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KS2 teacher working in the UK. My resources vary from basic starters to full, detailed lesson plans for a variety of year groups for the UK Primary School age range.




KS2 teacher working in the UK. My resources vary from basic starters to full, detailed lesson plans for a variety of year groups for the UK Primary School age range.
Rainforest Bundle-Art, Music, Drama

Rainforest Bundle-Art, Music, Drama

3 Resources
This bundle includes three lesson plans with resources to be used with the cross-curricular rainforest theme. Art, Drama and Music are all covered in this bundle. All individual lesson plans can be found on their own in my shop however purchasing the entire bundle is cheaper and more beneficial in terms of its fluidity.
Explanation Text Template

Explanation Text Template

This resource is aimed at Year 4 children during their non-chronological topic looking at explanation texts. It is beneficial for the children to be able to write their explanation text in the same format they would read an explanation text in as opposed to simply writing it out in their books. This template could also be used for a variety of other lessons.
The Day the Crayons Quit-Hot Seating Question Cards

The Day the Crayons Quit-Hot Seating Question Cards

This resource can be used in a Drama session or before a writing task linked to The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. They can be teacher read in a whole group for younger children or used independently in small groups.
French Number Line Game

French Number Line Game

This French Number Line Game Sheet is designed for Year 3 but can be adapted to suit lower years if they are familiar with smaller numbers. It is ideal for engaging the children in a fun and stimulating context to help them visualise the numbers in the correct order and in relation to the numbers in English to make them easier to remember. This resource includes instructions for the game and the timeline and numbers in French to go with it, it also includes a separate sheet with the timeline and numbers together to allow you to simply photocopy them and cut them in half. It satisfies the Key Stage 2 learning objective to be met 'to play games to help remember' and the learning outcome of beginning 'to know numbers 1-10' (QCA, 2007). It also includes becoming familiar with their core language in Unit 1: All about Me. It is also possible to meet the speaking and listening aims to 'engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help' and to 'listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding' (DfE, 2013)
Rainforest Lesson Plan (Drama)

Rainforest Lesson Plan (Drama)

Year 3. This resource includes the lesson plan and the relevant accompanying worksheet. This lesson gives the children the opportunity to create their own scenes as they are using their imaginations in response to the video clip they are shown, developing different Drama skills such as hot seating, improvisation, performing and evaluation. It provides them with opportunities to perform to “a range of audiences” by improvising in smaller groups during hot seating, and performing their scenes to the wider group (ACE, 2003). This resource is designed to be used alongside the cross-curricular links to both Music and Art also through the Rainforest theme. Having a theme such as the Rainforest can give children a broad concept to work with so that they have the opportunity to explore the theme in a way that suits their learning style. Using the Rainforest theme can allow the children to access their appropriate KS2 expectations to “produce work with a clear story line and structure”, and following the theme through the activity provides the children with the opportunity to engage more with their characters (ACE, 2003).
Contractions Game

Contractions Game

Quick game to go alongside a lesson on contractions. Ideal for KS1 and any other year groups recapping contractions. Designed to be cut out as triangles. The children must pair them back up. Can be kept together with a paper clip or in a small envelope and reused. Children who finish can be challenged to beat their time to match them up. Comes in both PowerPoint and PDF format. The files also include the option of 1, 2 or 3 to a page for those needing a bigger version or to make them more suitable for group, paired and individual work. Printing them on colour may make them more appealing but may make the text harder to read for some children.
Days of the Week Worksheet

Days of the Week Worksheet

Worksheet to go alongside a lesson based on learning and writing the days of the week. It would work effectively with the story The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The questions that follow also allow the children to consider days that come before and after, and also what they would ordinarily do on those days.
Pirate SPaG

Pirate SPaG

A short pirate-themed passage for the children to correct the spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes. Ideal for KS1 but can also be used in any year group as a quick recap or those working on SPaG objectives. Two to a page and in a PowerPoint and PDF format.
Radio Broadcasts Lesson Plan

Radio Broadcasts Lesson Plan

Year 3 radio broadcast lesson plan. It includes the context that the lesson needs to be taught in in terms of what they already know, the resources required, the introduction, and final part of the lesson. This lesson plan contributes to their Year 3 Narrative Unit 1. It aims to develop their use of appropriate vocabulary for the context, and their ability to identify the key elements of an informative broadcast and the language used in terms of how it can create a change in focus. A large focus for this lesson plan is the development of their speaking and listening skills in terms of performing to the group, working in a group, and listening to others and their feedback.
Mother's Day and Father's Day Newspaper Templates and PowerPoints

Mother's Day and Father's Day Newspaper Templates and PowerPoints

Sending cards home for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is lovely and incredibly touching, but I’ve found that newspaper articles dedicated to them by their children have an equally strong impact whilst benefiting the children at the same time. There are 2 templates, the first being generic and empty (the title, picture, and caption can easily be deleted if you want the children to come up with these on their own). The second also has a few starting sentences to give the children an idea of the expectations. Included in this resource is also a quick Mother’s Day and Father’s Day PowerPoint to reiterate to the children the reasons behind it, and the acknowledgment that it does not have to be a biological mum/dad, woman/man etc, and that we do not have to buy gifts. This template was designed and used in a Year 4 class, however it can be used and be adapted to be used in almost any year group. I would also recommend changing the award to ‘International Parent Award’ or ‘International Women’s Award’ for those looked after children or whose family dynamics are a little different. There is a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day version that can be saved for a later date.
Days of the Week

Days of the Week

Lesson and worksheet for learning the days of the week. Includes opportunities for partner talk, real life application, practice and a song to learn the days of the week. The worksheet includes repetition and practice opportunities for spelling the days of the week. The lesson itself is available in PowerPoint, ActivInspire flipchart and pdf format The worksheet is available in PowerPoint and pdf format. All formats have the worksheet tucked into the far corner for ease of trimming.