Welcome to my Tes Shop!
I have created a wide range of inclusive resources to be used within Primary. I would greatly appreciate if you could rate my resources to increase my shops exposure, I love hearing how you have utilised them within your practice.
I hope you find them useful!
Welcome to my Tes Shop!
I have created a wide range of inclusive resources to be used within Primary. I would greatly appreciate if you could rate my resources to increase my shops exposure, I love hearing how you have utilised them within your practice.
I hope you find them useful!
Within this resource, you will be able to download a powerpoint document featuring all the letters from Read Writc Inc Set 1.
You will then be able to use the letters in other areas of your curriculum, print them off to put on display or to create your own resources.
The letters are super clear and have a high resolution compared to similar RWI lettering resources found online.
Length and Mass unit of worksheets that can be used alongside independent planning or to use alongside unit 11 of Maths Mastery.
All worksheets have a clear progression to challenge the pupils knowledge even further.
Practice section
Use and apply section
Reason and explain section
Depth section
All worksheets have an LO strip which staff in your classroom can use to track if the LO has been achieved and if the pupil worked independently, collaboratively or supported by staff.
By the end of this unit, pupils should be able to:
Compare, describe and solve problems for length, height and mass/weight, using comparative and superlative vocabulary
measure and begin to record lengths, heights and masses/weights
Pupils will use explore the use of a wide range of non-standard units of measure and standard units of measure
Lesson 1 - Compare the length of two or more objects
Lesson 2 - Measuring length of objects using non-standard units (body parts)
Lesson 3 - Measuring the length of objects using non-standard units (paper clips and cubes)
Lesson 4 - Experiencing standard units of lengths and linking this to fractions
Lesson 5 - Experiencing doubling and halving lengths using cuisenaire rods
Lesson 6 - Comparing the masses of two objects
Lesson 7 - Comparing the masses of more than two objects
Lesson 8 & 9 - Finding the masses of objects using non-standard units of measure
Lesson 10 - Experiences standard units of measure using KG
A sentence writing booster/intervention that can be printed off to create a booklet of activity worksheets for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children who are struggling with sentence writing.
I have used this activity to encourage children to write sentences with capital letters and full stops and to hold and repeat the sentence in their head.
• I can ‘hold’ a sentence in my head before writing it down.
• I can use a capital letter at the start of a sentence.
• I can use finger spaces.
• I can write on the line.
• I can use a full stop at the end of a sentence.
• My ascenders are tall b d f h k l t.
• My descenders are hanging below the line g j p q y.
• I can sound out my words before writing it down.
The intervention helps children to gain confidence when they are writing sentences.
Workbook contains;
KS1 National Curriculum Aims
Pre/Post Assessment
Session Structure guidance for teachers and support staff
Booklet with colourful images for the intervention
Through the use of the Zones of Regulation, I have adapted their colourful posters to create a Pokemon themed set.
If you would like to find out more about the Zones of Regulation to support pupils becoming more emotionally aware of their feelings and how to control them, check out their website!
I highly recommend this method when supporting pupil displaying traits of Autism and ADHD.
This bundle also includes some mini interactive Pokeballs.
I have used these discussion bubbles to aid communication and partner talk in a wide range of lessons.
Contains symbols from Widgit Inprint 3 software.
3 bubbles - giving a new opinion
3 bubbles - agreeing
3 bubbles - disagreeing
3 bubbles - building/questioning an opinion
Talk for writing Year 1 Literacy work pack.
The work pack contains 10 activities and a variety of different home learning activities, morning work or starter activities the children could experience and get creative with, in order to deepen their understanding.
This workbook contains:
1 recall activity based on a picture of the 5 characters.
Practising writing the characters name, handwriting activity.
Colour in the characters using the correct colours
Match the picture with the activity each dinosaur is doing.
Fill in the gaps writing activity
Design a poster to keep T-Rex away!
Recall activity
Match the two halves of the sentences together.
Fill in the gaps to match the story.
Sequence the events in the story.
Children are able to use these worksheets to improve their pencil control.
The worksheets include pre-writing shapes. These are the pencil strokes that most letters, numbers and early drawings are comprised of. They are typically mastered in sequential order, and to an age specific level. These strokes include the following strokes: |, —, O, +, /, square, , X, and Δ.
The worksheets also feature some letters and numbers that require similar strokes to those included on the same page.
Talk for writing Year 1 literacy work pack.
The work pack contains eleven activities and a variety of different home learning activities the children could experience and get creative with, in order to deepen their understanding.
2 comprehension activities based on the two main characters
Identifying adjectives to describe the two main characters
Shades of meaning activity to identify the intensity of adjectives
Comprehension based on the key details of the story
Tricky word handwriting practice
Tricky word phonics practice
Extra curricula suggestions
This social story is used to be edited by a class teacher or year group lead to support the transitioning to the next year group.
Best used at home, read by a parent over the summer holidays.
Symbols used by Widgit Inprint 3.
Why not set your class this wonderful writing task to complete during their morning work.
Pupils will work on their recall skills and recount their weekend activities. Pupils can use the word mat to support their spelling of tricky words, whilst using the adverbial phrases and adverbs to start their sentences.
This free download includes a slide to present on your whiteboard and the black and white print out.
The document includes a cursive handwriting example.
Writing a recount - Y1 - Virtual School Trip to Buckingham Palace - 3 WEEK UNIT PACK
This unit of work follows guidance using The Talk for Writing Approach, which enables children to read and write independently. The guiding principles included this unit;
Read and explore models, attentively,
Teacher as model reader
I, We, You structure
Think aloud to explain
Shared and guided writing
Differentiated lessons
Sequencing structures
The pack includes;
15 lessons worth of planning
*** Virtual school trip video**
Full script to support video
Recount script to support writing
TA guidance within lessons
3 weeks of grammar planning (suffixes, prefixes, plural and singular tenses)
Cross Curricular links - London Unit in Geography/History, Katie in London story
Through the use of the Zones of Regulation, I have adapted their colourful posters to create a Hong Kong Transport themed set.
If you would like to find out more about the Zones of Regulation to support pupils becoming more emotionally aware of their feelings and how to control them, check out their website!
I highly recommend this method when supporting pupil displaying traits of Autism and ADHD.
This bundle also includes some mini interactive Octopus cards.
Y1 Time unit
This unit features 12 worksheets that can be used alongside independent planning or to use alongside unit 6 of Maths Mastery.
All worksheets have a clear progression to challenge the pupils knowledge even further.
Practice section
Use and apply section
Reason and explain section
Depth section
All worksheets have an LO strip which staff in your classroom can use to track if the LO has been achieved and if the pupil worked independently, collaboratively or supported by staff.
By the end of this unit, pupils should be able to:
Read, write and tell the time to o’clock and half past on analogue clock
Sequencing daily activities
Whole and half turns linked to time
Add 1 hour on an analogue clock
Add half an hour on an analogue clock
Lesson 1 - To know and order the months of the year.
Lesson 2 - To sequence events in chronological order.
Lesson 3 - To understand that time can be measured in minutes and seconds.
Lesson 4 - To read and write the time to o’clock on an analogue clock.
Lesson 5 - To read and write the time to half past on an analogue clock.
Lesson 6 - To read the time to o’clock and half past on an analogue clock.
Lesson 7 - To explore adding on 1 hour.
Lesson 8 - To explore adding on half an hour.
Lesson 9 - To read and write o’clock and half past.
Lesson 10 - To use the language of position, direction and movement.
Lesson 11 - To use the language of position, direction and movement.
Lesson 12 - To compare, describe and solve practical problems for time.
Welcome Professors to my Harry Potter Club resources, where magic takes flight! A gathering for witches and wizards, day or night. Perfect for KS1-KS2.
I take so much pride in this creation due to its wide range of editable resources allowing you to personalise it to fit your pupils and classroom. This bundle includes 10 sessions of originally created activities for your witches and wizards to enjoy. The amount you recieve in this bundle reflects the price I have set as Tes recieves 40% of any sale I make. I hope you can appreciate the time I have taken to build this wonderful set of work.
In this fantastic, Harry Potter unit, your pupils will be able to build various skills such retrieval, inference and prediction whilst using sentence stems to promote oracy development through beautifully presented slides. This unit is supported by snippets from the movie allowing fans or newbies to follow along in the club.
This bundle includes a slide show of 110 slides featuring videos, question stems, activity explanations, links to Harry Potter font downloads and links to Harry Potter themed ambiance videos.
This unit includes many editable colour & b/w printable replicas:
Hogwarts acceptance letters
Hogwarts flying letters
Platform 9 3/4 tickets
There are 10 originally created worksheets to keep your witches and wizards busy:
Plan your shopping list for Diagon Alley
Design your own Bertie Botts beans
Colour in your house items
Design your broomstick
Design your own Weasley Christmas jumper
Create your own potion
Design your own dragon
Design your own magic wand
Design a sock to free Dobby
Create your own fantastic beast
Magical beast quiz
Other resources:
Hogwarts flying letters for display
House allocation cards
Hogwarts lettering for display use, colour and b/w
Platform 9 3/4 tickets
Grab your wands, don your robes and let’s embark on a journey through the Potterverse.
A fun and exciting times table/number bonds battle to be used at any time.
I have personally used it as a transition task while I am setting something up or it has been a great addition to our lunch time activities.
All instructions are included on the first slide.
Can be used for KS1 number bonds.
Y1 Shape and pattern unit
This unit features 8 worksheets that can be used alongside independent planning or to use alongside unit 3 of Maths Mastery.
All worksheets have a clear progression to challenge the pupils knowledge even further.
Practice section
Use and apply section
Reason and explain section
Depth section
All worksheets have an LO strip which staff in your classroom can use to track if the LO has been achieved and if the pupil worked independently, collaboratively or supported by staff.
By the end of this unit, pupils should be able to:
Identify, describe and classify 2-D shapes
Identify, describe and classify 3-D shapes
Explore the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes
Explore examples and non-examples of 2-D and 3-D shapes
Recognise and create repeating patterns
Recognise and describe repeating patterns
Lesson 1 - To recognise, name and identify properties of 3-D shapes.
Lesson 2 - To describe and classify 3-D shapes.
Lesson 3 - To identify 2-D shapes.
Lesson 4 - To describe and classify 2-D shapes.
Lesson 5 - To recognise and create repeating patterns.
Lesson 6 - To recognise and describe repeating patterns.
Lesson 7 - To use the language of position.
Lesson 8 - To use the language of position, direction and movement.
My Y1 class use these red word cards almost every in their writing to support with independent writing. Best used once modelled, looking for the first letter of the word.
Print double-sided, two slides per page to achieve back to back printing.
Table reminder for children who struggle to use their fiddle toy for fiddling!
Best used for children who like to give it to their friends, throw it, break it or put it in their mouth.
The table reminder gives them 3 warnings, warnings can be rubbed off if they are following the reminders positively.