This power point presentation covers the content for Edexcel Biology but it can be used with the other exam boards as well. It covers content, questions and answers on the following topics: Haemoglobin, Oxygen Dissociative Curve, Bohr Effect and Blood Clotting.
This resource includes 51 power point slides for five lessons on ‘Biodiversity and ecosystem’ including the work sheets, activities, learning objectives, key terms and detailed content to be taught. The topics included are
The human population explosion
Land and water pollution
Air pollution
Deforestation and peat destruction
Global warming
This power point presentation is prepared for Edexcel A2 (can be used for other exam boards as well)and covers the aseptic techniques, steps involved in culturing microorganisms and methods of counting bacterial culture.
This resource includes power point presentations for GCSE AQA homeostasis in action (B12) . It can be modified for other exam boards as well. The presentation includes the following topics.
Controlling body temperature
Removing waste products
The human kidney
Dialysis: an artificial kidney
Kidney transplant
For each topic there are learning objectives, key words followed by the main lesson.
Acknowledgement: these lesson presentations are based on the AQA specifications and the AQA biology book published by Oxford University Press. Videos and images from the internet have boon used too
You do not have to worry about your lesson content. Just give a quick read to the book while preparing your lesson and the power point will guide you through logically. This power presentation covers 'non-bacterial pathogen' (6.2) for Edexcel A level Biology. It covers the following sub topics including their transmission, pathological effects, control and treatment.
This work sheet is for the foundation or low ability KS3 students. It can be used for making students understand that different factors affect the population size of animals/mice. This sheet can be used as numeracy sheet as well.
This resource includes power point presentations for GCSE AQA 4.5.3 &4.5.4. It can be modified for other exam boards as well. The presentation includes the following topics.
Human endocrine system
Control of blood glucose concentration
Water and nitrogen balance
Hormones in human reproduction
IVF treatment
Negative feedback
Plant Hormones
For each topic there are learning objectives, key words followed by the main lesson.
Acknowledgement: these lesson presentations are based on the AQA specifications and the AQA biology book published by Oxford University Press. Videos and images from the internet have boon used too.
This quiz can be used as a starter, plenary, revision or self assessment. Answers are provided so students can mark their work saving you precious time. This is useful especially for low ability students in supporting them to build and assess their knowledge base of the topic.
To save you time this resource contains power point presentation, learning objectives, key words, subject content to be covered, work sheets and answers on competition in animals and plants.
These are not exam style question but they are for consolidation and integration once the topic has been taught. Answers have been provided so that students can self or peer marking. These can be used for revision as well.
A light-hearted and fun activity for science KS3 . Its aim is to estimate the population size using quadrat. It has been adapted for Valentine’s Day. Students have to find out the population size of broken hearts on Valentine’s Day.
This resource includes worksheets for focused reading on 'Organisation and the digestive system.' These sheets will encourage purpose led reading as students have to look for tiny pieces of information. It will encourage independent study and silent reading. It is good for strengthening students' knowledge of the topic. As answers are provided therefore students can mark their own work (saving your precious time). Following topic are included
Tissues and organisation
The human digestive system
The chemistry of food
Catalyst and enzymes
Factors affecting enzyme action
How the digestive system works
Making digestion efficient
This power point presentation will save you time and you will not miss out any important information during your lecture. This power point presentation covers topic 8.1 'Origins of genetic variation' for A2 Edexcel Biology. But it can be used for other exam boards as well. The following subtopics are covered in 40 presentation slides.
Origins of genetic variation
Transfer of genetic information
Mendelian genetics and beyond
Dihybrid inheritance of unlinked genes
Gene linkage
Sex linked diseases in humans
To save you time this resource includes three lesson from Ecology section for GCSE AQA Biology. It includes the PowerPoint presentations including key words, learning objectives of the lesson, the content to be covered, worksheets for assessment or plenary with the answers provided so that students can mark their own work. Topics included are
Importance of communities
Organisms in their environment
Distribution and abundance.
This resource includes 57 power point slides for four complete lessons including the work sheets, activities, learning objectives, key terms and detailed content to be taught. The topics included are
Feeding relationships
Material cycling
The carbon cycle
Rates of decomposition (biology only)
This resource is prepared using AQA GCSE specifications but it can be used for other exam boards too. It conatins powerpoint presentation and activites/worksheet/ videos on the Ecology section and the following three topics are covered.
Adapt and survive
Adaptations in animals
Adaptations in plants
A brief lesson for KS3 (year 7 & 8) on Extinct and Endangered species for low level set.
This resource includes videos and the worksheets with answers.
This resource includes questions on ecological succession for A2 Biology including their responses as well. It can be used as homework, revision or formative assessment. The resource is in two formats: power point and as word document worksheet. As answers are provided so students can self-assess or peer assess for checking their knowledge on the topic.