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Fun learning with beth

Providing resources from early years to year 2. Covering all aspects of the curriculum

Providing resources from early years to year 2. Covering all aspects of the curriculum
Book Day Activity Book

Book Day Activity Book

Need some activities to do for Book Day. This activity booklet has drawing activities and describing activities with a word search at the beginning. This will get children to think about the books they like. Perfect for early years and key stage 1
A royal timeline

A royal timeline

Can be used as a classroom display or a slideshow for your history lesson. This resource shows all the kings and queens from the beginning and the years the ruled as kings and queens. Why not get children to think about a king or queen and write about them
Love is in the air

Love is in the air

Each student designs or colour in a hot air balloon with their name and adds a message about what love or kindness means to them. Use cotton for clouds and arrange them against a blue background
Valentines Heart Garden

Valentines Heart Garden

Heart garden is a cute little valentines wall display for Early Years. Cut out the heart in various colours and attatch them to green stems, and arrange them like a garden. Let students decorate their own heart flower with positive messages or things they love
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is perfect for Early Years…helping them to understand about the world and other cultures. This resource includes a powerpoint explaining about Chinese New Year and colouring pages for children to do
Castle and Knights

Castle and Knights

Take a trip to the Middle Ages or known as the Medieval Times as we explore about castles and knights. Learning about the process to becoming a knight and how castles was build. This resource includes: -powerpoint -worksheets -fun facts sheet
Christmas Quiz 2024

Christmas Quiz 2024

A great way to spend the last day of term is being doing a fun mini Christmas Quiz. 15 questions to test children’s knowledge about Christmas
All About Christmas plus Christmas Activities

All About Christmas plus Christmas Activities

A little PowerPoint to explore all about Christmas and the magic it brings. Children are able to learn kindness, generosity, gratitude, and the importance of spending quality time with loved ones. Resource includes 3 Christmas themed activities: Letter to Santa What is your Christmas traditions Guess the Christmas Movie This resource is perfect for Early Years and Key Stage 1
Christmas Activity Book

Christmas Activity Book

A little activity book for kids to do at home or in a childcare setting. Christmas themed activities including guess the character and guess the song. It is time to get into the festive spirit.
Amazing Adjectives

Amazing Adjectives

Time to learn about the amazing adjectives helping children to describe places, people, objects and many more. Learning about adjectives will help to make sentences more meaningful, develop a conceptual understanding and improve communication This resource includes a powerpoint and worksheets describing scenes and characters also included christmas scenes and characters as well in the resource
Design a Christmas/Winter card

Design a Christmas/Winter card

its that time of year where christmas activities will happen. What a great to start christmas 2024 is creating a christmas card for the family. Perfect for nursery and key stage 1 includes 2 blank ones if any children want to draw their own picture and 5 pictures to colour in
Adverbs powerpoint and worksheets

Adverbs powerpoint and worksheets

This resource will help children to understand about adverbs. Making their sentences more interesting and unique. The powerpoint will help to children to understand the abverbs and identify the adverbs in sentences, the wordsheet will help children even further to identify and spot adverbs. Fill in the blank will help children to recognize witch adverbs go where in the sentence with pictures to match
Children In Need

Children In Need

With Children in Need around the corner…why not do activities through out the day. Fun and simple activities for nursery children to do. desgin an eye patch for pudesy desgin a top desgin a jumper perfect for those creative children
Creating a story

Creating a story

This resource includes a powerpoint and mindmaps to help children to plan their story. The resource gives children the perfect opportunity to use their creative minds. Being creative will provide children different opportunities to be imaginative and freedom of expression
Fireworks Activities

Fireworks Activities

It’s Bonfire Night! Perfect opportunity to teach children about the story of Guy Fawkes and do some amazing fireworks art work. This bundle includes a powerpoint all about fireworks, word search and arts activity. Remember, remember the fifth of November
Fireworks Describe English Work

Fireworks Describe English Work

Fireworks English Work allows children to use their art skills when creating a firework scene then using their English skills to describe that scene using the word mat this provided. This resource will support children to use describing words or allow them to have a refresher on describing words. A nice little simple describing work to do the first week back after half term
Halloween Busy Book

Halloween Busy Book

Halloween Busy Book is perfect for kids who are on a road trip or going on holiday needing something to do. The busy book can be used by homeschool teachers and preschool teachers as well as parents. This busy book contains of a mixture of learning and fun activities base around Halloween. Happy Halloween
Halloween Resource Bundle

Halloween Resource Bundle

This is Halloween! This is Halloween! The bundle for early years teachers to help children to understand about Halloween. The bundle includes a simple PowerPoint talking about Halloween and activities for children to enjoy either on the last day before half term or on Halloween.
Book Review Worksheet

Book Review Worksheet

Reading is important for many reasons, this book review worksheet will be focusing on: -Cognitive development -communication and language and Most importantly the worksheet interlinks with the English curriculum. Can be used by age or year group
Describing activity

Describing activity

Before children write a story it is good idea to practice settings and characters. This worksheets will help children to use describing words to make a sentence more interesting. This describing activity will help children: -to develop language and vocabulary -spark creativity -develop thinking skills