Vikings- Year 4

The Vikings- Year 4

Week 2 This lesson begins by recapping what was learned in lesson 1 (also uploaded). This lesson is based on why the Vikings had such a bad reputation. Children will learn why people thought that the Vikings were only bad, and also look at sources of information that say this. The package includes a lesson plan, activity resource and a presentation.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- Guided Reading.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- Guided Reading.

A detailed chapter study of the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Included: vocabulary study from various chapters comprehension questions for a variety of chapters character analysis on all of the main characters in the book a wide range of independent activities which engage children with the content of the story. This is a selection of resources in which I used alongside reading the story to my class. It can be used for guided reading sessions also. During the independent activities children are asked to: Re-write the blurb Re-draw the cover for the book Write a letter to Veruca Salt’s Dad Write a diary entry from Grandpa Joe’s point of view. Design the chocolate palace Design a golden ticket Children really engaged with the story and learned some new words also through the vocabulary study. For more resources related to this book, please see my persuasive writing unit, which also directly links to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/persuasive-writing-year-4-11762226
KS2 Art Activities- Bundle

KS2 Art Activities- Bundle

3 Resources
Perfect if you are running an art club after school, or if you are looking for some ideas to do with your class. All art activities are linked to an artist and children will create their own original piece based on their work.
Converting Units of Measure

Converting Units of Measure

A powerpoint I created to encourage critical thinking while converting units of measure. Activity is also available on the powerpoint differentiated. I will attach it as a document also.
CV: an editable template for securing a job at home or abroad.

CV: an editable template for securing a job at home or abroad.

Due to popular demand, I have created an editable CV template to use when writing your own CV for teaching abroad or at home. It includes the exact layout used and favored by recruiters and gives examples of what to write. Just read, then delete everything written in red and off you go. Happy job hunting!
A sample CV: for securing your dream job.

A sample CV: for securing your dream job.

As a person who has worked in the Middle East for three years, I have started to recruit with the company I work for. This product is an example of a completed CV, which has proven successful for many candidates. Why am I selling this? When I started applying for jobs in the Middle East, I struggled to make my CV stand out. I wondered: What layout they looked for? What to include? How long should it be? How do I stand out from the hundreds of applicants? This product will take the stress out of applying for you. Just read, edit (to fit your experience) and apply! Happy job hunting!
Multiplication Games: Printables

Multiplication Games: Printables

13 pages of multiplication resources Mastering multiplication facts is such an important component to math fluency. This packet is hands-on, FUN, engaging and provides students with a meaningful way to help master basic multiplication facts from 2-12 while having FUN! Tic-Tac-Toe/X’s and O’s Multiplication is a fun way for students to practice basic multiplication facts. This game is played just like the traditional game of tic-tac-toe but with multiplication facts. *Each player uses a different colored game piece to mark their choice. Students must solve the problems correctly to place an X or an O on the board. Three is a row wins the game! *Each game board focuses on a specific multiplication table or there’s an option for mixed multiplication tables. In addition, each game board allows students to work/see multiplication problems two different ways.