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(based on 17 reviews)

I am an ex student who achieved 3A*s at A level, and I thought I could share the excellent notes and revision resources I make with other students and teachers ! The good thing about revision resources made by a student is that they will comprise of everything the student feels they need to know. I follow the specifications religiously, and then I research additional past events and current affairs to broaden my contextual knowledge and see the bigger pictures for my subjects.

I am an ex student who achieved 3A*s at A level, and I thought I could share the excellent notes and revision resources I make with other students and teachers ! The good thing about revision resources made by a student is that they will comprise of everything the student feels they need to know. I follow the specifications religiously, and then I research additional past events and current affairs to broaden my contextual knowledge and see the bigger pictures for my subjects.
French Edexcel Alevel Themes 3 and 4, Unités 7-12, revision notes, facts and figures, summary

French Edexcel Alevel Themes 3 and 4, Unités 7-12, revision notes, facts and figures, summary

This 26 page document is a complete, holistic revision resource for the french Edexcel A level course, units 7-12. all the information from the textbook has been summarised and laid out clearly and additional relevant information has been included. there are facts, figures and useful key point to memorise for speaking task 1 . detailed, but still concise section on immigration, the FN and then everything to do with the occupation/Vichy Regime and the Resistance. perfect for teachers needing to give students last minute revision for units, or for student either learning or consolidating the key content. I am actually a student taking the Alevel this year! so please excuse a few tiny mistakes here and there.
French Edexcel A Level Themes 1 and 2, Units 1-6 revision notes, summaries and stats

French Edexcel A Level Themes 1 and 2, Units 1-6 revision notes, summaries and stats

This 19 page resource includes in depth notes (but concise) for units 1-6 (themes 1 and 2). each page and section of the textbook has been covered in detail with all the necessary information, and relevant additional statistics, facts and info has been added in. this resource will be perfect for students needing a bank of facts, and the information, for the speaking task 1. advantages and disadvantages of aspects of the course are covered, as well as the ‘why?what?who?’ etc. detailed broader contexts and apsects of francophone culture and things happening in the francophone world - to give a broader understanding and percepetion of ‘francophone’ rather than heavy focus on France
French Edexcel Alevel, revision notes, summary and stats for all units

French Edexcel Alevel, revision notes, summary and stats for all units

2 Resources
French Edexcel Alevel, revision notes, summary and stats for all units 1-12 in the textbook. all the key information for each unit is covered, with the notes structured exactly by chronological unit, and section of unit (there are notes on every part of unit eg. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 ). this resource is perfect for revising for speaking task 1, and knowing all the content you could be asked as well as additional facts, knowledge to really show your understanding of the themes. great for giving to students you fear have not yet revised and who need a quick, detailed summary of the whole course.