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AS and A2 Level Resources for Business and Economics Shop

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Looking to enhance your A-level Business teaching with engaging and effective resources? Look no further than these professionally-designed PowerPoint slides on Cambridge A-level Business! Created by experienced educators, these slides align with the Cambridge curriculum and cover key topics in A-level Business, including marketing, finance, operations, and strategic management. With clear explanations and visually-striking graphics, these slides will keep your students engaged and motivated.




Looking to enhance your A-level Business teaching with engaging and effective resources? Look no further than these professionally-designed PowerPoint slides on Cambridge A-level Business! Created by experienced educators, these slides align with the Cambridge curriculum and cover key topics in A-level Business, including marketing, finance, operations, and strategic management. With clear explanations and visually-striking graphics, these slides will keep your students engaged and motivated.
Personal Online Teaching Plan

Personal Online Teaching Plan

Covid-19 has transformed how we teach and the best teachers will be ones who personalise their approach to ensure no student is left behind. This document is designed to equip teachers with a framework from which to start before trying to think of teaching solutions or approaches. Teachers can use this document to take a little time to pause and reflect who they’re teaching. If you’re already in the middle of working online, think of this as taking a step back to look at the bigger picture.
CIE Business (9609) Business and Its Environment: Business Enterprise (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Business and Its Environment: Business Enterprise (AS Level)

A robust online and/or classroom-ready presentation covering Business Enterprise from Unit 1 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 1 including: • purpose of business activity • the concept of creating value • the nature of economic activity, the problem of choice and opportunity cost • business environment is dynamic • what a business needs to succeed • why many businesses fail early on • qualities an entrepreneur is likely to need for success • the role of business enterprise in the development of a business and a country • the range and aims of social enterprises • triple bottom line – economic (financial), social and environmental targets The presentation can be delivered online or in the classroom as a lecture and can be supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Business and Its Environment: Size of Business (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Business and Its Environment: Size of Business (AS Level)

A comprehensive classroom-ready presentation covering Size of Business from Unit 1 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 1 including: • different methods of measuring the size of a business (profit is not an acceptable measure of business size) • advantages and disadvantages of being a small business • strengths and weaknesses of family businesses • the importance of small businesses and their role in the economy • the role of small businesses as part of the industry structure in some industries • why and how a business might grow internally The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Business and Its Environment: Business Objectives (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Business and Its Environment: Business Objectives (AS Level)

A full classroom-ready presentation covering Business Objectives from Unit 1 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 1 including: • the nature and importance of business objectives at corporate, departmental and individual levels • corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a business objective • relationship between mission statement, objectives, strategy and tactics • the different stages of business decision making and the role of objectives in the stages of business decision making • how objectives might change over time • translation of objectives into targets and budgets • the communication of objectives and their likely impact on the workforce • how ethics may influence business objectives and activities The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) People in Organisations: Management and Leadership (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) People in Organisations: Management and Leadership (AS Level)

An online and/or classroom-ready presentation covering Management and Leadership from Unit 2 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 2 including: • the functions of management, including Mintzberg’s roles of management • functions, roles and styles • the purpose of leadership • leadership roles in business (directors, managers, supervisors, worker representatives) • qualities of a good leader • leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire • McGregor’s leadership styles • Goleman’s four competencies of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and social skills The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) People in Organisations: Motivation Theory & Practice (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) People in Organisations: Motivation Theory & Practice (AS Level)

A classroom-ready set of presentations covering Motivation Theory and Practice from Unit 2 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentations highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 2 including: • the need to motivate employees to achieve the objectives of a business • a simple explanation of human need • how human needs may or may not be satisfied at work • ideas of the main content theorists (Maslow, Taylor, Mayo, Herzberg) and process theorists (McClelland, Vroom) • the theories in practical situations • different payment methods (time based, salary, piece rates, commission, bonuses, profit sharing, performance related pay) • different types of non-financial motivators (training, induction, opportunities for promotion, development, status, job re-design, team working, empowerment, participation, fringe benefits/perks) • ways in which employees can participate in the management and control of business activity The presentations can be delivered as lectures and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Marketing: Market Research (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Marketing: Market Research (AS Level)

A robust classroom-ready presentation covering AS Marketing Research from Unit 3 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 3 including: • purpose of market research in determining customer characteristics/consumer profiles, wants and needs • distinction between primary (field) and secondary desk research, and the main features of each • methods of primary research and their advantages and disadvantages including focus groups and surveys • sources of secondary information including printed, paid for and web-based sources of information • random, stratified and quota sampling; the appropriateness of each to given situations • limitations of sampling • the reliability of data collection • analysis of results obtained from market research • interpretation of information • cost effectiveness of marketing research The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Marketing: What is Marketing Presentation (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Marketing: What is Marketing Presentation (AS Level)

A robust classroom-ready presentation answering “What is Marketing?” from Unit 3 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 3 including: • the link between marketing objectives and corporate objectives • marketing objectives • factors influencing the supply and demand for the products/services of a business • interactions between price, supply and demand • how markets may differ: such as consumer/producer markets; national, regional and international markets • difference between product and customer (market) orientation • problems associated with measuring market share and market growth • implications of changes in market share and growth • classification of products • how marketing might differ for different types of goods and services • reasons for and benefits/limitations of mass marketing and niche marketing • benefits and limitations of market segmentation • methods of market segmentation including geographic, demographic and psychographic The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Operations and Project Management: Nature of Operations (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Operations and Project Management: Nature of Operations (AS Level)

A thorough classroom-ready presentation on The Nature of Operations, as part of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus Unit 4 on Operations and Project Management. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 4 including: • understanding what is meant by operations management • appreciate the nature of the production process and how value can be added • understand the difference between production and productivity, efficiency and effectiveness • evaluate the different advantages of labour and capital intensity. The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. A time-saving key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Marketing: The Marketing Mix - Product (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Marketing: The Marketing Mix - Product (AS Level)

A thorough online and/or classroom-ready presentation on Product from the Marketing Mix, as part of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus Unit 3 on Marketing. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 3 including: • explain what the marketing mix means and what its key components are • analyse the importance of the customer and customer relationship marketing • understand and evaluate the importance of product decisions to a successful marketing mix • analyse the stages of a typical product life cycle and evaluate the usefulness of the concept The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Business and Its Environment: Business Structure (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Business and Its Environment: Business Structure (AS Level)

A complete classroom-ready presentation covering Business Structure from Unit 1 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE A Level Business Unit 1 including: • primary, secondary and tertiary sector businesses • the public and private sectors • main features of different types of legal structure, including ability to raise finance • appropriateness of legal structure: sole trader, partnership, private limited companies, public limited companies, franchises, co-operatives, joint ventures • concept of limited liability and its importance • problems resulting from changing from one legal structure to another The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Business and its Environment: Size of Business (A Level)

CIE Business (9609) Business and its Environment: Size of Business (A Level)

A robust classroom-ready presentation covering Size of Business from Unit 1 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business (9609) Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE 9609 A2 Level Business Unit 1 including: • the different types of merger and takeover: horizontal, vertical (backward and forward), conglomerate, friendly merger, hostile takeover • impact of a merger/takeover on the various stakeholders • why a merger/takeover may or may not achieve objectives e.g. synergy • the importance of joint ventures and strategic alliances as methods of external growth The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Marketing: The Marketing Mix - Price (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Marketing: The Marketing Mix - Price (AS Level)

A thorough classroom-ready presentation on Price from the Marketing Mix, as part of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus Unit 3 on Marketing. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 3 including: • use and value of alternative pricing strategies including competitive, penetration, skimming, price discrimination, cost-based pricing • define, calculate and interpret price elasticity of demand and suitable prices • usefulness of price elasticity of demand when making pricing decisions The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Marketing: The Marketing Mix - Promotion and Place (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Marketing: The Marketing Mix - Promotion and Place (AS Level)

A thorough classroom-ready presentation on Promotion and Place from the Marketing Mix, as part of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus Unit 3 on Marketing. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 3 including: • above the line and below the line promotion • the role of packaging in promotion • branding as part of product/promotion • choosing between alternative types of channel of distribution • online advertising, catalogues, sales, dynamic pricing, distribution (download of digital products), social media, viral marketing, e-commerce • the need for the marketing mix to be consistent with the business, the product type and the market The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Strategic Management: What is Strategic Management (A Level)

CIE Business (9609) Strategic Management: What is Strategic Management (A Level)

A thorough classroom-ready presentation on What is Strategic Management, as part of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus Unit 6 on Strategic Management. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE A2 Level Business Unit 6 including: • understanding the meaning of corporate strategy and strategic management • differentiate between strategic decisions and tactical decisions • analyse the need for strategic management • discuss the link between strategy and organisational structure • evaluate the importance of business strategy in determining competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive world The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. A time-saving key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Finance and Accounting: Business Finance (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Finance and Accounting: Business Finance (AS Level)

A robust online and/or classroom-ready presentation covering AS Business Finance from Unit 5 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 5 including: • understand why business activity requires finance • recognise the importance of working capital and revenue expenditure and the different needs for finance these create • understand the importance of working capital to a business and how this can be managed • analyse the different sources of long-; medium- and short-term finance, both internal and external • understand the role played by the main financial institutions • select and justify appropriate sources of finance for different business needs • analyse the factors that managers consider when taking a finance decision The presentation can be delivered online or in a classroom and can be supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) People in Organisation: Organisation Structure (A Level)

CIE Business (9609) People in Organisation: Organisation Structure (A Level)

A newly updated online and/or classroom-ready presentation covering Organisation Structure from Unit 2 of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE A2 Level Business Unit 2 including: understand why organisations need a structure and why flexibility is important • analyse the diff erent types of organisational structure that can be adopted and their advantages and drawbacks • assess the main features of an organisational chart, such as levels of hierarchy, chain of command and span of control • understand the diff erence between centralised and decentralised structures • evaluate the conflict between trust and control with a policy of delegation • outline the diff erences between line and staff authority • examine the appropriateness of centralised and decentralised structures • understand the diff erence between authority, accountability and responsibility. This presentation can be delivered as a lecture online or in a classroom and can be supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. A time-saving key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Finance and Accounting: Accounting Fundamentals (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Finance and Accounting: Accounting Fundamentals (AS Level)

A comprehensive presentation for use online or in the classroom on Accounting Fundamentals, as part of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus Unit 5 on Finance and Accounting. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 5 including: • understand why keeping business accounts is so important • analyse the main users and uses of business accounting records • identify and understand the main components of an income statement • identify and understand the main components of a Statement of financial position • analyse business accounts by using ratio analysis – liquidity and profit-margin ratios • evaluate the limitations of ratio analysis and of published accounts. The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. An excellent key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Finance and Accounting: Costs (A Level)

CIE Business (9609) Finance and Accounting: Costs (A Level)

A comprehensive online and/or classroom-ready presentation on Costs, as part of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus Unit 5 on Finance and Accounting. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE A2 Level Business Unit 5 including: • understand the differences between full and contribution costing • apply the technique of contribution costing • evaluate situations in which contribution costing would and would not be used • apply contribution costing to ‘accept/reject’ order decisions • solve numerical problems involving costing methods. The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. A time-saving key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.
CIE Business (9609) Operations and Project Management: Operations Planning (AS Level)

CIE Business (9609) Operations and Project Management: Operations Planning (AS Level)

A thorough classroom-ready presentation on Operations Planning, as part of the Cambridge International Examinations Business Syllabus Unit 4 on Operations and Project Management. Connects seamlessly with the core approved textbooks and addresses all learning objectives. This presentation highlights key concepts of the syllabus from the CIE AS Level Business Unit 4 including: • understand the need for operations planning • analyse the influence of marketing, resources and information technology on operations planning • understand the need for flexibility and process innovation • differentiate between different production methods: job, mass, flow, mass customisation • assess the importance of location decisions to the success of a business and evaluate the factors that influence location and relocation decisions • understand why businesses may want to increase scale of production • analyse the importance of economies and diseconomies of scale and the impact on unit costs The presentation can be delivered as a lecture and supplemented with a teacher’s own creative exercises and activities. A time-saving key resource for new and experienced teachers alike.