
Year 5 Geography - North America and Map Skills
This is a Geography unit I have used with my Year 5 class. It is part of a linked curriculum based around the book, Wonderstruck.
There are 5 lessons which have been fully resourced (there are over 30 files in this unit) including:
Learning Objective slips
MTP and unit overview
Powerpoints for some lessons
Front Cover
Knowledge organiser
…and more besides
The 5 lessons cover World Geography, North America (including a comparison task), maps skills which include grid references and the use of a variety of maps.

Escape from Pomepii - Christina Balit Full plans and Resources
These are the 4-week plans I used with my mixed-ability Y4 class. It ties in perfectly with the LKS2 geography unit ‘Europe’ and the the ‘Extreme Earth’ geographical unit in which volcanoes play a big part.
In terms of coverage, this unit has been planned to cover descriptions of setting and characters and direct speech which culminates in a fictional narrative being written. In week 4, instructional texts are covered. All this along with a T4W theory meant I got some super work from my class.
These plans also incorporate a high need of SEN.
Additional resources include:
Full LOs for every lesson
Comic strips to support direct speech
Adventure in Pomepii story which runs alongside the main story
Box it up grids
Volcano information poster Master Copy
Supporting word banks
SEN Treasure Hunt game (instructions)
40 documents in total