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I'm a teacher working in a leading secondary school and I have always enjoyed resourcing. I resource many of my lessons and these are always well received by my department so I thought I'd try to bring them to a larger audience. I have a firm belief that worksheets should combine aesthetics with functionality and pride myself on polished, well presented resources that scaffold without leading and encourage critical thinking from students.




I'm a teacher working in a leading secondary school and I have always enjoyed resourcing. I resource many of my lessons and these are always well received by my department so I thought I'd try to bring them to a larger audience. I have a firm belief that worksheets should combine aesthetics with functionality and pride myself on polished, well presented resources that scaffold without leading and encourage critical thinking from students.
KS3 Physics Lesson Resources - Light - Refraction (Lessons 4&5)

KS3 Physics Lesson Resources - Light - Refraction (Lessons 4&5)

The resource consists of a 16 slide PowerPoint, a short summary worksheet, and practical task worksheet. The PowerPoint details learning objectives and a starter/stimulus activity for students before diverging into four separate sections which can be navigated from the central menu. The four sections deal with: Explaining Refraction; Ray Diagrams; Lenses; and Refraction in real life. Each section consists of animated slides and diagrams which help explain all the necessary content with a few optional extras for those more capable classes. The summary sheet should serve to help students reflect on and revise the taught concepts and ties in with the PowerPoint. The Practical Worksheet talks students through a series of experiments using rayboxes and prisms/lenses (Specifically rectangular prisms and converse lens prisms - though an extension activity allows for further experimentation) and has an open-ended extension activity for more able students.
ADH & Osmoregulation Cut and Stick Activity for A-level.

ADH & Osmoregulation Cut and Stick Activity for A-level.

This resource serves as an excellent summary of how ADH is used to regulate water reabsorption in the kidneys. Included is the template sheet, a sheet of 2 tile-sets to be cut out and a PowerPoint markscheme that can be projected and used to add tiles one at a time as a stimulus. The sheet includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, the action of ADH at the kidney and how this affects reabsorption in the collecting duct. Works equally well as an accompaniment to my PowerPoint on the Kidneys or as a stand-alone activity.
A level - Blood Glucose Regulation Lesson Bundle

A level - Blood Glucose Regulation Lesson Bundle

3 Resources
This bundle of 3 resources, targeted at A level study and built specifically around the AQA syllabus statements, consists of: A highly detailed PowerPoint detailing Pancreas Structure, Glucose metabolism, Negative feedback, hormone action at the cellular level and Diabetes in detail and with step-by-step explanations and numerous diagrams. Included are notesheet with the diagrams reproduced for students. A comprehension and recall, double-sided worksheet of 9 questions, some of them multi-part and in an exam style. An accompanying markscheme allows simple teacher, peer or self assessment. A cut and stick summary activity on the action of insulin and glucagon on the cells of the liver as part of a negative feedback mechanism. Individually these resources would cost £9.
Blood Glucose Regulation - A level Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

Blood Glucose Regulation - A level Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

This double sided sheet can be printed at A4 but works better as an A3 resource. The sheet covers the key areas of glucosregulation, including: the organs and cells involved; the various metabilic processes in affected cells including (but not limited to) gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis and glycogenolysis; Negative Feedback and antagonistic hormones; Hormonal effects (insulin, glucagon and adrenaline) at the cellular level for liver, muscle and adipose cells, including an explanation of the second messenger model. Type I and Type II diabetes Individual sections are titled so as to allow easy feedback and AFL with the included full mark scheme which can be projected as it is saved as a PowerPoint. This gives you flexibility as to how you use the resource and opens up peer assessment/self assessment opportunities.
Kidneys and Osmoregulation Worksheet for A-level

Kidneys and Osmoregulation Worksheet for A-level

This double-sided worksheet consists of 5 multi-part comprehension and recall questions targeted at the knowledge and understanding required of AQA A level students. With full markscheme it can be used by yourself to assess students or can be peer/self assessed with the markscheme projected on the board, allowing quick afl in your lesson. It can also be used as a revision resource to check recall. It ties in perfectly with my Kidneys PowerPoint and Osmoregulation cut and stick activities also available on here/from my shop and also as part of my Kidneys for A-level bundle (link below).
Sustainability Role-Play Debate (Overfishing, Fisheries Ecology - for GCSE or A-level)

Sustainability Role-Play Debate (Overfishing, Fisheries Ecology - for GCSE or A-level)

Designed to take up around a single lesson of time, this debate is aimed at 14 to 16 year olds but could easily be used with older students too. It splits students into 3 groups with conflicting interests (scientist, politician or fisherman) from a fictional country and challenges them to form a plan of action regarding their country's use of dwindling fish stocks. Split students into groups by role (the scientist and politician roles require perhaps the greatest flexibility of thought, so maybe differentiate your groups allowing for this) and give them 5 to 10 minutes with the source material to discuss in their groups how they feel about the issues and what they're going to be aiming for in their debate. Students then assemble into teams of 3 (one of each role) and have 15 minutes to debate about how they will tackle the issues of overfishing outlined on the accompanying worksheet. They should complete the included worksheet and reach a decision as to how they will move Pandora onwards into the future in a position that will best please everybody. Each group then feeds back their decision and some of the reasoning behind it. This exercise helps students appreciate some of the real world conflicts that exist between human needs and those of the natural world. In my experience it also serves to show how some of these issues may not be as clear-cut as students first assume.
GCSE - Inheritance & Family Trees - Polydactyly

GCSE - Inheritance & Family Trees - Polydactyly

This sheet and PowerPoint introduce family trees and reinforces work on monohybrid inheritance and punnet squares. The sheet includes interpretation and completion of a family tree alongside some punnet squares and reasoning questions. The Powerpoint of only 4 slides acts as an initial stimulus but also shows the solution to the family tree.
KS3 Physics Lesson Resources - Light - The Human Eye (Lesson 6)

KS3 Physics Lesson Resources - Light - The Human Eye (Lesson 6)

The lesson could be a single period or part 1 of a double linking eye structure to that of a camera. The PowerPoint of 16 slides outlines the structure of the human eye and it's functioning. Optional slides allow further exploration of its various structures for more able groups. Where appropriate, diagrams are interactive or animated to aid explanation or even facilitate greater pupil involvement. Also included are two sheets: the first consists of 2 A5 printable unlabelled eye diagrams for sticking in books and the second a worksheet based on the contents of the PowerPoint.
KS3 Physics Lesson Resources - Light - An Introduction To Light (Lesson 1)

KS3 Physics Lesson Resources - Light - An Introduction To Light (Lesson 1)

This PowerPoint of 11 slides covers numerous points to introduce the topic of light to a class. It includes learning objectives, a starter activity and introduces key concepts and scientific terms including luminous and non-luminous objects, transparent, transluscent and opaque, and also light speed. When paired with textbook questions this should prove sufficient for a single period lesson. Some elements include simple (I would prefer to say tastefully understated) animations and/or interactive elements to aid explanation of key concepts.
GCSE Biology - Energy Transfer Across Trophic Levels

GCSE Biology - Energy Transfer Across Trophic Levels

A double-sided worksheet (with markscheme). The worksheet requires students to work out the efficiency of energy transfers at different trophic levels and consider these in a real world context. Questions examine where energy is lost at each stage and also begins to link this to the sustainability of food production.
Reaction Times Lesson Resources (GCSE Practical) - PowerPoint, Practical Sheet and more.

Reaction Times Lesson Resources (GCSE Practical) - PowerPoint, Practical Sheet and more.

The resource is targeted at a GCSE required practical on the AQA scheme of work. Contents include a PowerPoint of 9 slides, a foundation and higher level practical worksheet (differentiated around drawing the results table), a purpose made excel spreadsheet for recording class data for detailed analysis and a printable template you can stick on a metre rule to measure reaction time. The PowerPoint includes a stimulus activity that recaps the nervous pathway and 3 slides outlining animal reaction times/speeds of response for comparison/stimulation of interest. The practical sheet includes full instructions for students and some summary questions. The excel spreadsheet is locked for editing aside from an area for students to complete in a central location (ie- projected onto the whiteboard) and will draw a graph complete with range bars based on average class data. The graph can be printed after the practical as required to allow more detailed analysis of class results.
Looking at Cells (GCSE) - Microscopes and Magnification Worksheet with Markscheme.

Looking at Cells (GCSE) - Microscopes and Magnification Worksheet with Markscheme.

This double-sided worksheet introduces students to both light microscopes and both forms of electron microscope. It also challenges them to some magnification calculations. Students will learn to differentiate between images from scanning and transmission electron microscopes and also be challenged in converting measurements in centimetres and millimetres into micrometres. The activity serves as an excellent primer for a microscope practical and should follow a demo where a teacher discusses the roles and names of the parts of a microscope. The sheet is accompanied by a full markscheme.
Cholera - Treatment with Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Worksheet with Markscheme (A level)

Cholera - Treatment with Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Worksheet with Markscheme (A level)

This A-level resource challenges students to apply their existing knowledge of absorption in the small intestine to explain how ORS works as an effective treatment for Cholera. Students will need to apply their knowledge and understanding of what happens during absorption and apply it to unfamiliar situations. A full makscheme is included to allow teacher, peer or self marking as best fits your afl needs.
Cholera - Infection & Symptoms Worksheet with Markscheme (A level)

Cholera - Infection & Symptoms Worksheet with Markscheme (A level)

This double sided worksheet examines how Vibrio cholerae gains access to the body and then how it goes on to create the symptoms of the disease. This builds on students’ knowledge and understanding of absorption of glucose across the ileum epithelium and challenges them to use their knowledge in a real world example/setting. A full markscheme is included to allow teacher, peer or self assessment as best suits your afl needs.
Magnification Calculations Homework (GCSE Microscopes)

Magnification Calculations Homework (GCSE Microscopes)

This 11 mark sheet challenges students to convert units from cm or millimetres into micrometres and to use the magnification formula to complete 3 calculations as well as identify the type of electron microscope used to obtain each image. The included mark-scheme is a PowerPoint file allowing easy feedback and peer or self assessment.
A level Biology - Active Transport: The Sodium-Potassium Pump

A level Biology - Active Transport: The Sodium-Potassium Pump

This PowerPoint is a step-by-step, annotated accounting of the working of the sodium potassium pump. Simple animations show the interactions of pump, ATP, ADP, sodium ions and potassium ions. Also included is a scaffolded notesheet including part-drawn diagrams that students can quickly complete as they learn about the process. Please note: The preview thumbnails have unfortunately created some graphical glitches/artefacts that don’t appear in the actual slides.
Blood Glucose Regulation Cut and Stick Activity for A-level.

Blood Glucose Regulation Cut and Stick Activity for A-level.

This resource serves as an excellent summary of how hormones released by the pancreas regulate blood glucose levels in the body. Included is the template sheet, a sheet of 2 tile-sets to be cut out and a PowerPoint markscheme that can be projected and used to add tiles one at a time as a stimulus. The sheet includes content up to A-level (16 to 18 yrs) complexity and details action of the pancreas both as receptor and effector.
Thermoregulation - Negative and Positive Feedback Worksheet (Homeostasis: A-level)

Thermoregulation - Negative and Positive Feedback Worksheet (Homeostasis: A-level)

This double sided worksheet examines the process of negative feedback as it pertains to Thermoregulation of the body. Physiological responses to temperature change are included in the questioning and linked to the process of negative feedback. The last few questions then begin to ask students to consider the implications of positive feedback as a shift further and further away from the ‘normal’.