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Anna jordan's Shop

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10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.




10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.
Y8 Unit 2: Utility of Gladiator film

Y8 Unit 2: Utility of Gladiator film

Full title: How useful is the movie Gladiator for investigating the power of the Roman Army ? Extended source evaluation really. Half a term’s work (at 1.5hrs per week approx). Students look at the opening scenes of gladiator and identify the interpretation within the movie. They study the Roman Army and then compare their findings to the movie, concluding with a formal answer to exam style question on reliability/utility (adaptable).
Henry II and Becket SOW

Henry II and Becket SOW

SOW to explore power of the medieval church and the relationship of Henry II and Becket within that framework. The theme of my year is power and protest and this unit is angled towards that. Assessment opportunities built in, as usual.
Why did Germany surrender?

Why did Germany surrender?

Group activity - 'running dictation'. Teacher has flash cards on which are events that lead to the end of the war. One student from each group comes to the front and looks at the card for 30 seconds, has to remember it and then take it back to the group, who all record it. Full instructions provided with plenary activities. By the end students should know what happened and be able to explain why Germany surrendered
Winning the war and losing the peace

Winning the war and losing the peace

Students use (differentiated) set of cards provided to investigate the consequences of World War I. They use this information to create a circles diagram to explore how the war was won, but the peace was lost. Notes provided about how to construct the diagram.
Wounded Knee Synthesis Exercise

Wounded Knee Synthesis Exercise

Requires students to interpret a range of sources about the events at Wounded Knee. Students then to synthesis information to create a chronological account. Higher attaining students have the opportunity to develop and integrate their evaluation skills. Prior knowledge of the Ghost Dance and the death of Sitting Bull required.
League of Nations Abyssinia

League of Nations Abyssinia

Poem about the Italian invasion of Abyssinia plus additional factual material. Activity designed to generate knowledge about the Italian Invasion of Abyssinia, one of the 3 principle failures of the League in the 1930s (along with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria and the failure of the Disarmament Conference). Also included exam-style cartoon interpretation[Please note that any classification of this resource as related to the USA is generated by TES not me.]
Break with Rome Circles Activity

Break with Rome Circles Activity

Was browsing an old Teaching History and saw an article by Steve Garnett which have immediately stolen! It’s really simple and really effective. Basically, a large circle in the centre of a page represents a concept, e.g Bismarck’s foreign policy (Steve’s example) or the Break with Rome (my example attached). Other circles placed strategically, in terms of size and location, represent key influences on that issue. Could also be used for effective essay planning.
Hitler's foreign policy - kinaesthetic mnemonic

Hitler's foreign policy - kinaesthetic mnemonic

I always find it difficult to create activities for kinaesthetic learners, but devised this with my students to help remember Hitler's foreign policy aims, and steps that he took to achieve those aims, in the correct order. easily adaptable - you could easily show this to your students and have them adapt it so it resonates with them
Medieval church game

Medieval church game

From a SOW I'm currently writing about Henry II and Becket. This board game is about the medieval church. A priest, a noble and a peasant have to get to heaven. Journey by way of church courts and indulgences, to set the scene for the specific church privilege which caused conflict between Henry II and Becket and also the indulgences issue which is a long-term link to a planned future unit on the reformation.
Role Play Overview of the relationship between Church and State

Role Play Overview of the relationship between Church and State

I use this activity in Year 7 to help students to understand the relationship between church and state. Christianity is what I think of as the ‘big idea’ for Year 7 studies, and is the context within which most of the medieval period can be understood. I think it is important for students to be able to comprehend the political nature of the church in this period, and the symbiotic relationship between spiritual and secular powers. So this is one of the first activities I do in Year 7. Of course, it can be done in Year 8 before studying the Henrician Reformation instead, but if done in Year 7 students still remember it in Year 8. Having the photographic record also helps students’ recall.
From Schlieffen Plan to Stalemate

From Schlieffen Plan to Stalemate

Dice-based game. Objective of the game is to 'be Germany and avoid stalemate'. Students will explore how stalemate developed and counter-factual alternatives and, therefore, be able to identify turning points. Follow up activities provided
Russia GCSE

Russia GCSE

Full resources with teachers notes for teaching Lenin and Stalin’s Government. First activity in Stalin pack is adapted for GCSE from an A-level Thinking History activity.