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Divali Diwali Planning Worksheets Powerpoints Hindu Sikh World Religion

Divali Diwali Planning Worksheets Powerpoints Hindu Sikh World Religion

My planning and worksheets from various schools on Divali and associated themes. Lots of ideas you can hone. Colourful powerpoints you can show and add material to. sample To use skimming and scanning skills to read information texts and identify the main features in structure and language. I can identify the features of an information text. I can create subheadings for my information text. I can choose relevant information for my note taking. Starter: Go over what skimming and scanning skills are with the class. What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts? Think of as many features as you can. Introduction: Explain that by the end of the week we will be making some informative leaflets, however, we must first research what we would like to include within our leaflets. What is an information text? What does it do? Look at the leaflets on your tables. Create a checklist as a table. Introduction (what is the text about?) Each paragraph is a main idea. Sub headings Questions to make the reader think Use formal and impersonal language. Talk about ‘people’ and ‘they’. Try not to use personal pronouns, such as I or me. Stick to the facts Some descriptive phrases Conclusion to sum up. Diagrams Technical vocabulary Text boxes Present tense Third person This will be used later on to inform them of their own structure and design for their leaflet. Move onto Diwali and researching the topic: What do you already know about Diwali? Let’s share our ideas. What questions do we want to know the answers to? Today, you are going to start your research for your information text on Diwali. Think of a title Think of your sub headings (nice to have a question) Collect your notes (what skills will you be using? Skim, scan, note). Collect diagrams (make notes as to where they are) Chn to be given a grid to write their four question on that they will then research. In your notes: Get as much technical vocabulary as you can. Get as much information as you can. Main: To collect notes for your information texts from iPads. Look at Kidrex. Including videos
Remembrance Day Powerpoints with PDFs Worksheets info etc.

Remembrance Day Powerpoints with PDFs Worksheets info etc.

10 powerpoints on Remembrance day that you can adapt to suit your class. Plus a dozen or so short pdfs and worksheets to do with Remembrance. Plus an assembly. Adapt by putting in your kids names in the class. There’s something for ks1 and ks2 kids here. I have adapted the powerpoint so you can choose ks1 or ks2.