Sample questions that the teacher ask during the speaking exam.
Teachers to make sure students can answer every single question to prepare them for the speaking exam.
Arabic for beginners. Teaches the learners a number of Arabic common nouns and to use them with an appropriate verbs.
Learners to practise Q&A ماذا تفعل؟ matha taf'al
This activity is to help the students to recap vocabulary of the media and to interact in a group work. It will improve the reading and the speaking skills.
The presentation includes links to clips about some Arabic countries tourists attractions.
It will help the GCSE Arabic students to get more information about the Arabic countries, talk about it and use it in their writing.
Teachers are free to add more links to encourage more speaking, comparisons, debate and discussions according to their students needs and abilities.
Students to read and compare statements written by three students.
This activity will test and improve their reading comprehension skill.
They will learn/remember important expressions that can use in their writing and speaking.