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Mrs Singh's Nursery

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(based on 12 reviews)

Hi, I'm a school nursery teacher in the U.K. The majority of my resources are aimed at year one children and year one objectives as I previously taught KS1. However, I have recently moved back into EYFS and absolutely love it! I hope I can save you some of your valuable planning time. Love from Mrs Singh x




Hi, I'm a school nursery teacher in the U.K. The majority of my resources are aimed at year one children and year one objectives as I previously taught KS1. However, I have recently moved back into EYFS and absolutely love it! I hope I can save you some of your valuable planning time. Love from Mrs Singh x
School Nursery Class Timetable EDITABLE

School Nursery Class Timetable EDITABLE

Editable word document - ideas for a school nursery’s daily timetable Includes ideas of where to use staff and how many inputs to teach I teach in 3 small groups (parrots, robins and sparrows) - you can see on the timetable that I have planned for each group to cover the same amount of teaching inputs, but teaching different subjects at different times so that we can easily share resources (no two staff need the same resource at the same time).
Year One SPaG assessment based on The Tiger Who Came to Tea punctuation and grammar

Year One SPaG assessment based on The Tiger Who Came to Tea punctuation and grammar

Hi - I have created this punctuation and grammar assessment for my year one class based on The Tiger Who Came to Tea. It covers a range of Y1 SPaG objectives. It is a PDF document. Any questions please feel free to contact me through commenting on the resource. I have lots of other Tiger Who Came to Tea resources available for sale too, including lesson plans and work sheets. Thank you
Year One full planning - Riddles writing bundle - Editable - animal riddles - food riddles

Year One full planning - Riddles writing bundle - Editable - animal riddles - food riddles

Hi - This was a quick unit that I created on riddles for my Year One class. ALL on ACTIVE INSPIRE so please DO NOT PURCHASE if you do not have active inspire. First we focused on food riddles and then moved to animal riddles. As I had to sort this quickly, the planning isn’t perfect. This is reflected in the low price. However, it can definitely be used as a base and for some ideas if you are stuck! I hope it helps you a little Thanks
Year 1 Editable SPAG Grammar Quizzes, set of 2. Spring Summer Assessment or Activity sheet

Year 1 Editable SPAG Grammar Quizzes, set of 2. Spring Summer Assessment or Activity sheet

Set of two editable SPaG / Grammar quizzes suitable for year 1, KS1, spring / summer teacher assessment. They could also be used as an in class activity or home work sheet as an overall grammar recap / revision task. The quizzes both require children to write a simple sentence about a given picture, write the corresponding capital letter to match a given lower case letter and correct / rewrite two or three sentences with SPaG mistakes. One quiz also features a red word / common exception word question, and an ‘s’ Vs ‘es’ suffix question. The other looks at the prefix ‘un’ and suffix ‘ed’. Created as an editable word document so that you can adapt and modify should you wish.
Year 1 KS1 SEND  Count on using a number line

Year 1 KS1 SEND Count on using a number line

Nice and simple, editable power point to form the basis of your lesson around counting on, using a number line. I created this for my year one class who had not used a number line before so we did each example together using this power point and a white board. Hope it helps you a little bit.
The Ugly Duckling Sequencing Task EYFS Year 1

The Ugly Duckling Sequencing Task EYFS Year 1

Simple yet effective task for children to sequence the main events from The Ugly Duckling. Editable resource and perfect for EYFS, early Year 1 and SEND. You could ask the children to write key words or a sentence to match each picture.
Creating number bonds to 10 powerpoint EYFS KS1 SEND

Creating number bonds to 10 powerpoint EYFS KS1 SEND

I used paper plates and sweeties to help with this lesson. I then took photographs of the children doing the task and stuck the photographs into their books. This powerpoint is designed to support the task a little more and uses part whole models.
Year 1 Representing numbers on a tens frame changing the arrangement KS1 EYFS SEND complete lesson

Year 1 Representing numbers on a tens frame changing the arrangement KS1 EYFS SEND complete lesson

Power point, task sheet and challenges to teach changing the arrangement on a tens frame. Follows the maths mastery approach to the lesson, yet slightly adapted to meet the needs of the children a little better. The task sheet and the challenges are on the slides so you just need to print them off through the powerpoint. I created this on activinspire so I have included the original flipchart and a powerpoint version so that it is compatible with all computers. This is therefore a full lesson prepared for you.
Year 1 KS1 Number bonds to 10

Year 1 KS1 Number bonds to 10

Complete lesson - powerpoint and worksheets - based on representing number bonds to 10 Powerpoint is not editable but the work sheets and the activinspire fliparts are ediatble. Please see my other similar items!
Year one Geography Tanzania Kenya Africa Topic bundle

Year one Geography Tanzania Kenya Africa Topic bundle

Hello. We have been learning about Tanzania, and a little bit about Kenya, as part of our Africa topic. I have made a little bundle of my editable resources, task sheets and power point slides. Lessons include - facts about Tanzania, with useful child friendly video links How to find Tanzania and Kenya on a map of Africa A task sheet about measuring rainfall using a rain gauge (just thought I would inlcude this incase you have also covered this objective during an Africa topic) I have more Africa topic based resources (such as literacy lessons based on Lion King and Tinga Tinga Art) available in my TES shop. Please check them out.
Lion King Literacy Create a missing poster for Nala Year 1 Adverts Editable

Lion King Literacy Create a missing poster for Nala Year 1 Adverts Editable

Editable power points and sheets. A weeks worth of literacy lessons to create a missing poster for Nala from the Lion King. This was made for my year one class during school closure so I have some children home learning and some children in school hence the unusual questions about looking around your house, on the slides, but you can adapt them to fit your class.
EYFS KS1 Return to school while we can't hug activity social distance reminder

EYFS KS1 Return to school while we can't hug activity social distance reminder

Perfect for the reopening of schools, home learning or simple reminders of social distancing for children. Watch the short video clip of the story ‘While we can’t hug’ on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PnnFrPaRgY Then complete this lovely activity, encouraging discussion about social distancing and alternative ways to show others that we love them. Suitable for EYFS, Y1 or Y2 (KS1).