We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
This resource is a bundle of activities perfect for using with your year 1 class during the 2018 football World Cup.
The bundle contains:
Phonics Booklet
Maths Booklet
Footballers Comprehensions x 5
PDF file format
This set of comprehensions is about the world’s top footballers! It covers seven top footballers. The comprehensions are aimed at Year 2 (ages 6-7).
There are three differentiated booklets. There are a range of ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘who’, ‘which’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity contains a title page with useful words followed by five pages with short written extracts to read and 3-5 questions per page. The higher ability booklet has 20 questions. The middle ability has 18 questions and the lower ability has 15 questions. Answers are also included.
All of the PDF booklets are in the zip file. There is a colour and black & white version for each level.
No further preparation required.
The comprehensions were updated in May 2024.
You might also be interested in our Year 2 World Cup 2022 Football Maths:
Year 2 World Cup 2022 Maths : All Topics
This is a 5 lesson Literacy unit all about explorer Christopher Columbus. The plan is aimed at year 2 and gives details of the year 2 curriculum objectives covered. The children develop reading comprehension, writing, editing and SPaG skills during the unit.
All five lessons include a SPaG starter which is always linked to Christopher Columbus.
The main activity in lesson 1 is a non-fiction reading comprehension, which helps children to learn about Christopher. It is laid out in a SATs style format, containing similar questions to a SATs paper and is differentiated 3 ways.
The main activity in lesson 2 is a fictional diary comprehension, written from the point of view of Christopher Columbus before the crew has found the New World. Again it is in a SATs style and is again differentiated 3 ways.
Lesson 3 allows children to gather vocabulary using a drama activity and lessons 4 and 5 allow children to write and edit their own diaries as Christopher Columbus.
The following documents are included:
A detailed 12 page (pdf) document containing 5 lesson plans. Each lesson includes a SPaG starter, introduction, main activity and plenary.
A Powerpoint presentation containing the SPaG starter activities. This is non-editable. When you open the PowerPoint click the ‘read only’ button.
A set of differentiated non-fiction (pdf) comprehensions on Christopher Columbus. Each level contains 4 pages of text followed by questions.
A set of differentiated (pdf) comprehensions containing a fictional diary entry written as Christopher Columbus on his voyage. Each level contains 4 pages of text followed by questions.
(The comprehensions are also available separately from my shop.
This resource is a reading comprehension activity covering the part of the Christmas story when the Wise Men visit Jesus. I have adapted the bible story to create a descriptive passage for Grade 5 or 6. It is split into three differentiated levels.
Higher Ability
There is a reading booklet of 3 pages (1132 words), followed by 4 pages of questions (14 questions). The passage is very descriptive and includes some advanced vocabulary. The questions are varied and include finding the meaning of words and phrases, drawing inferences, describing characters, ordering the story, true or false questions and multiple choice tick questions.
Middle Ability
There is a reading booklet of 3 pages (965 words) followed by 4 pages of questions (14 questions). This passage is slightly shorter and simpler than the higher ability passage. The questions are varied and include finding the meaning of words and phrases, drawing inferences, describing characters, ordering the story, true or false questions and multiple choice tick questions.
Lower Ability
There is a reading booklet of 3 pages (837 words) followed by 4 pages of questions (12 questions.) This is the shortest, simplest passage, while still challenging the kids. The questions are varied and include finding the meaning of words and phrases, drawing inferences, describing characters, true or false questions and multiple choice tick questions.
There is also a set of answers for each level.
Standards Covered by this Resource:
Grade 5
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.2 (summarize the text)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.3 (Higher Ability)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.5 (ordering the story question)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.10 (Higher Ability)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.5 (synonyms)
Grade 6
Save 68%
This resource is a giant interactive PowerPoint with interactive lessons for ALL phase 3 phonemes- 26 sounds!
Simply click on the sound and you will be taken to the appropriate lesson. Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes and is split into the following sections:
Revision of phase 2 and 3 phonemes in a random order
Introduction to new sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
Spotting the odd one out
Reading words
Phoneme counting
Phoneme spotting in sentences
Writing words with sound/filling in missing words
Writing a sentence
Revision of tricky words
This resource contains over 1300 slides! It means you can be prepared for at least 5 weeks worth of phonics lessons. Simply open the PowerPoint each day and you are ready to teach!
A 30 page booklet of summer-themed activities aimed at 5-7 year olds.
There are a mixture of numeracy, literacy, phonics and general knowledge activities perfect for children to use in the summer. The booklet can be sent home with children to work on independently over the summer or for home education.
There is a colour and black & white version of the booklet. Answers for the phonics and maths questions are also included.
A fun booklet of enjoyable activities.
PDF file format.
You might also be interested in the version of the booklet designed for using in school at the end of the summer term with Key Stage 1:
KS1 End of year Summer Activity Booklet
I updated this on the 6th May 2019, following the birth of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s baby boy!
This year 1 comprehension booklet teaches the children about lots of British royal baby facts, including bizarre traditions, royal baby names, royal baby christenings and royal baby clothes.
This resource contains 3 differentiated booklets.
Higher Ability
The higher ability booklet contains a title page with helpful words, followed by five pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 4-5 questions per page. Answers are included.
Middle Ability
The middle ability booklet contains a title page, followed by five pages of comprehension activities with answers. Each page contains a short piece of text (about 3-7 sentences). There are 3-4 trickier words on each page which have pictures to help children work out what they say. Each text is followed by 4-5 simple questions.
Lower Ability
The lower ability booklet contains a title page, followed by five pages of comprehension activities with answers. Each page contains a short simple piece of text (3-5 sentences). There are 4-5 trickier words on each page with pictures to help children work out what they say. Each text is followed by 4-5 simple questions.
PowerPoint Presentation
There is also a PowerPoint included in the pack containing a slide for each text from the middle ability booklet so that you can go through these comprehensions before the children complete them. Each slide also contains 3 words that are trickier to sound out, with sound buttons underneath them.
I have included colour and black & white versions of each of the 3 booklets. The preview pages show the title page and one of the comprehension pages, from the middle ability booklets. They also show one slide from the PowerPoint.
PDF file format.
I hope your class enjoy learning some interesting facts about royal babies!
You might also like our Year 2 Royal Babies comprehension:
This resource is an interactive lesson aimed at whole class or group phonics. It is a 45 slide Powerpoint presentation that allows children to revise phonemes and learn or revisit the alternative ‘ch’ sound. It covers the ‘ch’ sound pronounced ‘sh’ and takes 15-20 minutes.
This non-editable PowerPoint is split into different sections:
Revision of phase 5 phonemes in a random order
Introduction to the ‘ch’ sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
Spotting the odd one out (the picture with a different ‘ch’ sound)
Segmenting and blending sounds in ‘ch’ words
Phoneme counting
Phoneme spotting in sentences
Writing words with the ‘ch’ sound
Writing a sentence with the ‘ch’ sound
Revision of tricky words
(Click ‘Read Only’ to open the PowerPoint.)
This resource is an interactive lesson aimed at whole class or group phonics. It is a 43 slide Powerpoint presentation that allows children to revise phonemes and learn or revisit the alternative ‘g’ sound. It covers the alternative ‘g’ sound as in ‘giant’ and takes 15-20 minutes.
This non-editable PowerPoint is split into different sections:
Revision of phase 5 phonemes in a random order
Introduction to the ‘g’ sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
Segmenting and blending sounds in ‘g’ words
Phoneme counting
Grapheme spotting in sentences
Writing words with the ‘g’ sound
Writing a sentence with the ‘g’ sound
(Click ‘Read Only’ to open the PowerPoint.)
This interactive PowerPoint quiz is perfect for using in the 2022 Australian CBCA Book Week. It contains 76 questions. The first 70 questions cover famous books from Australia and around the world. This is followed by one question on each of the books in the CBCA 2022 short list for ages 7-12.
You can use this as a starter, an assembly, a filler or a main activity. All questions are multiple choice and focus on popular modern books as well as classics. After you have chosen an answer for each question, click again and the correct answer changes colour. The PowerPoint is not editable. Please click ‘read only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.
Example questions include:
Who visits Narnia first? Peter, Edmund or Lucy
Which of these books does Hermione Granger like to read? Albus Dumbledore’s Guide to Magic, The History of Hogwarts or Hogwarts: A History
Where do Jane, Michael and Mary Poppins have a tea party? On the ceiling, In the nursery or In Wonderland
What is the name of The Magic Pudding that always reforms after being eaten? Arthur, Albert or Alexander
A separate answer sheet is also included.
You might be interested in our 2023 book quiz:
Quiz for CBCA Book Week 2023
This interactive PowerPoint quiz is perfect for using in the 2020 Australian CBCA Book Week. It contains 25 questions on The Secrets of Magnolia Moon by Edwina Wyatt. The Secrets of Magnolia Moon is in the CBCA 2020 short list for ages 7-12.
You can use this as a starter, an assembly, a filler or a main activity. All questions are multiple choice. After you have chosen an answer for each question, click again and the correct answer changes colour. The PowerPoint is not editable. Please click the ‘read only’ button to open. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations. The quiz is in the zip file.
Example questions include:
What is Mama Moon’s job? She teaches oboe, She teaches piano or She teaches painting
Which flowers remind Magnolia and Mama Moon of Daddy Moon? Buttercups, Snowdrops or Daisies
(There are no illustrations from the book included because these are copyrighted.)
You might be interested in our longer 67 question quiz:
You might also be interested in our two quizzes on The Glimme by Emily Rodda:
This year 2 comprehension booklet is about Europe’s top footballers! It would be perfect for celebrating Euro 2024 with your class.
The booklet includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘where,’ ‘who,’ ‘which’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is laid out in a booklet form, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-4 questions per page.
There is a colour and black & white version of each booklet. Answers are also included.
All of the booklets are in the zip file.
PDF file format.
No further preparation required.
You might also be interested in our
Year 2 Euro 2024 Football Maths
We also have
Year 1 Euro 2024 Football Maths Booklet
Year 3 Euro 2024 Football Maths : All Topics
This is a set of comprehensions about Queen Elizabeth II’s 70 years on the throne. It covers 70 years of British history and the history of the Queen’s reign. There is a section on each decade. The comprehensions are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (ages 7-9).
There are three differentiated booklets. The higher ability booklet has three pages of text for the children to read before they complete a range of questions that are aimed at extending more able readers. (18 questions)
The middle and lower ability booklets have the text split into five separate pages with questions on each page. The middle ability has 16 questions and the lower ability contains 15 questions.
There are colour and black & white versions of each booklet. Answers are also included. All of the documents are in the zip file.
Perfect for a topic on Queen Elizabeth II or the history of modern Britain.
(These comprehensions were updated on 9th September 2022 following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.)
PDF file format.
You might also be interested in our Year 2 comprehensions:
Year 2 Queen Elizabeth II British History over 70 years comprehension
This is a set of comprehensions about the celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. They are aimed at Year 2 (ages 6-7). The comprehensions cover what a Platinum Jubilee is, how the queen and others are celebrating, ways that children can get involved and green projects.
There are three differentiated booklets. There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘where,’ ‘when,’ and ‘which’ questions and some multiple choice tick questions. The activity contains a title page with useful words followed by four pages with short written extracts to read and 3-4 questions per page.
The higher ability booklet has 14 questions and the middle and lower ability booklets each have 12 questions. Answers are also included.
All of the PDF booklets are in the zip file. There is a colour and black & white version for each level.
Perfect for using around the Platinum Jubilee celebrations or for a topic on Queen Elizabeth II.
You might also be interested in our Year 2 comprehension on the Platinum Jubilee covering 70 years of British history:
You might be interested in our Year 3/4 comprehensions on the Platinum Jubilee:
This is a set of comprehensions about the celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. They are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (ages 7-9). The comprehensions cover a short history of the queen’s reign, how the queen and others are celebrating, ways that children can get involved and green projects.
There are three differentiated booklets. The higher ability booklet has three pages of text for the children to read before they complete a range of questions that are aimed at extending more able readers. (18 questions)
The middle and lower ability booklets have the text split into five separate pages with questions on each page. The middle ability has 16 questions and the lower ability contains 15 questions.
There are colour and black & white versions of each booklet. Answers are also included. All of the documents are in the zip file.
Perfect for using around the Platinum Jubilee celebrations or for a topic on Queen Elizabeth II. I’m looking forward to using these with my Year 3 class!
PDF file format.
You might be interested in our Year 3/4 comprehension on British History over 70 years of the Queen’s reign:
You might also be interested in our Year 2 comprehensions for the Platinum Jubilee:
This is a set of comprehensions about the celebrations for King Charles III’s Coronation. They are aimed at Year 2 (ages 6-7). The comprehensions cover what a coronation is, a short history of Charles’s life, how Charles and others are celebrating, ways that children can get involved and the King’s charitable projects.
There are three differentiated booklets. The booklets are split into five separate pages with questions on each page. The higher ability booklet has 15 questions, the middle ability has 13 questions and the lower ability contains 12 questions.
There are colour and black & white versions of each booklet. Answers are also included. All of the documents are in the zip file.
Perfect for using around the Coronation celebrations or for a topic on King Charles III.
PDF file format.
No further preparation needed.
You might also be interested in our Year 3 and 4 comprehensions on the Coronation:
King Charles III’s Coronation Comprehensions Year 3/4
This is a set of comprehensions about the celebrations for King Charles III’s Coronation. They are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (ages 7-9). The comprehensions cover what a coronation is, a short history of Charles’s life, how Charles and others are celebrating, ways that children can get involved and the King’s charitable projects.
There are three differentiated booklets. The higher ability booklet has three pages of text for the children to read before they complete a range of questions that are aimed at extending more able readers. (18 questions)
The middle and lower ability booklets have the text split into five separate pages with questions on each page. The middle ability has 14 questions and the lower ability contains 12 questions.
There are colour and black & white versions of each booklet. Answers are also included. All of the documents are in the zip file.
Perfect for using around the Coronation celebrations or for a topic on King Charles III. I’m looking forward to using these with my Year 3 class!
PDF file format.
You might also be interested in our year 2 comprehensions on the Coronation:
King Charles III’s Coronation Comprehensions Year 2
A FREE resource from Blossoming Minds!
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension booklet aimed at year 2. It is all about microhabitats and looks at the definition of a microhabitat, followed by a short look at three focus microhabitats. Perfect to cover the English and Science curriculum.
The booklet is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels and answers.
The PDF booklets are all in a zip file.
Find many more great value comprehensions and many more resources at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/blossomingminds
A bundle of 3 reading comprehension booklets that tell the stories of some of Shakespeare's most popular romantic comedies.
All the booklets are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2, with each story adapted to be suitable for this age range . The texts and questioning are differentiated for three different ability levels.
The following are included:
- Much Ado About Nothing (story format)
- Twelfth Night (story format)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (play format)
Perfect for a Shakespeare unit, a unit on play writing or for Shakespeare Week in March.
PDF file format. Answers included.
A bundle of 3 reading comprehension booklets that tell the stories of some of Shakespeare's most popular tragedies.
All the booklets are aimed at Lower Key Stage 2, with each story adapted to be suitable for this age range . The texts and questioning are differentiated for three different ability levels.
The following are included:
- Macbeth (story format)
- Romeo and Juliet (play format)
- Hamlet (play format)
Perfect for a Shakespeare unit, a unit on play writing or for Shakespeare Week in March.
PDF file format. Answers included.