I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book.
The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments.
Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book.
The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments.
Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
John Paton (1824-1907) was a protestant missionary to the New Hebrides Islands of the South Pacific. He brought to the natives of the New Hebrides education and Christianity.
John was born on the 24th May 1824 in a farm cottage at Braehead, Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He was eldest of 11 children. His parents moved to Torthorwald in the same county. His father was a stocking manufacturer and a stocker of books- Bibles.
From the age of 12 he learned the stocking manufacturing trade, working 14 hours a day manipulating one of the 6 ‘stocking frames’.
He also studied for 2 hours during the alloted time to eat.
He was greatly influenced by the devoutness of his father who 3 times a day went to his ‘prayer closet’ and conducted family prayers twice a day’
He felt he was called by God to be a missionary.
He went to Glasgow ( 40 miles walking to Kilmarnock, the rest by train).
There he undertook theological and medical studies. For years he handed out tracts, taught at schools and laboured as a city missionary.
!858, 23rd March, ordained by the Reformed Presbyterian Church. On 2nd April married Mary Ann Robson. 16th April, accompanied by Mr Joseph Copeland, they set sail for the South Pacific. 5th November landed on the island of Tanna - the natives there were cannibals!
The cannibals - 'painted ’ savages wore very little -the men were naked, the women wore a short grass or leaf apron.
1859, 12th February Peter Robert Robson born, Mary dies 19 days later from tropical fever. Baby Peter dies after 36 days. They were buried together and John guarded the grave from the cannibals. The grave is still accessible to this day and a plaque in 1996 was erected to mark the spot.
John continued with his missionary work in spite of constant animosity form the natives. During one attack a ship arrived just in time to take him and Mr. Mrs. Mathieson to the safety of Aneityum.
He then went first to Australia then back to Scotland to recruit missionaries and raise funds for the building and upkeep of a ship.
1864, 17th June, he marries Margaret ( Maggie) Whitecross.
1866, August, back in the New Hebrides, they establish a new mission station on Aniwa Island, the island closest to Tanna. They live in a native hut while they build 3 houses- i for them and 2 for orphans.
They find the natives similar to those on Tanna but they continue with their missionary work. They have 10 children, 4 die early or in infancy.
John learns the language and turns it into written form.
Maggie works with 50 women/girls who become experts at sewing, singing, plaiting hats and reading.
They expound the Scriptures
They administer to the sick
Send out natives to preach the gospel
After years of deprivation, danger from the natives and disease and patient ministry the entire island of Aniwa professed Christianity.
( Read ‘Return to the New Hebrides’)
1899 Aniiwa N.T. printed & 25/30 islands have missionaries
William Whiting Borden (1887-1913) was a philanthropist and millionaire Christian Missionary Candidate who died in Egypt before reaching his chosen field, Gansu province in China.
William was born onto a prominent and wealthy Chicago family.His father had made a fortune in Colorado silver mining. He was the third of four children.
His mother converted to evangelical Christianity in 1894. She took her son to Chicago Avenue Church. later Moody Church.He responded to the gospel preaching of R.A. Torrey and prayer and Bible study became his hallmark for life.
After he graduated from The Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania aged 16 his parents gave him a gift of a chaperoned trip around the world. This developed a desire to become a missionary…
At a meeting In London, where R.A. Torrey was preaching, he surrendered his life for Christian service.
1905 he went to Yale University. Encouraged by classics tutor Henry Burt Wright he began daily prayer groups which within 2 years reached the entire university.
1906, at a Student Volunteer Movement convention, Samuel Marinus Zwemer impressed him with his emphasis on the open doors for evangelizing the Muslim world.
William had a charismatic personality, was sociable, athletic, fun loving but also an intense hardworking natural leader. He was elected president of Phi Beta Kappa.
With his own money he funded a New Haven rescue mission and worked there.
He graduated in 1909 and then attended Princeton Theological Seminary (1909-12).
His reputation was such that he became a board member of the National Bible Institute in New York City - at one point he was temporarily in charge of the whole ministry. He became a director of Moody Bible Institute. Aged 22 he was a member of the North American Council of the China Inland Mission ( until he applied to go to China!)
His intention was to become a missionary to Uyghur Muslims in Northwestern China. He decided to first study Islam and Arabic in Cairo. He boarded with a Syrian family so that he would hear Arabic spoken as much as possible. He also spent time distributing Christian sermons written in a Koranic style.
March 13th 1913 he contracted cerebral meningitis and died a few weeks later on April 9th 1913, aged 25.
His mother had just arrived from the USA. After a simple funeral he was buried in the American cemetery in Cairo. On his gravestone was written
Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation of such a life
(words suggested by Samuel M. Zwemer who attended the funeral)
Other services were also held back in the USA, Japan, Korea, India and South Africa.
Borden Memorial Hospital (1918-1951) in Gansu, was founded by the China Inland Mission with money donated by the Borden family ($800,000) after the death of William. The hospital was handed over to the Chinese government in 1951.
( Read ‘Borden Memorial Hospital’)
David Brainerd (1718-1747) was an American missionary to the Native Americans. He had a fruitful ministry among the Delaware Indians of New Jersey. During his short life he was beset by many physical difficulties.
As a result his diary,Life and diary Of David Brainerd(1749) edited by Jonathan Edwards, he became a source of inspiration and encouragement to many Christians.
David was born on 20th April 1718 in Haddam, Connecticut.He was one of 9 siblings.He was orphaned at the age of 14 when his father died, his mother died 5 years later.
After his mother’s death he lived with Jerusha, one of his older sisters. in East Haddam. Aged 19 he inherited a farm in Durham but did not enjoy the experience. He returned to his sister’s. A year later he prepared to go to Yale University.
12th July, 1739, he had ‘inspeakable glory’ - a conversion experience…
September entered Yale. In his second year he was sent home after a serious illness.(now believed to be tuberculosis (TB))
When he returned to Yale in December 1740 there was tension between the college trustees and their students relating to the enthusiasm of the students In 1741 a decree was passed that anyone who called staff hypocrites after a second offence would be expelled.
Jonathan Edwards came to preach and David commented that one of his tutors - Chauncey Whittelsey ‘has no more grace then a chair’. He was also alleged to ask why the Rector ‘did not drop dead’. He was expelled. He apologized for the first comment but denied making the second.
A recent law had been passed that ministers could only be appointed in Connecticut if they had graduated from Harvard or Yale. He had to reconsider his plans.
In 1742 he was licensed to preach for a group called ‘New Lights’. Jonathan Dickinson noticed him and tried to get him reinstated at Yale but failed. it was suggested he worked as a missionary among Native Americans, supported by the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian knowledge (SSPSK). He was approved on 25th November 1742.
1st April 1743, after a brief time serving a church on Long Island, he began working with Native Americans He began working at Kaunameek, a Housatonic Indian settlement. He stayed there a year. He began a school and to translate the Psalms.
He then worked for a year with the Delaware Indians along the Rivernorthwest of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
He then moved to Crossweeksung in New Jersey where he established a Christian community of 130 members.
By November 1746 his health- a form of depression - 22 times- stopped him from working. He moved first to Jonathan Dickenson’s house. After a few months rest. he moved to Jonathan Edward’s house. 17 year old Jerusha Edwards nursed him… He managed a trip to Boston.
He suffered greatly and died of TB at Edward’s house on the 9th October 1747, aged just 29.
Life and Diary of David Brainerd is still in print (see Amazon flier)
Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) was an abolitionist, civil rights activist, feminist and advocate of Social justice. He travelled to Britain in 1845 for 19 months, lecturing against slavery in the USA.
Frederick was born on a plantation in Talbot County. He was born a slave. His birth name was Frederick Bailey. he did not know who was his father or the exact date of his birth. He later picked 14th February as his birthday and estimated he was born in 1818.
Aged 7 he was sent to live at the Wye House plantation. His mother died when he was 10. Eventually he went to Baltimore to serve the Auld family.
Sophia Auld started to teach him how to read. It was against the law and her husband her from teaching him. Frederick was an intelligent young man and taught himself how to read and write by observing others and watching white children.
He read in newspapers about slavery, He taught others to read which got him into trouble and he was moved to another farm where he was beaten by the slave owner to break his spirit.
In 1838 he escaped. He disguised himself as a sailor and carried papers to show he was a free black seaman. On 3rd September he boarded a train for the north. 24 hours later he arrived in New York a ‘free’ man. He married Anna Murray and took the surname of Douglas.
They settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts. There he met abolitionists - people who wanted to abolish slavery. He became an excellent speaker on the subject and became famous but feared of being captured and returned to slavery.
In 1845 he travelled to Ireland and Britain lecturing against slavery in the USA. He became embroiled in controversies due to his electrifying capacity as an oratory and performer. He returned to the USA a free man, British abolitionists purchased his legal freedom.
He also spoke about Women’s Rights. He attended the first ever women’s rights convention at Seneca falls, New York in 1948.
During the Civil War 1961-6 he fought for the rights of black soldiers. When the Soth announced they would execute or enslave any captured black soldier he insisted that President Lincoln should respond- he responded by threatening to execute like for like. Frederick also sought equal pay and treatment for black soldiers.
He wrote an autobiography Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, It became a best seller, He later wrote 2 more books about his life.
Frederick died on 20th February 1895, aged 77 (?) from either a heart attack or stroke. His legacy lives on in his writings and monuments named after him.
This is just a simple summary. There are 38 pages on Frederick Douglas on Wikipedia giving far more detail.
Sources used
Biography for Kids
Chuck Carson’s parents took him to Del Mar at the age of 12. They rented a surfboard for him and he learned to surf.
On a Sunday he would go surfing and then quickly throw his Sunday Best over his shorts and leave a trail of sand all the way to church. He went every Sunday to church.
He became an accomplished musician playing with the Christy Minstrels and Talk Five. He even played professional football with the L.A. Rams
His mother and step father had a horrific accident on an L.A. freeway. Sitting at his mother’s bedside he promised God to come back if she survived. Her condition did improve but she died 3 months later. While in a coma she asked God to ‘save her son’s soul’.
He went off to Hawaii to surf… While there a Roman Catholic woman shocked him by saying ‘God has something for you.’ She advised him to return home and get married.
On the beach one day he was so drunk he fell face first in the sand. He had a vision saying ‘Come to me Chuck.’
‘I’m not good enough,’ he replied
‘You’ll never be good enough. Come as you are.’
From that day forward life for chuck was never the same.
He met Melinad (Lin) in April 1972, they married in 1974. He returned to Hawaii where he took his first unorthodox preaching assignments as Director of the Walkiki Beach Chaplaincy. He played his guitar and preached ‘scared out of his wits’ as he learned to preach before an audience.
They returned to the mainland, started a family and he went to college. He was ordained and began series of commitments to preaching the Gospel ( and surfing). He served a number of churches.
In 1992 he was severely injured in a crash while leading a junior high church group in a waterpark. He spent 28 days in intensive care and a year in bed recovering at home.
They moved to Sacramento and for the next 14 years he was senior pastor.
By ‘divine appointments’ he ended up on the beach passing out flyers when he met Michael Pless on the beach.
For nearly a decade he earned his own beach walk of fame on the sands of seal Beach. *In every possible moment, he radiated love, grace and celebration.
He was so jolly, the best guy EVER Michael Pless, the owner of M & M Surf School, with whom Pastor Carlson founded Hope on the Beach church in 2009. He remembers praying for a pastor to minister the souls on the beach and how they literally ran into each other one Sunday morning. God answered both of their prayers.
When Chuck died in 2020 (?) surfers and beachgoers gathered on the shores of Seal Beach to give a final ’ wave’ to their beloved pastor. Nearly 100 surfers gathered on their surfboards for a @ Paddle Out’ on Sunday while other paid their respects on the beach. Michael spread his ashes into the wind and sea and Chuck was home for eternity. Lin, his wife, for 47 years, ina poignant blog thanked everyone 'I feel your love, and love you back.
Chuck surfed all of his life until he could surf no more.
Go in peace … and surf the Lord Chuck Carlson
Douglas Roger Scott (1900-1967) was an English Revival preacher and evangelist who devoted most of his ministry to France. He is considered to be one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal movement in France and the main founder of the Assemblies of God in France.
He was born in Essex.
Douglas experienced a conversion/new birth during an evangelistic meeting organised on Whitecross Street in London. From 1925 he devoted a large part of his time proclaiming the gospel in public meetings.He based hie message on the 4 pillars of Elim Pentecostalism - Jesus saves, heals, baptizes and will return. He became an itinerant preacher in Essex and founded an Elim Pentecostal church in London with another pastor.
He considers going to the Belgian Congo as an evangelist. William Burton advises him to go to France to learn French.
In 1927 he goes to Le Harve in France after receiving an invitation from Helene Biolley 1854-1947), of Swiss origin, who runs an non-alcoholic bar, the Ruban Bleu . Helene had been praying for 20 years that God would send missionaries to France. In her 70s her prayers were answered.
He prayed and preached with power and several people were miraculously healed.
Helena asked him to devote 6 months at her mission before going to the Congo. he agreed and returned to Le Havre in 1930. He ultimately devoted the rest of his life (37 years) to spreading the gospel across France. He sparked a significant pentecostal revival and helped bring cohesiveness to the movement through the organisaion of the Assembly of God of France in 1932.
Douglas, with his family, did get to the Belgian Congo in 1939. He preached in only French and Swahili. Returned to G.b in Autumn 1946.
Douglas also went to Algeria. he went for the second time in the early 1950s. He returned to France where he continue his work of evangelization and edification in the established Pentecostal churches. He also went overseas.
By 1965 he had heart problems but refused to retire. He continued to preach twice a day, every day. Douglas died in Chalon-sur-Saone on 15th April 1967, aged 66.
Assemblies of God
Douglas Scott (evangeliste)
Helene Biolley
Charles Grandison Finney (1792-1875) was an American Presbyterian minister and leader in the Second Great Awakening in the USA. He has been called the Father of Modern Revivalism.
Together with other evangelical leaders he promoted social reforms such as abolition of slavery and equal education for women and African Americans. He taught at Oberlin College, Ohio and became their second president form 1851 to 1866.
In V. Raymond Edman’s book They Found the Secret(still available on Amazon) there is chapter of over 10 pages given to how he found the secret. Edman’s begins by saying that Charles’ conversion was sudden, starling, dramatic and dynamic. Edman gives Charles’ own account of what happened around the date of 18th October 1821 - it started on the Sunday and continued through to the Thursday.
In the brief notes I have included from the book it says that Finney’s revival ministry in Rochester, New York, in one year 100,000 came to the saving knowledge of the Lord. Also that there was a falling off of crime and the jail was nearly empty for years afterwards.
Daniel Nash(1775-1831) worked behind the scenes for Charles. Daniel would precede Charles arrival in a city. He would check into a boarding house and begin to pray fervently for the release of the Holy Spirit onto the forthcoming meeting(s). He would pray sometimes for days, even weeks until he felt the spiritual atmosphere was prepared. He would then invite Charles to come. He rarely attended the meetings instead he would be on his knees in prayer.
4 months after Daniel’s death Charles left his itinerate revival meetings to pastor a church.
My other source is Wikipedia.
Andrew van der Bijl or Brother Andrew is a Christian missionary from Sint Paneras, the Netherlands. He founded Open Doors in 1955 which is noted for smuggling Bibles into Communist countries. He earned the name God’s Smuggler -the title of his 1967 book. he is known for having prayed Lord, make seeing eyes blind when stopped at the border of a communist country for his car to be inspected.
Andrew was born on the11th May 1928 in Sint Paneras. He was the fourth of 6 children. His father was a poor, near deaf blacksmith and his mother was an invalid.
In the 1940s he enlisted in the colonial army of the Dutch East Indies during the rebellion that would eventually form Indonesia. He was wounded in the ankle and during rehabilitation read the Bible obsessively, eventually converting to Christianity.
He studied at the WEC Missionary training College in Glasgow.
July 1955 visited Communist Poland to find out about the underground church. To do this he had to go on a government controlled tour. He felt he had to respond to the Biblical Commission *Wake up, strengthen what remains and is about to die ( Revelation ch3 v2)
In 1957 he travelled to Moscow. He started to smuggle Bibles into Communist countries in a blue Volkswagen Beetle. He prayed and left them deliberately in full view. This was a fulfillment of child’s dream of *derring-do .
The work of Open Doors continued to expand as it extended its network throughout Eastern Europe and Soviet Union.
(Read ‘Brother Andrew’s Story’ crossing into Romania.)
In the 1960s he visited China, Czechoslovakia and Cuba.
In 1967 published first edition of God’s Smugglers. By 2002 over 10 million were sold, ( See Bridge Books for special 60th anniversary edition of first trip.)
1970s visited war torn Lebanon.
In 1990s travelled several times to the Middle East - Lebanon and Israel
Brother Andrew has written 10 books.
He is now in his 90s. Is he still smuggling?
John (Jock) Troup (1896-1954) was a well known Christian evangelist fro Fochabers, Scotland. He was the son of Harry and Harriet Troup.
He spent his youth as a cooper and was part of the Territorial Forces Service.
He went to work in the fishing industry and then on to service in WWI. He was then converted.
According to a neighbour he had enormous hands - he could pick up a fully inflated football with one hand. He had 16 inch biceps, unexpanded and the neck like a prize bull. He did not look like a typical normal preacher.
Jock played a big part in the Fisherman’s Revival, also known as Jock Troup and the fisherman’s Revival. He preached all over Britain to bring people to Christ.
In 2001 Revival Man, The Jock Troup Story* by George Mitchell
was published followed by a film* Jock Troup and The Fisherman;s Revival.
Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor ( 1917-2005) was an American publisher and author. He is best known as the creator of The Living Bible and the founder of Tyndale House, a Christian publishing company and Living Bibles International.
He was born on 8th May in Portland Oregon. Having a pastor for a father a godly mother meant he developed a solid faith in Christ and a deep respect of the Bible from a very early age.
He graduated from Wheaton College, Illinois in 1938. He then attended Dallas Theological Seminary for 3 years… He received a Theology Masters (Th.M) from Northern Baptist Seminary in 1944.
During the course of his studies he was offered the position of editor for HIS Magazine, headquartered in Chicago. He was a long time member of College Church in Wheaton.
He worked briefly for Clyde Dennis, founder of Good News Publishers on translating Gospel tracts and distributing them overseas. In 1947 he moved to Moody Bible Institute as Director.of Moody Press and stayed until 1963.
In 1954, as rode the commuter train into Chicago ,he began paraphrasing the New Testament into modern English. This was originally to help his 10 children to understand the King James version of the Bible more easily. The children were responding to what they were hearing and Ken thought he was onto something.
He developed a series of books for his children to read. They were eventually published in a book called The Bible in Pictures for Little eyes.
After 7 years of writing and rewriting he submitted the manuscript, called Living Letters to several publishing houses. After having It rejected by ALL of them Ken, with his wife Margaret, decided to use their limited saving to publish it themselves.
Paul Benson, president of Lithocolor Press, offered to print 2,000 copies and allow the Taylors to pay for them when the books sold.
In the early days it was a kitchen table operation. The older daughters typed Ken’s manuscripts, Margaret typed invoices and mailing labels and the younger children filled envelopes and packed books ordered by the bookstores.
In 1962 he exhibited his self published* Living Letters* at the Christian booksellers Association convention. BIlly Graham saw the book the following spring and asked if he could print a special edition to use with his crusades - 500,000 were given away.
Tyndale House Publishers (THP)was born.
In 1967 the Living New Testament was published. In 1971 the complete Living Bible was released to an eager public. It was the best selling book in the USA 3 years in a row!
The profits were put into a charitable trust. All royalties were donated to the Tyndale House Foundation.
He stayed president of THP until 1984 when he handed over to his son Mark. He served as chairman of the board until his death.
Kenneth N. Taylor died 10th June 2005, aged 88, from heart failure.
Ken’s THP mission
minister to the spiritual needs of people, primarily through literature consistent with biblical principles
The Annunciation also referred to as the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Annunciation of Our Lady or Annunciation of the Lady
The Annunciation of Mary is when the Archangel Gabriel visits Mary to say that she is going to have a son, who she was to call Jesus. *
(See Luke ch. 1 verses 26-38)
Mary is surprised because she asks, How can this be I do nor know a man?
She is still a virgin who has only recently become betrothed to Joseph.
The angel replies with these words
The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.
Gabriel goes on to explain that her cousin Elizabeth, in old age, is going to give birth to a son. (This son is John the Baptist)
Mary says Behold the maidservant of the Lord!. Let it be to me according to your word. Gabriel then departed.
This is how Mary learned that she was going to give birth to Jesus, the Son of God.
Brief information about Mary and the Archangel Gabriel included.
The Bible
James the Less is a figure of early Christianity,possibly one of the 12 chosen by Jesus.
According to translation he is called ’ the minor’, the little’, ‘the lesser’ or ‘the younger’
Jesus chose his 12 apostles Matthew ch10 v 3-10,
Mark ch 4 v 13-19
Luke ch 6 v 12-16
*first Simon (also called Peter)
then Andrew (Peter’s brother)
James (son of Zebedee)
John (Jame’s brother)
Matthew ( the tax collector)
James (son of Alphaeus)
Simon ( the zealot)
Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him)
We have the ‘sons of Zebedee’ - John and James- he is not that James. This James is recognised as James the Great ( although that designation does not appear in the New Testament)
The other James in the 12 is James the son of Alphaeus
James is mentioned 3 other times In the Gospels along with the phrase Mary the mother of James.
Matthew ch 27 v 56 * Mary (the mother of James and Joseph)
Mark ch 15 v 40, Mary (the mother of James the younger and of Joseph)
Luke ch 24 v 10 Mary the mother of James
At no point is this Mary actually referred to being the mother of Jesus.
In Matthew ch 13 v 55 and Mark ch 6 v 3 *he’s just the carpenter’s son, and we know Mary his mother and his brother’s - James, Joseph, Simon and Judas
This James is clearly a brother of Jesus.
The experts are divided as to whether James the Less was James, son of Alphaeus OR James the brother of Jesus.
Jerome concludes that James the Less, James, son of Alphaeus and James the brother of Jesus are one and the same person.
Read the thoughts of Jerome, Jacobus de Varagine and Papias of Hierapolis.
Modern scholars are divided,
Reach your own conclusion
John the Baptist was a cousin of Jesus.
He baptised Jesus in the River Jordan.
All 4 of the gospels look at the life of John the Baptist - notes used from Luke
His parents were Zachariah, a priest, his mother was called Elizabeth.
Zachariah was chosen to burn incense in the temple. While in the temple the angel Gabriel appears to tell him that, although he and his wife are quite old, they are going to become parents, and he is told the baby is to be called John… He does not believe and is struck dumb and can only communicate by writing on a slate.
Luke ch 1 v 5-22
Elizabeth becomes pregnant and the baby kicks for the first time when Mary, the future mother of Jesus, visits her. Luke ch 1 v 39-56
After John is born his parents take the baby to be circumcised. Zachariah picks up the slate to write ‘John’ and his voice is restored. Luke ch 1 v 57-79
We now move forward approximately 30 years. John, dressed in camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist, is baptising people in the River Jordan calling on them to repent of their sins, saying he is the foreunner of the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit. Luke ch 3 v 1-18
Jesus goes to be baptised by John. John reluctantly baptises saying he is unworthy.
A dove appears and a voice says You are my son whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke ch 3 v 21/2
John later tells his disciples to follow Jesus, the long awaited Messiah.
John speaks out against Herod Antipas’ illegal marriage to Herodias, his brother’s wife and is imprisoned Luke ch 3 v 19-20
Herod holds a party and after seeing. his wife’s daughter Salome dance offers the daughter anything she wants. After speaking with her mother she asks for the head of John on a plate. Reluctantly he agrees, Luke ch 9 v 7-9
I tell you among those born of women, there is no one greater than John.
Luke ch 7 v 27
Sources used
The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
The Nativity (Life) of John the Baptist
New Living Translation Bible - John the Baptist notes
I came across these sheets suggesting ways of saving energy, especially in the summer. I created a ‘blank’ so the children could make a comic strip of the 8 suggestions.
The Easy Energy Action Plan might also prove to be useful as an idea.
The task is for the children to see how many words they can find in the words ‘spring’ and in ‘sunshine’. They place their words in the ‘mini’ crosswords.
They choose 2 and add clues. They can then ask their friends to fill in the crossword.
Please note the ‘master’ sheets contains words which are NOT in the Collins English Dictionary.
Something a little different to try,
There are also 2 Spring word searches.
It is very important that we try to look after our Environment.
Over the years I have created a number of pieces of work connected with this subject.
Environmental Issues is a good source to debate. I have included 2 debate sheets Environmental Issues and Save it , a simple debate vocabulary sheet, a special thesaurus using antonyms and synonyms linked to environmental issues,a more simple thesaurus a countryside code sheet, 2 differentiated Poetry Aids and a How many words can yo find in Environment?. I have also included 6 example answers.
I hope these sheets and example answers prove useful.
Greta Thunberg is the ‘face’ of Climate Change.
I have included some basic information on Climate Change, Polar icecaps melting, Deforestation and trees.
There are three vocabularies - Debate Words and Phrases, A Thesaurus of antonyms ands synonyms about Climate Change, plus a Poetry Aid.
There are also 2 pieces of writing, one about trees the other about the greenhouse effect.
Hopefully some of the work will prove useful.
Climate Change by Melanie Jarman