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Missing numbers and inverse
Use of bar models and part-whole models to find the missing number and then record 3 more number sentences using the inverse. Questions and stem sentences displayed on the smartfile. Addition and subtraction only.
Change- Money Year 2
Starts with a coin matching activity.
Shows hands full of money and a shop to seaside shop to buy from. You will need to model the calculation after a child has chosen what the class should buy. Purses of money for children to add up and then take away from when they choose an item form the shop.
'ar' Phonics snap
16 snap cards of words and pictures using the ‘ar’ sounds after w. Made for Year 2 Guided Reading
Temperature Input Year 2 Maths
Smartfile on temperature. What it is, reading different scales and drawing temperatures on thermometers. Questions on the smartfile.
Missing Number Problems Year 2
Smartfile going through detailed examples of missing number problems with questions on the slides and strategies for children to use. 3 differentiated sets of questions for children to complete independently at the end. Made for Year 2 and SATs revision but could be used in Year 1.
Measuring ml Year 2 Maths
Introducing volume and capacity and ml as a unit of measure. Mentions l and pints. Show litres to ml. Measuring jugs to read on the smartfile. Questions to ask on the smartfile. Worksheet- Reading different scales on measuring jugs.
Year 2 Maths Litres
Presentation talking about litres. Converting litres into ml. Deciding whether a container should be measured in ml or l. Activity- cutting and sorting pictures into more than a litre and less than a litre. Uses 1 question from the White Rose Hub.
Year 2 Mastery Maths Balancing Scales
Mastery Maths style Year 2 lesson on balancing scales and comparing mass.
Notebook links to worksheet.
Use of stem sentences.
Needs at least one set of balancing scales.
Uses white rose maths.
Year 2 Greater Depth Maths Comparing fractions of amounts
Activity made for Greater Depth Year 2 Maths. Children to use <,> and = to compare 1/2 and 1/4 of amounts.
Year 2 Maths- Recognising 1/3
Mastery style Maths lesson made for year 2. Introducing children to a third for the first time. Worksheet and smartfile go together. Questions included on the smartfile.
Measuring cm
Showing children how to use a ruler for the first time. Rainforest themed with the book The Great Kapok Tree. Reference to height and length. Estimated lengths. Activity- Measuring height and length and drawing lines of specific lengths. Mastery style Maths.
2D shapes on 3D shapes
Smartfile comparing 2D and 3D shapes and spotting 2D shapes on 3D shapes. Activity- Matching clues of 2D shape faces to 3D shape pictures. Challenge- Making nets.
Sorting 3D shapes in a Carroll Diagram
Smartfile explaining how a carroll diagram is used. Venn diagram for plenary. Worksheet to cut and sort 3D shapes into- carroll diagram. Guided practice from White Rose to discuss 3D shapes and their properties.
Spelling words using dge, ge and g
2 differentiated worksheets with pictures and children have to write the correct spelling of words using dge, ge and g.
Made for Year 2 but could be used for KS1/ lower KS2.
Year 2 Science. Living things and their habitats. Lesson 2.Sorting living, dead and never been alive
Powerpoint recapping how we know if something is living. Identifying objects around the classroom that are living, dead and have never been alive. Main activity differentiated 3 ways. Lower ability- sort pictures into the correct columns. Middle- sort words. Higher- children to write in their own ideas in the table. Addresses National Curriculum.
Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans.
6 Science lessons, including powerpoints and activities, that covers objectives in the National Curriculum for Year 2 Science.
Year 2 Science. Living things and their habitats. Lesson 1. Living human focus.
Powerpoint explaining how we know something is alive using MRS GREN. Movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, nutrition. Activity differentiated 3 ways. Children to draw a picture of themselves and use Mrs Gren to explain how they know they are living. Works with Year 2 National Curriculum for Science.
Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 6. Animal life-cycles.
Powerpoint explaining how animals grow and change. Life-cycles of different animals but life-cylce of a butterfly in-depth. Main activity differentiated 3 ways. Children creating a butterfly life-cycle out of pasta pieces.
Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 5. Human life-cycle.
Powerpoint going through the stages of the human life-cycle in detail. Final slide to tell the children what to do. Differentiated 2 ways. Lower ability children to cut and stick pictures on the blank life-cycle. Other children to fill it in and complete sentences underneath.
Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 4. Keeping fit and good hygiene.
Powerpoint explaining the importance of exercise and good hygiene. Main activity explained on the final slide. Differentiated 2 ways. Children to create a new physical activity and explain why we exercise.