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I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.




I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.
OCR Biology neuronal communication

OCR Biology neuronal communication

7 Resources
A bundle of lessons covering all the specification pints connected with neuronal communication in the OCR Specification. This is the entire of section 5.1.3 as well as points h,i, j and l of section 5.1.5 The lessons cover: structure and function of neurones Receptors The generation and propogation of action potentials Synapses Reflexes The brain and the CBS Muscles Fight or flight The lessons includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoints rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Physics Astrophysics and cosmology

OCR Physics Astrophysics and cosmology

4 Resources
A bundle of 4 lessons covering all the specification points in OCR Physics section 5.5 - cosmology and astrophysics- Stars Electromagnetic radiation from stars Wein’s law and Stefan’s law Hubble constant Cosmology Doppler effect The big bang theory All answers are included I am to reduce photocopying so all resources (except one) are in the PPT
OCR Chemistry Alkene reaction mechanisms

OCR Chemistry Alkene reaction mechanisms

A full lesson covering points 4.1.3 g, h and i of the OCR A level chemistry specification- reaction mechanisms of alkenes. It covers the reaction mechanisms electrophillic addition of halogens and hydrogen halides, the markownikoff law and prediction of the major product of alkene reactions. The lesson includes a starter, full detailed notes, lots of student activities especially practicing reaction mechanisms using exam style questions and a differentiated summary at the end. Full answers included
OCR A level Biology gas transport bundle

OCR A level Biology gas transport bundle

2 Resources
A bundle of two lessons covering all the specification objectives from OCR A level Biology transport of gases sections 3.1.2 I and j. They cover oxygen and carbon dioxide transport, haemoglobin, fetal haemoglobin, the Bohr effect and Chloride shift. Both lessons are complete including a starter, full notes, various student activities, review opportunities and a fully differentiated summary activity at the end. All answers are provided.
OCR Chemistry Born Haber cycles

OCR Chemistry Born Haber cycles

A complete lesson covering section 5.2.1 b and e of the OCR Chemistry specification- Born-Haber cycles. The lesson covers the construction of Born Haber cycles, building upon the study of Hess’ law from year 12. It follows the explicit instruction model of delivery with an introduction including full notes then opportunities for I do, we do and you. It includes several example questions along with exam questions. All answers provided The lesson includes a starter and a differentiated summary at the end I aim to reduce photocopying so all resources are in the PPT (27 slides in total)
OCR A level chemistry E/Z Stereoisomerism

OCR A level chemistry E/Z Stereoisomerism

A complete lesson covering section 4.1.3c- Sterioisomerism. It includes E/Z isomers, Cis-Trans isomers and the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules to identify priority in E/Z isomers. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, diagrams of example isomers as well as photos of molecular models showing the isomers, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers included Some slides have additional notes to support delivery
AQA GCSE Biology sexual vs asexual reproduction

AQA GCSE Biology sexual vs asexual reproduction

A complete lessons covering section of the AQA GCSE Biology specification- the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction. The lesson starts with a retrieval starter follows by a pair of review activities covering cell structure and cell division. It then reminds what sexual and asexual reproduction are and the benefits and costs of them. There is then a table to complete summing up the two types of reproduction followed by an application question. The lesson then looks at at organisms that can use both again with an application question The next activity is a review activity of the content covered The lesson closes with a series of exam questions
AQA Biology Genetics extra resources

AQA Biology Genetics extra resources

6 Resources
A bundle of 6 lessons that covers the Biology only sections of B6- Genetics and inheritance. the bundle includes: The structure of DNA The advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction Types of cloning The theory of natural selection and the role played by Darwin Speciation and the the roles played by Darwin and Wallace in its discovery Mendellian genetics
OCR A level Biology Transpiration and PAG 5

OCR A level Biology Transpiration and PAG 5

A full lesson covering 3.1.3 c of the OCR specification- Transpiration. Covers transpiration, the factors affecting the rate of transpiration, the use of potometers and the content required for PAG5.3 including how to calculate the volume of water lost and the transpiration rate. The lesson includes a starter exam question, full notes, various student activities, information around the PAG including alternative methods and a differentiated summery activity at the end All answers included
AQA science cell transport revision

AQA science cell transport revision

A complete lesson revising section 4.1.3 of the AQA trilogy science course- cell transport. It covers diffusion, active transport and osmosis as well as the osmosis required practical Also includes some retrieval activities on cell structure and function Includes lots of retrieval type activities as well as exam questions All answers included and all resources are in the PPT
AQA Trilogy C3  calculating concentration

AQA Trilogy C3 calculating concentration

A full lesson teaching students how to both calculate concentration from the mass and volume as well as calculating mass from volume and concentration. Covers all the specification points from the Triology C3 specification section . Includes a starter, various student activities, full notes and all answers. Also shows how to convert between cm3 and dm3 in both directions
OCR Physics Faraday and Lenz's laws

OCR Physics Faraday and Lenz's laws

This is a complete lesson covering sections 6.3.3 c and d of the OCR A level Physics specification- electromagnetism. It opens by considering Faraday’s law both mathematically and verbally including examples. It also discussed how e.m.f. and flux linkage can be calculated graphically. It discusses how magnetic flux can be investigated experimentally. The lesson then moves on to Lenz’s law and how using that, and Flemings left hand rule, you can work out the direction of the e.m.f. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Chemistry Enthalpy and Entropy

OCR Chemistry Enthalpy and Entropy

4 Resources
A bundle of four lessons that coves section 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of the OCR specification- enthalpy, entropy and born Haber cycles The lessons cover: Lattice enthalpy Enthalpy cycles Related calculations Enthalpy and entropy Free energy All answers provided I aim to reduce photocopying so all resources are in the PPT
Assembly on progress and motivation

Assembly on progress and motivation

An assembly for the start of year about bhow to make good progress at school. It opens looking at potential and what it means It then moves onto confidence, perseverance and challenge Each section is supported by inspirational quotes from famous men and women It then looks at four specific examples of people who have over come challenges (Bethany Hamilton, Van Gogh, Helen Keller and Emily Blunt) The assembly closes by addressing a common student complaint- I don’t need xxxxxx so why do I need to study it. It looks at a series of careers that have been ‘invented’ since I left school in 1998
AQA Physics topic 1 energy revision

AQA Physics topic 1 energy revision

A complete lesson covering parts of the AQA trilogy and Physics topic 1- Energy. It covers: Energy transfers Energy stores Specific heat capacity required practical Kinetic energy Elastic potential energy GPE Efficiency Energy resources Includes lots of exam questions All answers included Also incldues the 2022 version of this PPT with some tasks on the national grid and power
OCR Chemistry redox reactions + titrations

OCR Chemistry redox reactions + titrations

A complete lesson covering section 5.2.3 a- e of the OCR Chemistry specification - redox reactions and carrying out redox titrations. The lesson opens with a reminder of oxidation numbers from year 12. It then looks at reducing and oxidising agents using an example to reinforce the idea. The lesson then moves onto how half equations can be used to construct overall equations for reactions, again with students led practice. It then looks at using oxidation numbers to complete equations, including when some species are missing from the equation (such as water) . The final part of the lesson looks at redox titrations including both how to carry them out as well as various examples of calculation including calculating purity and using it to work out water of crystalisation. The lesson includes worked examples and student independent practice. I aim to reduce copying so all activities are within the PowerPoint- 36 slides in total
OCR Chemistry Module 5 Rates of reaction

OCR Chemistry Module 5 Rates of reaction

5 Resources
A bundle of 5 lessons covering section 5.1.1 of the OCR A level chemistry specification- How fast? It covers: The order of reactants The rate constant concentration time graphs rate time graphs Th rate determining step The effect of temperature on rate constants The Arrhenius equation Two opportunities to complete PAGs Each lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities and a differentiated summary at the end
AQA Physics Waves revision

AQA Physics Waves revision

A complete revision lesson covering section 6.6.1 of the Trilogy and Physics GCSE specification- waves. The lesson covers: Longitudinal and transverse waves The wave equation The ripple tank required practical wave period and frequency maths skills The lesson includes lots of exam practice and independent tasks as well as retrieval tasks All answers included
OCR Biology module 3 Types of circulatory system

OCR Biology module 3 Types of circulatory system

The first lesson in OCR A level Biology Module 3 Animal Transport section 3.1.2 a and b- types of circulatory system. It is a free sample to show the structure of the other lessons in the topic. It includes a starter, full notes with supporting animations, various student activities and a differentiated summary activity at the end. All answers are provided Some slides have additional information for teachers to support delivery / understanding of the set task.