KS4 resources to practice asking questions.
A 26 slides PPT to revise question words and how to form questions in French.
A poster with question words (at the end of PPT) to print out.
A worksheet with answers.
A memory game to practice question words.
KS3 worksheets on how to describe your routine.
4 different worksheets with a variety of activities to revise reflexive verbs and to practice describing routine.
KS4 French revision on the topic ‘The environment’ to be prepared for the speaking and writing papers.
A mind map with vocabulary lists, complex sentences and revision on the conditional.
A worksheet with a translation exercise (with answer) and a writing task with questions.
A worksheet with 4 activities (match up / gap filler / translation / writing task)
KS3 worksheets on how to describe a town.
4 different worksheets with a variety of activities to revise places in town, il y a / il n'y a pas / on peut / on ne peut pas, opinions.
KS3/KS4 French revision on reflexive verbs (at the present tense and the perfect tense)
A mind map (with a list of French reflexive verbs and how to use them)
A worksheet to practice on reflexive verbs with answers
A worksheet to play four in a row (present and perfect tense)
A board game (to use as a starter or plenary)
KS4/KS5 revision on infinitive constructions.
A mind map (with list of verbs + infinitives, prepositions used with infinitives).
A worksheet with answers.
KS3/KS4 revision for French GCSE (compare people, schools, lessons, describe family, teachers, town…)
Mind map on comparatives and superlatives.
One worksheet on comparatives + answers
One worksheet on superlatives + answers
Four in a row to print (comparatives, superlatives, comparatives and superlatives). Pairwork
KS4/KS5 revision on negatives
How to form negatives, list of negative phrases (ne... jamais, ne... rien, ne... personne...)
A mind map
A worksheet with answers
KS3/KS4 revision on the imperfect tense
A mind map (how to form the imperfect, use of this tense, irregular verbs)
A worksheet with answers
A worksheet to use the imperfect tense with the present tense
A worksheet to play Four in a Row
KS4 activity to improve writing and speaking skills to be prepared for GCSE French exam.
A 20 slides PPT to recap adverbs of time, adverbs of frequency, people, negatives, opinions and intensifiers and to show how to improve a basic sentence.
Included a mind map with lists of adverbs of time, adverbs of frequency, people, negatives, opinions and intensifiers. It can be glued in pupils’ books or laminated and put on the tables.
A role play practice for the speaking part of French GCSE.
A model conversation to book a room in a hotel with Pupil A and Pupil B cards. It's really helpful to introduce the topic and to practice pronunciation.
Then a GCSE role play paper type with two cards (candidate and examiner).
KS4/KS5 revision on the prepositions (en, par, à-au-aux, pour, de-d’).
A mind map (when to use prepositions with examples and a list of common French prepositions).
A worksheet with answers.
A worksheet to play 4 in a row.
A translation task.
KS4 resources to revise both perfect and imperfect tenses.
Lesson based on the topic of past holiday.
A 20 slides PPT to revise how to form tenses (with colour coding) and how to use them in sentences.
A worksheet to pratice using these two tenses.
A 24 slides PPT to revise French intensifiers (très, tellement, trop, assez, un peu, presque, plutôt, environ, encore, aussi, beaucoup).
A worksheet with answers.
KS4 resources to revise for French GCSE.
A 46 slides PPT to go through many topics for French GCSE.
Family and Friends, New technologies, School, My town, Holidays, Future Projects, Environment.
For each topic, vocabulary to practice Speaking and/or Writing, a sentence to correct to revise grammar, a translation task (with answers) and a Reading comprehension.
KS4 lesson on negatives based on the topic 'My school'.
A 21 slides PPT to recap negatives, use them into full sentences and write a paragraph about school using them.
A worksheet to match up French negatives to English + an exercise to change sentences into negatives.
KS4 resources to practice Spanish present tense for GCSE.
A mindmap with grammar rules and examples.
A worksheet to practice with answers.
Memory games to revise/memorize verbs.
KS4 booklet with 82 questions to practice conversation questions for French GCSE.
Questions are divided into 5 themes (Identity and Culture / Local Area, Holiday and Travel / School / Futur Aspirations, Study and Work / International and Global dimension)
Students can write in the booklet to prepare themselves for the exam.