
Every Child Matters - Sept 30th Orange Shirt Day - Resource and Mini-Reader K-3
Orange Shirt Day (September 30th) is known as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.
It is a day we honour the Indigenous children who were sent to residential schools in Canada. We learn about why we wear orange shirts, and focus on educating young learners as to the history of residential schools, as well as Indigenous culture and tradition.
This resource also focuses on teaching young learners about diversity, equity, equality and that every person is special.
Worksheets include:
Information Sheet about Residential Schools in Canada
Write what you learned
What is Equity sheet
Design your own Orange T-shirt
Word Search
Journal Prompt Pages:
Every child matters because…
I matter because…
We wear orange t-shirts to remember…
I think the motto was chosen because…
My motto would be…
This package also includes a mini-reader (traceable version included).

Terry Fox Resources - Primary (worksheets, write the room, wordsearch & more)
Terry Fox is a Canadian Hero. He overcame adversity, found courage, and with little to no resources - he began the impossible. He is a Canadian Hero who is celebrated annually and now globally around the world.
This resource K-3, contains:
Facts about Terry
Terry Path - map his route
Goal setting like Terry
Growth Mindset like Terry
Colouring Pages
Write the Room
Word Search
Design a T-shirt
I run for…
2 versions of a Terry Fox Craft and Cutout for Bulletin Board display
Teach your students about a Canadian Hero and help them set their own goals just like Terry.