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Mrs Bradford's Science & Teaching Resources

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(based on 82 reviews)

I have been a science teacher for 10+ years and I love making and sharing my resources.




I have been a science teacher for 10+ years and I love making and sharing my resources.
How to Wire a Plug

How to Wire a Plug

A colourful and engaging 50-minute lesson on how to wire a plug. This resource has four level of differentiation and is fully resourced. The objectives are linked to GSCE 9-1 grades. This lesson is suitable for all levels at KS3 and low ability KS4.
KS3 The Forces of Angry Birds

KS3 The Forces of Angry Birds

A introductory KS3 lesson on Forces. Group work, relay, handouts and a very colourful and engaging lesson on the basics of forces in the context of Angry Birds.
AQA P1 National Grid

AQA P1 National Grid

A fully differentiated lesson on AQA specification National Grid. Three levels available for jigsaw, starter and work on transformers. For jigsaw activity - print the picture of the national grid and slice it randomly into bits. Pictures are differentiated and you can also cut them up more or less depending on the ability of the sub-groups.
KS3 Why is There Life on Earth?

KS3 Why is There Life on Earth?

A SOLO taxonomy lesson on why life exists on Earth. Created as a successful interview lesson, it involves movement around the room and regular assessment point checks. All resources are ready to be printed at the end of the PowerPoint. Ready to print and go.
Elements and the Periodic Table

Elements and the Periodic Table

Lesson 1 of the Y7 unit Atoms, Elements and Compounds. Aimed at a higher level Y7 group. Grades are in the new 1-9 format. A variety of activities to introduce year 7 to elements and the periodic table. Group work, competitions and a short homework activity are included. Worksheets adapted from various resources on the TES. Collective memory Worksheet Cartoon Periodic Elements Triptico resource share link in included in the slide notes if you would like an interactive version and you have a Triptico account. Please review my resources and check out all my other lesson plans.
AQA P1 U-Values

AQA P1 U-Values

A differentiated activity on U-Values and energy loss in the home. 3 levels of challenge - give the student the worksheet and corresponding information sheet or mix them around a bit. Designed to develop reading and interpreting information from a variety if sources.
AS/A-Level DNA and Protein Synthesis Crossword

AS/A-Level DNA and Protein Synthesis Crossword

A fun crossword that is useful for revising A-level DNA structure, replication and protein synthesis. The link also takes you to an interactive version that can be sent to students via email or used in lesson to go over the answers. https://wordwall.net/resource/249707
AQA P1 Specific Heat Capacity

AQA P1 Specific Heat Capacity

Lesson for AQA P1 Specific Heat Capacity. Looks at the equation with fully differentiated worksheets on using the equation. Also looks at theoretical values versus actual values with again, fully differentiated worksheets.
Planet Earth - Earth Structure

Planet Earth - Earth Structure

Lesson one of the year 8 unit - Planet Earth. Suitable for low-mid range year 8 group. Grades are 1-9. Presentation takes students through the structure of the Earth through various activities. I have adapted the worksheet from this one. I use Triptico for some of my activities. I highly recommend this resource - lots of fun little activities. If you do have an account, feel free to message me with your username and I shall add you to my shared group so you can have the activities too.
Dot Marking - Regain Your Life!

Dot Marking - Regain Your Life!

Tired of spending hours writing the same comments over and over again? Department budget gone on stickers to make marking easier? Dot marking is the answer! Simple and easy to use with a minimal amount of training for the students, dot marking makes marking book almost like colouring in. Simply print off a marking grid for each student, make up the strengths and targets for that specific topic and colour in the dots. Students then copy down their strength/target at the beginning of the directed feedback lesson and hey presto. Targets are in and in a quarter of the time. In this pack are general dot marking sheets - one for graphs, general presentation and QWC/SPaG. These are printed and laminated ready for general use. Also attached are these as PDFs to help print them a better size. In the PowerPoint are some science, topic specific targets/strengths as an example. This makes a huge difference to your amount of marking and you will never hear the words "what does this say" again.
Trends in Group 0/Noble Gases

Trends in Group 0/Noble Gases

A lesson that takes the students on a journey through the Noble Gases. Students have to spot trends and patterns from data and write conclusions. Fully differentiated with three levels of challenge. Exit pass to finish. Designed to match AQA Trilogy Combined Science and AQA Chemistry specifications.
Science Classroom Display - Extension Activities

Science Classroom Display - Extension Activities

Colourful cards and pockets to create an extension activity display. Lots of activities sorted into four categories - summary, application, word games and planning. Student choose an activity from the pocket specified or allow free choice.
New AQA AS Biology - Types of Selection

New AQA AS Biology - Types of Selection

A PowerPoint, handout and selection of exam questions to match the new 7401 and 7402 specification for AQA Biology: 3.4.4 - Genetic Diversity and Adaptation. It is timed for a 50-minute lesson. Handout used alongside presentation to form notes and aid Q&A. Exam questions for assessment at end of lesson. Examiners report included.
A-Level Biology: Water, ATP and Inorganic Ions

A-Level Biology: Water, ATP and Inorganic Ions

A 100-minute lesson on AQA Biology Year 1 - Water, ATP and Inorganic Ions. Features: - Diagrams of ATP and the reactions involved - Video links to checked and quality-assured videos - Full objectives linked to the AQA Biology specification - Information cards on water and inorganic ions - Essay question on the properties of water to assess student progress - Colourful slides and easy to read fonts Good independent learning opportunities, a variety of tasks and an easy to use, print and go presentation.
Haemoglobin and Transporting Oxygen

Haemoglobin and Transporting Oxygen

An attractive 30 minute lesson for AQA Biology - Transporting oxygen around the body. Comprises: Objectives and keywords Starter - 3 levels of challenge - protein structure recap Main 1 - mix and match structure to function of haemoglobin Main 2 - Oxygen dissociation curve jigsaw (chop the graph up into pieces using a guillotine) and graph extrapolation. Main 3 - Different types of haemoglobin and matching them to animals that live in different conditions. Designed for a successful job interview.
AQA B3 Homeostasis

AQA B3 Homeostasis

A Power Point presentation that covers all of the AQA B3 topic - homeostasis. Suitable for revision or as a starting point for teaching. Suitable for HT students but easily adapted for FT.
Cells - Onion Cell Slides

Cells - Onion Cell Slides

A lesson on preparing onion cells slides. Includes: - Differentiated starter activity - Microscope worksheet - Full objectives This resource was updated on 17/10/16 to add: - Bingo activity with clues - Magnification extension activity Resource updates on 21/10/16 to add: - Onion cell slide pictures
Investigative Science Skills - Bouncing Ball Challenge

Investigative Science Skills - Bouncing Ball Challenge

A colourful and engaging 50 minute investigative science lesson. Based on the technical challenge from the hit TV baking show, students are given a brief method and a success criteria - to find the exact height needed to drop a ball in order for it to bounce 32cm. They have to use the equipment, set it up, get results, plot a graph and extrapolate the answer before filling in an evaluation. This resource features: - Three levels of challenge with further differentiation potential using the hint cards - Colourful slides with copyright infringement free images - Common targets on a slide using the dot marking system (resource can be found here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dot-marking-regain-your-life-11165485)
Human Impact on Organism Distribution

Human Impact on Organism Distribution

A whole lesson looking at the human impact on the distribution of bees. Features: - An engaging and fun starter - full instructions in the notes section - Differentiated activities designed to provoke thinking and reasoning skills - Extension activities using relevant news articles - Graded objectives matching the new 1-9 system - Colourful presentation with copyright infringement free images throughout - Suitable for a 50 minute lesson