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Anna jordan's Shop

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10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.




10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.
Year 9 Unit 1 - What really happened at Troy?

Year 9 Unit 1 - What really happened at Troy?

investigation into the Trojan War. half term scheme of work Sept 2012 - I had a company called Enrichment through Archaeology in to do a workshop with my Y9 to support this SOW yesterday. They were fabulous - very well prepared resources, lovely people and a great day - best of all, was perfectly tailored to suit this SOW, which I sent Dr Parker Heath in advance - just what you want from a workshop! Would heartily recommend.


Designed to encourage students to make appropriate links between ideas, this exercise provides the key points of the Ghost Dance narrative together with a list of connectives. Students draw arrows from one idea/event to the next, writing along the arrow the appropriate connective word. When complete, the diagram should answer the question ‘What happened after the Battle of Little Bighorn?’. Differentiated resource - higher ability exercise has one stage of the story missing and an extended list of connectives
Henry II and Becket SOW

Henry II and Becket SOW

SOW to explore power of the medieval church and the relationship of Henry II and Becket within that framework. The theme of my year is power and protest and this unit is angled towards that. Assessment opportunities built in, as usual.
Becket literacy linking exercise

Becket literacy linking exercise

This is a differentiated literacy-focused plenary for the activity ‘Why did Henry agree to be whipped’ on ThinkingHistory.com. Students are required to link the segments of the story together with arrows and write appropriate connectives on the arrows to create a coherent explanation.
Why did William want to conquer England. Essay structure work

Why did William want to conquer England. Essay structure work

Another in the series of essay sorts to help students understand how to construct essays. Involves no writing, just thinking, and leaves students with a takeaway product they can use as a model for future extended writing on causation. Builds on a prior lesson where ‘William’ makes a speech to the class about his reasons for wanting to conquer England. also attached
Extension activities

Extension activities

Range of activities which I have in envelopes on the wall, from which students can self select when they've completed the core work.
Marksheets for key skill areas

Marksheets for key skill areas

There are 2 versions of these marksheets - one levelled for teachers and one for photocopying for students. They have been designed around the key skills of the National Curriculum - chronology, knowledge & understanding, interpretations, source work and organising é communicating ideas. The students will not see the levels (although you could easily add them in if you wanted). The idea behind this is that students will focus on the comments made so they can improve rather than becoming complacent/despondent about the level achieved. there is opportunity for student comment and reflection on their work also.
Wounded Knee Synthesis Exercise

Wounded Knee Synthesis Exercise

Requires students to interpret a range of sources about the events at Wounded Knee. Students then to synthesis information to create a chronological account. Higher attaining students have the opportunity to develop and integrate their evaluation skills. Prior knowledge of the Ghost Dance and the death of Sitting Bull required.
World War I GCSE key info summary

World War I GCSE key info summary

Written for my higher ability GCSE group instead of a textbook. Covers causes (in some depth owing to a discussion the students were having about 'what was missing&' from the textbook accounts), course and armistice. Includes OCR spec overview and key questions from past papers. Useful for revision and also for teachers teaching this topic for the first time.
Henry VIII Foreign Policy  1539-1547

Henry VIII Foreign Policy 1539-1547

Complete notes for AS students to use as pre-reading/revision. Plus lesson activity: Students use chronology on paper slips to create a huge graph across the desks. This graph (and obviously the discussion which goes with it) answers 2 questions: was foreign policy in this period a success or a failure?; what factors influenced foreign policy in this period? Lesson plan and photograph of student graph included for reference.
Winning the war and losing the peace

Winning the war and losing the peace

Students use (differentiated) set of cards provided to investigate the consequences of World War I. They use this information to create a circles diagram to explore how the war was won, but the peace was lost. Notes provided about how to construct the diagram.
Ghost Dance Running Dictation Exercise

Ghost Dance Running Dictation Exercise

Requires students to work in groups. One member of the group comes to teachers desk to collect a statement, returns to group and has to summarise it in their own words. members of the group to write it down. Statement is NOT to be shown to the group. Then process is repeated with a new member of the group collecting and summarising. To differentiate, higher attaining students can be given questions intermittently to develop their thinking skills. By the end ALL students should have a narrative of the Ghost Dance, ALL students should have worked in groups and developed their communication and cooperation skills. SOME students will have developed further thinking and discussion skills.
How to measure significance

How to measure significance

A P4C style lesson exploring the concept of historical significance and offering KS3 students ways of measuring it. Very detailed lesson notes on first couple of pages
The Reformation Parliament Decision Making Game

The Reformation Parliament Decision Making Game

Decision making game for students. Instructions on attached document. Students take on characters from 1529 Parliament and make decisions using extracts from relevant acts. There is a gaming element: students decide whether parliament would accept/reject/modify an act. Each act is worth x points. They can gamble the points in a 'double or nothing' gamble before the teacher reveals the historical reality. Uses original extracts to help familiarise students with reading sources.