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Resources for early and primary years - Spanish and English




Resources for early and primary years - Spanish and English
Spelling lists (Words sorted phonically)

Spelling lists (Words sorted phonically)

Contents; Simple spellings VC CVC /a/ CVC /e/ CVC /i/ CVC /o/ CVC /u/ /z/ /v/ /w/ /ng/ /ch/ /sh/ /th/ (voiced) /th/ (unvoiced) /ck/ VCC CVCC CCVC Complex spellings /ae/ /ee/ /er/ /u/ /e/ /ie/ /air/ /oi/ /oe/ /ue/ /ow/ /aw/ /o/ /oo/ moon /oo/ look /ar/ Uncommon spellings Multisyllable words Notes: If you like this resource, you might be interested in: Spellings following Read Write Inc order of teaching sounds This Week’s Spelling Words (Pack of activities) I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing. I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Animals of South America - Fact Cards

Animals of South America - Fact Cards

Animals of South America - Fact Cards Help your students learn about South America with these fantastic animal fact cards! They include information about their class, habitat, diet, lifespan and curiosities. Contents: South America animals fact cards display science geography understanding of the world This pack includes: PDF (6 pages ) - 2 facts cards per page. Notes: Related resources: Animals By Continents (Fact Cards) Bundle Animals of Asia - Fact Cards Animals of Australia - Fact Cards Animals of Africa - Fact Cards Animals of Europe - Fact Cards Animals of North America - Fact Cards Animals of Antarctica - Fact Cards I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing. I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Animals of Africa - Fact Cards

Animals of Africa - Fact Cards

Animals of Africa - Fact Cards Help your students learn about Africa with these fantastic animal fact cards! They include information about their class, habitat, diet, lifespan and curiosities. Contents: *Africa *animals *fact cards *display geography science understanding of the world This pack includes: PDF (6 pages ) - 2 facts cards per page. Notes: Related resources: Animals By Continents (Fact Cards) Bundle Animals of Asia - Fact Cards Animals of Australia - Fact Cards Animals of Europe - Fact Cards Animals of North America - Fact Cards Animals of South America - Fact Cards Animals of Antarctica - Fact Cards I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing. I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
La ciudad - Key Words (Spanish)

La ciudad - Key Words (Spanish)

La ciudad - Key Words (Spanish) Colour codes: Red: femenine Blue: masculine Green: plural Contents: La ciudad Sentence starters Places Adjectives Key words Spanish Where I live This pack includes: Key words based on the city in Spanish: El/Un mercado El/Un supermercado El/Un banco El/Un colegio La/Una panadería La/Una farmacia La/Una biblioteca La/Una piscina La/Una calle La/Una ciudad La/Una comisaría El/Un cine La/Una heladería El/Un cementerio La /Una librería La/Una estación de tren La estación de autobús/A bus station El/Un pueblo ¿Qué es? Es el/la … Esto/a es … ¿Qué hay en …? En … hay … Y también … No hay … Derecha Izquierda Grande Pequeño/a Bonito/a Feo/a Nuevo/a Antiguo/a
Halloween - Pack of worksheets for KS1

Halloween - Pack of worksheets for KS1

Halloween - Pack of worksheets for ks1 Contents: Halloween Celebrations Understanding the world Crossword (Halloween key words) Fill-in gaps The pack includes: PDF document (Halloween story (fill in gaps) worksheets)). PDF document (crossword worksheet). Notes: I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing. I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Halloween Items count activity worksheet - Halloween

Halloween Items count activity worksheet - Halloween

Halloween Items count activity worksheet - Halloween Contents: Halloween Celebrations Understanding the world Item count (1-10) **The pack includes: PDF document (worksheet). Notes: Resource also available in Spanish - Ficha de conteo de items de Halloween - Halloween If you are interested in Halloween resources for ealy years, you might want to check: Halloween - Pack of resources (Early Years) I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing. I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Todo sobre mí - Dado Personalizable

Todo sobre mí - Dado Personalizable

Todo sobre mí - Dado Personalizable Content Todo sobre mí Dado personalizable - Actividad MFL - Spanish Inicio de curso This pack includes Plantilla - Dado personalizable para chicos Plantilla - Dado personalizable para chicas Notes This resource is also available in English: All about me - Dice
All about me - Dice

All about me - Dice

All about me dice Contents: All about me Dice activity Back to school This resource includes: “All about me” Dice template **Notes: ** This resource is also available in Spanish: Todo sobre mí - Dado Personalizable
Halloween -  Pack of resources (Early years)

Halloween - Pack of resources (Early years)

Halloween - Pack of resources (Early years) Contents: Halloween Festivities around the world The World Understanding the world Counting Writing Flashcards This pack includes: Zip file including: Count, cut and paste (up to 5) My witches’ spell - worksheet Write-in cards Beginning sounds (fill-in) cards Flashcards (2 formats) Item Count - worksheet (up to 10) Memory game Bingo game Shadow matching game Sequencing puzzles (up to 10)
Opiniones - Key sentences and sentence starters in Spanish (Posters)

Opiniones - Key sentences and sentence starters in Spanish (Posters)

Opiniones - Key sentences in Spanish (Poster) Contents: Opinions in Spanish Key sentences with translations in English Dando tu opinión - Giving your opinion Mostrando acuerdo - Showing agreement Mostrando desacuerdo - Showing disagreement Pidiendo opiniones - Asking for opinions This resource includes: 1 PDF with flashcards (Key sentences with translations in English) Notes: If you like this resource, you might like Opiniones - Key sentences in Spanish (Flashcards) (Same key sentences but made them to work with them individually)
Opiniones - Key sentences and sentence starters in Spanish (Flashcards)

Opiniones - Key sentences and sentence starters in Spanish (Flashcards)

Opiniones - Key sentences in Spanish (Flashcards) Contents: Opinions in Spanish Key sentences with translations in English Dando tu opinión - Giving your opinion Mostrando acuerdo - Showing agreement Mostrando desacuerdo - Showing disagreement Pidiendo opiniones - Asking for opinions This resource includes: 1 PDF with flashcards (Key sentences with translations in English) Notes: If you like this resource, you might like: Opiniones - Key sentences in Spanish (Posters) (Same key sentences but to use as posters)
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Summer term)

Key words in Spanish - Reception (Summer term)

Key words in Spanish - Reception (Summer term) Contents: Flashcards Key words Spanish Reception Early Years My first Spanish lessons This pack includes: 1 PDF with key words in Spanish with colourful images and translations to English. The PDF is divided into different categories: Los animales (Oso/Pájaro/Rana/Gato/Caballo/Pato/Perro) Los colores (Rojo/Amarillo/Verde/Azul/Marrón/Morado/Blanco) Los números (Uno/Dos/Tres/Cuatro/Cinco/Seis/Siete/Ocho/Nueve/Diez) La granja (Granja/Vaca/Cerdo) El verano (Sol/Playa/Arena/Ola/Mar) Los animales de mar (Tiburón/Pez/Dolfín/Cangrejo/Pulpo) If you are interested in this resource, have a look to these: Key words in Spanish - Reception (Autumn Term) Key words in Spanish - Reception (Spring Term) BUNDLE (Get 25% off) - Key words in Spanish - Reception (Whole year)
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Spring term)

Key words in Spanish - Reception (Spring term)

Key words in Spanish - Reception (Spring term) Contents: Flashcards Key words Spanish Reception Early Years My first Spanish lessons This pack includes: 1 PDF with key words in Spanish with colourful images and translations to English. The pack includes key vocabulary for seasonal festivities (Halloween and Christmas) The PDF is divided into different categories: Los días de la semana (Lunes/Martes/Miércoles/Jueves/Viernes/Sábado/Domingo) La comida (Mazana/Pera/Ciruela/Fresa/Naranja/Queso/Pastel/Helado/Salchicha) La oruga glotona (Hoja/Oruga/Mariposa) Los números (Uno/Dos/Tres/Cuatro/Cinco/Seis/Siete) Los colores (Rojo/Amarillo/Verde/Azul/Naranja) Ensalada de frutas (Melón/Limón/Frambuesa) Pascua (Pascua/Conejo) If you are interested in this resource, have a look to these: Key words in Spanish - Reception (Autumn Term) Key words in Spanish - Reception (Summer term) BUNDLE (Get 25% off) - Key words in Spanish - Reception (Whole year) Notes: Key words in Spanish for Summer term coming soon
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Autumn term)

Key words in Spanish - Reception (Autumn term)

Key words in Spanish - Reception (Autumn) Contents: Flashcards Key words Spanish Reception Early Years My first Spanish lessons This pack includes: 1 PDF with key words in Spanish with colourful images and translations to English. The pack includes key vocabulary for seasonal festivities (Halloween and Christmas) The PDF is divided into different categories: Expresiones básicas (Hola/Adiós/¿Cómo te llamas?/Me llamo/Sí/No) Instrucciones (Levántate/Siéntate/Escucha/Silencio/Círculo) Halloween (Monstruo/Bruja/Vampiro/Fantasma/Truco o trato/Calabaza) Colores (Rojo/Azul/Verde/Amarillo) Emociones (Feliz/Triste/Enfadado/-a/Asustado/-a/Calmado/-a) Navidad (Navidad/Santa/Reno/Muñeco de nieve/Estrella/Árbol de navidad/Regalo) If you are interested in this resource, have a look to these: Key words in Spanish - Reception (Spring term) Key words in Spanish - Reception (Summer term) BUNDLE (Get 25% off) - Key words in Spanish - Reception (Whole year) Notes: Key words in Spanish for Summer term coming soon
Differentiated Number Writing Charts

Differentiated Number Writing Charts

Help your students master counting to 100 with these differentiated number writing worksheets. Students will work on counting, number identification and number writing as they fill in the missing numbers on the number charts. Contents: Individual work. Counting Number identification Number writing The resource includes: Differentiated number writing worksheets (3 levels of difficulty) **Notes: ** For each level of difficulty, there are charts to fill in up to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100. I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing. I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Dame 5 - Juego de vocabulario (10 temas)

Dame 5 - Juego de vocabulario (10 temas)

Dame 5 - Juego de vocabulario (10 temas) Contenidos: Juego Vocabulario La casa Las plantas La ropa Los países Las letras Los medios de transporte Los animales La comida Los deportes Los sentidos Este pack incluye: PDF (una página por tema) - 10 páginas en total Notas: Recurso disponible también en inglés. Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades. Gracias por considerar mi producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Colour by product - Christmas

Colour by product - Christmas

Colour by product - Christmas Contents: colour by product Christmas multiplications times tables maths ks2 worksheets This resource includes: PDF which contains 8 Christmas-themed (colour by product) sheets
Key words in Spanish - Giving directions (in the city)

Key words in Spanish - Giving directions (in the city)

Key words in Spanish - Giving directions (in the city) Contents: Key words Spanish Giving directions In the city This resource includes: PDF with flashcards containing key words and phrases for giving directions in the city in Spanish divided into 3 categories: Comandos (Gira a la izquierda / Gira a la derecha / Sigue recto) Lenguaje preposicional (delante de / Detrás de / Al lado de / Opuesto a / En frente de / Lejos / Afuera / Entre / Dentro / Debajo /Encima /Cerca / En la esquina) Sustantivos (Semáforo / Rotonda / Salida / Carretera )