The students have to listen to the correct pronunciation of the words related to the theme “Transport”. There are 82 words in this audio file.
The power point can be opened in any computer or MAC.
The students have to guess which animals these footprints belong to and then click on the correct animal. There are 14 animals to be guessed.
The power point can be opened in any computer or MAC
Relatives. Choice game.
This game is made in order to review grammar point “Relatives pronouns and adverbs”. The students have to choose the correct answer. The powerpoint contains sound and animation and can be opened in any computer or MAC.
Furniture and animals. Guessing game.
This game is made in order to review the words related to the themes "Furniture’, “Animals” and revise the grammatical point Prepositions of place. The students have to find the same position of animals and you can vary this game on your own purposes.
Future forms. Multiple choice powerpoint game.
This game is made in order to review the grammar point "Future forms’. The students have to read the sentence and then click on the correct future tense.
The powerpoint contains sound and animation.
Transport and geometrical shapes.
The students have to read the definition of some transport, then guess this transport and draw it using some geometrical shapes. There are 10 means of transport to be guessed.
The power point can be opened in any computer or MAC.
Daily routine and Time. Bundle.
The set includes:
Listening games.
Daily routine and time.
Daily routine and Present Continuous.
Daily routine and Past simple.
Time game.
Memory game.
Daily routine and animals. Matching game.
Household chores. Listening game.
Furniture and animals. Listening game.
This game is made in order to review the words related to the themes "Furniture’, “Animals” and revise the grammatical point Prepositions of place. The audio is available in mp3 file.
Present Simple. Questions. Choice game.
This game is made in order to review the grammatical point ‘Present Simple’. Interrogative sentences. The students have to choose the correct answer.
Used to/ Present Simple. Guessing game.
The students have to guess what job some grandfathers used to do when they were young and then make true sentences using the construction used to and Present simple.
Clothes. Activities. Bundle.
The bundle includes different activities related to the theme “Clothes”.
Dressing games.
Colouring pages.
Clothes and animals.
Dobble game.
Audio vocabulary.
Listening games.
Washing day. PPT game.
Ironing day. PPT game.
Types of shoes. PPT game.
Describing people.
History of jeans. Project.