Action verbs and adverbs for jobs
Action verbs and adverbs for jobs
Write an action verb for each job title listed then describe the action with 3 adverbs.
Cockney Rhyming Slang quiz
English starter activity
Cockney Rhyming Slang Powerpoint slides quiz with answers.
Taboo - Desert Island Words
Tabbo - Desert Island words.
Powerpoint slides. Starter activity.
Group / paired activity to improve language skills and vocabulary.
Compound words quiz
Compound words quiz Powerpoint slides.
Say what you see game.
Note: Answers not provided.
Newspaper reading lesson
To compare similarities and differences between tabloid and broadsheet newspapers.
To explore a newspaper article and present a summary of the story.
Promotes independent reading, speaking and listening discussion topics, oracy and presentation skills.
Note: Newspaper articles not provided.
5 things - Common and proper nouns
5 things - Common and proper nouns
Famous Newham People
Functional skills English entry level and level 1 task
Create profiles for famous people using internet research