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Balanced Argument
For a Year 5 class,
An example of a Balanced Argument as an anchor for the lesson.
4 Planning sheets for a for and against argument. Filled in during a debate held in the classroom.
Explanation text
Matching features cards
Matching the feature of an explanation text to the use of the feature.
High frequency test grid
blank grid to test high frequency words.
First 100
Next 200
Poetry planning
Planning worksheet for a poem based on a storm.
Spelling Car Park
Spelling car park - a sorting activity for spelling intervention
year 2 character description
Based on Jack and the Beanstalk
Year 5 ratio
Year 5 ratio lesson-
ppts and plans
Year 5 music lesson
Year 5 music lesson linking to st lucia/rainforest topic
lesson plan
Year 5 - Algebra
Missing number lessons-
Group includes:
*M&O starters
*weekly plan
Balanced Arguments
Year 5 balanced arguments.
Lesson plans
Year 5 -Writing a story from another culture.
Year 5 -Writing a story from another culture.
Based on the rainforest/ St Lucia topic.
*Lesson plans
Explanation text- weekly resources
Explanation text based on a volcano erupting.
Used in Year 5 for a Rainforest/St Lucia topic
Lesson Starters
Weekly notebook
Explanation text plan
Year 5 - time
A Maths week dedicated to time for a Year 5/6 ARE class.
Lesson starters
notebook for the week.
Also included is a lesson observation.
Year 5- Performance poetry
Year 5 Performance poetry planning and activites.
Links with rainforest/St Lucia topic
Year 5 - Newspapers
A series of activities leading up to a Newspaper big write for a Year 5 class.
This includes:
Lesson starters and plan
Year 3/4 common exception words
Workbook with Year 3/4 exception words practice.
Phonics- LY
Suffix LY
Used in a year 2 phonics lesson.
Can be used for phonics/SPAG intervention
Mini Science test- Parts of a plant
Mini assessment for understanding the part of a plant
Esio Trot Diary Entry
Lesson 1-diary comprehension-
Use Mrs Silver’s diary entry
Children read and answer comprehension questions and identify features of dairy writing.
LA - Children complete comprehension questions to understand the text.
MA - complete comprehension questions to understand the text - Teacher guide –
HA - Complete comprehension questions to understand the text – Independent –
Plenary: Share our ideas and go through answers
Ext: predict what might next and justify
Success criteria - I can find words and phrases in the text to justify my answers.
moving to planning a diary entry and writing in a template.
igh-sound family
presentations for the different ways of making the igh sound.