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Freebie Free 5 Worksheets Maths Shopping Arithmetic KS1 KS2 Money Counting
A freebie.
If you like these I have 100 for sale in my shop.
I have designed 5 worksheets on Money and Shopping for primary school children. I have used a variety of items, a variety of difficulty and a variety of numbers of questions per sheet. Pupils write on the sheets the total cost. e.g. a milkshake costs £2.90 a hot dog £1.65 How much would 2 milkshakes and 3 hotdogs cost? There is plenty there to reinforce the work done in the classroom. Good for extra homework or additional work for the bright ones. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.

Free Mega English Christmas Wordsearch Year 1 to Year 6
Tons more great resources at Auntieannie’s shop.
I specialise in Primary school stuff mainly.
Please have a look.
Tons of Literacy and Maths lessons and resources.
Religion a speciality too with a smattering of Humanities.
You can get planning for indivisual years and terms too.
Bundles offer incredible value. Lots of self made sheets.
Thanks for looking!

Freebie Telling Time KS1 KS2 Mathematics Clocks Minutes Hours
A sheet where pupils have to put the correct times in.
If you like this, please visit my shop where you can buy a full set.

Freebie 2 French Wordsearches KS1 KS2 Perfect for Friday Afternoons With Answers
2 French wordseaches with answers.
Each one has 20 basic words to find.
Perfect for rainy Friday afternoons, homeworks etc.
If you like these, please visit my shop where you can purchase 500 of these at a very reasonable price.

Euro Coins Worksheets KS1 KS2 Mathematics Freebie
A worksheet that pupils have to fill in. They have to add up the coins.
If you like it, please visit my shop that has an enhanced similar product.

Freebie Fractions KS1 KS2 Mathematics Simplifying Mixed Fractions etc
An example freebie of my self-designed fractions sheets.
If you like this one, please take a look at my shop.
You could but half a million questions on fractions.
Or maybe ones on simplifying fractions, Mixed fractions etc.
Please look for the bundles if you are looking for great value.

Freebie Telling the Time KS1 KS2 Mathematics
A sheet with answers where pupils have to draw the hands to show the time on a small clock.
If you like this, please visit my shop where there is a more sophisticated product.

Maths Puzzle Across Down Addition and Subtraction Puzzle Plus Answers
Great for reinforcing maths.
Across-Downs is a fun activity that reinforces addition and subtraction skills.
The object of the exercise set is to find the answer for each row and column, then use those answers to calculate the final answer in the lower right-hand corner of the puzzle.
This tests addition and subtraction.
If you like this freebie, please visit my shop which has loads of puzzles for sale. Buy the bundles for best value.

Table Drills Mathematics Multiplication KS1 KS2 Maths Freebie Free
If you like this resource more available in my shop.
Fill in the gaps to get the correct multiplication answer.

Latin Word Search Freebie plus answers Cambridge Latin Course
A freebie.
A Latin word search.
If you like this one, I have 500 for sale in my shop.

Aesop Fable Cloze Test Androcles Classics Latin
A cloze test on an Aesop fable.
If you like this one I have a collection in my shop.
You get many, many more of them at a reasonable price.
Great timefiller for Froday afternoons or homework.
If you like the product, please leave a good review, especially as it’s FREE! Thank you!

Christmas Powerpoint Free Freebie Lesson Taster Advent Religious Studies
A freebie.
A nice powerpoint on the religious aspect of Christmas.
I’m hoping to interest you in buying my series of Christmas lesson on R.E.

Free Freebie Good Samaritan Lesson Simple and Effective for Year 4 R.E. Literacy
Got me a job so must be reasonable!
A simple lesson plan, worksheet, powerpoint.
Great for discusiing with pupils.
I have plenty of maths, literacy, languages and Literacy stuff so have a look after downloading this freebie.

Lent Ash Wednesday Catholic Church Great Powerpoint
Lovely powerpoint that explains a lot about this important season.
WALT explain the symbols and colours of Easter.
I know why certain colours are used at particular times in the Church’s year.
I know that the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus at the Easter Vigil.
I understand some reasons why the Feast of Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian Year.
I can discuss the meaning of some of the Church’s actions and symbols at the Easter Vigil.
Red, symbolising the Holy Spirit, is used on the Day of Pentecost and at other times when the work of the Holy Spirit is emphasized . Saints and Martyrs who dedicated their lives to God all showed the power of the Holy Spirit that was within them; so priests may wear red on certain Saints days. Red will also be worn at a Confirmation service.

Perusasive Writing Year 6 Spring Term Back to School Planning
Recap with pupils the features of a persuasive advertisement. Recall some of the words / phrases used
Tell pupils today we are going to use our study of persuasive adverts to write our own persuasive leaflet.
Go through the PPT as a class together – You may want to print a copy of some of the slides. Discuss audience and purpose.
Model to children how to begin planning. Use a table on IWB with three main points:
• Why should we buy your product?
• What benefits are there to buying the product?
• What are the consequences of not buying your product?
• Any other useful information.
Remind the children of the key areas where they gain marks: A – S structure and punctuation. B – Text structure and organisation. C – Composition and effect. F – Handwriting.
What were your favourite persuasive devices from the ones we learnt about? Which ones did you find the most persuasive and why? Why is it important to use a range of persuasive devices?
Children now write up the advertisement in their books.
Remember to use PPT as a resource.
You may also like to use the crib sheet as a source of reference for the children.

Back to School Year 6 Spring Literacy Planning
A pot pourri of great lesson plans.
Worked very well at my old school.
Emphasis on Anna Frank and the Piano.

Christmas Five Powerpoints Plus Planning Catholic Flavor
Five powerpoints plus planning.
I’ve converted the powerpoints to a pdf and you can download and have a good look.
sample planning:
Ask children to think about their literacy lessons – TTYP and name the important details that are needed in telling a story
(e.g. time, place, characters and events).
Ask children to the recall names of the four main Gospels.
Do they all tell the same story? (Essentially yes but lead children towards idea that they are different versions of the same story).
Use analogy of an incident occurring on the playground – would each child tell the same incident in the same way? No they would tell their version of the same event – some details and word choices would differ.
Talk about today’s WALT and explain that we are going to be looking at some different Gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus Christ. Explain to ch that, in order to achieve their WALT, they will need to be comparing and contrasting everything which they read.
Explain briefly that three out of the four Gospels deal with the birth or Christ; there are many similarities and many differences in the way in which the Gospels record and explain the event.
For today’s lesson we are going to focus on Matthew’s Gospel and Luke’s Gospel.
Children to have Bibles on carpet. Read the story of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew Mt. 1: 18-2:23 and the Gospel of Luke Lk. 2: 1-14.
Using the PPT ask, show children the following table:
Details found only in Matthew’s Gospel.
Details found only in Luke’s Gospel.
Details found in both Gospel’
Discuss possible reasons for the differences in the two accounts. They are coming from two different people; points of view; written at different times but the basic story is the same.
Briefly recap last lesson. Which two Gospels did we look at? Which story were we reading? Did both Gospels tell the story in

Christmas Around The World Fun resources French German Spanish Italian
Loads of fun planning for Christmas around the World.
Most is French.
But a good chunk of German.
And a nice sprinkling of Italian and Spanish.
Highlights are short Christmas plays in French, German and Italian. And a lovely short Spanish powerpoint on the Nativity.
plus fun songs, quizzes, powerpoints, games etc
You get well over 100 files so great value.
sample French play
Petite pièce de théâtre pour Noël – Christmas play
Trois bergers
Un ange
Les Trois Rois Mages
Les animaux (enfants masqués)
Un choeur
Deux narrateurs
Narrateur 1: Il est tard. Trois bergers gardent leurs moutons sur une colline.
Berger 1: Brrr! Il fait froid! Passe-moi une couverture!
Berger 2: Voilà!
Berger 3: Regardez! Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Berger 2: C’est une étoile?
Berger 1: Ah non! Ce n’est pas une étoile!
Berger 3: Aïe! J’ai peur! Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Ange: N’ayez pas peur! Cette nuit, à Bethléhem, est né un enfant. Il s’appelle Jésus. Partez tout de suite et trouvez l’enfant!
Narrateur 1: Alors les trois bergers partent. Ils vont chercher l’enfant à Bethléhem.
Marie et Joseph arrivent à Bethléhem. Marie attend un enfant. Elle est très fatiguée.
Marie: Je suis fatiguée, Joseph.
Joseph: Trouvons une auberge.
Narrateur 1: Marie et Joseph cherchent une auberge mais il n’y a pas de place à Bethléhem.
Ils arrivent enfin à une petite auberge. Ils frappent à la porte.
Toc, toc, toc!
L’aubergiste: Oui? Je peux vous aider?